webcasting2.university-of-healing.edu - /
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 6559972 01 Track 01.mp3
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 5559483 02 Track 02.mp3
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 97398 021204.wma
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 97398 021204a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 6046928 03 Track 03.mp3
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 7035401 04 Track 04.mp3
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 6394879 05 Track 05.mp3
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 4883434 06 Track 06.mp3
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 5579858 07 Track 07.mp3
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 6115891 08 Track 08.mp3
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 5895347 1 -- All is in divine order.mp3
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 5302263 1 I am peace I am ready.mp3
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 7872076 1 Lecture London.WMA
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 24625352 1 What do we want out of life.mp3
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 6399872 1 What do we want out of life.wma
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 13822652 1-2009 Lucern I am my personal brain doctor 1.WMA
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 4686283 1-a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 9255720 1-MOTEa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 5315524 1-ordinationia28.wma
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 14618584 1-Quelle 2009 Fall Bern 1.WMA
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 7653283 1-Revealing My Divine Self copy.mp3
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 7581676 1-seminar_brain_stem_cells_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 17006380 1-stem.cells.health.longivity.jamaica.WS_30031.WMA
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 1785628 1-tft.WMA
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 4926935 1. To love GOD is to feel good about god.mp3
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 6560448 1.AdvancePsychologyApplicationJamaciaSeminar.WS_30039.WMA
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 1489952 10 Lecture London.WMA
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 8218573 10 My Goal is Big, Getting Bigger.mp3
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 10098073 10-motea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 41541414 10-My divine self is open and receptive to my foundation of truth.mp3
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 11799438 11 I Am The Only Existing Master.mp3
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 11848648 11 Lecture London.wma
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 9162998 11-motea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 1291857 11tfta28.wma
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 9842135 12 -- Living Powerfully Now -- I live revealing every moment as I divinely see it.mp3
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 5987624 12 Lecture London.WMA
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 13390191 12 The Master Is Always THERE.mp3
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 9257333 12-motea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 33188 123est.wma.WMA
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 10572310 13 -- Living Powerfully Now -- I have only one pattern for my existence - My Ideal Self.mp3
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 16837518 13 My Only Purpose Is To Be Me.mp3
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 9447676 13-motea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 10689339 14 -- Living Powerfully Now - I have one joy in life--To be myself and have fun.mp3
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 10161456 14 I Establish Knowing Who I Am.mp3
12/7/2023 7:05 AM <dir> 14 SoM on Blog
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 11620691 14-motea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 3120098 15 -- Living Powerfully Now - I love the world, I smile at everyone.mp3
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 8483768 15 I Live To Be Myself and Have Fun.mp3
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 5768496 15 October 2014, UNI 39th Birthday.mp3
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 9090158 15-motea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 9926981 16 -- Living Powerfully Now - I love the world, I smile at everyone.mp3
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 9926981 16 -- Living Powerfully Now - Part 2, I love the world, I smile at everyone.mp3
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 697691 16-motea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 6813185 17 -- Living Powerfully Now - I know only myself.mp3
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 13803553 17 My First Thought Is My Life.mp3
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 9131571 17-motea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 8198720 18 -- Living Powerfully Now - I live powerfully Now-revealed and fulfilled.mp3
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 7718276 18 I Train My First Thought.mp3
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 40038433 18-To be wants no details just the goal copy.mp3
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 40038433 18-To be wants no details just the goal.mp3
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 5352418 19 -- Living Powerfully Now - I know myself, who and what I am.mp3
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 12783523 19 As Master I Live In Divine Order.mp3
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 9240801 19-motea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 6311295 1_euro_nig_med.wma
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 4699435 1a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:40 PM 771571 1aapa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 1927412 1acta28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 788127 1aiia28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 775293 1apa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 869326 1atfta28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 126 1B.WMA
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 7077985 1bahamasa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 126 1C.ASX
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 2668796 1C.WMA
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 977271 1dhwpowerofpeacea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 790641 1iia28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 874439 1tfta28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 4101958 1tougha28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 1019 2 - FTP Voyager.lnk
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 5298919 2 I found the teacher within I am ready.mp3
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 7309288 2 Lecture London.WMA
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 4245992 2-2009 Lucerne I am my personal brain doctor2.WMA
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 9294609 2-Do I Want to be my divine self copy.mp3
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 10033570 2-MOTEa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 11778396 2-Quelle 2009 Fall Bern I am master of my brain.WMA
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 8066809 2-seminar_brain_stem_cells_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 8376964 2-stem.cells.health.longivity.Jamaica.WS_30032.WMA
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 5066116 2. To love SELF is to feel good about self.mp3
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 8436408 2.Advance Psychology-application,JamaciaSeminar.WS_30040.WMA
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 5998165 20 -- Living Powerfully Now - I like me--It Is Done.mp3
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 4945326 20 I am infinite eternal ever lasting.mp3
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 9434436 20-motea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 4719265 2002a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 8534912 2005easter10a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 7003896 2005easter11a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 6858052 2005easter12a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 8238105 2005easter1a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 6221444 2005easter2a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 7985825 2005easter3a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 7659736 2005easter4a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 8479945 2005easter5a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 8214839 2005easter6a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 8286370 2005easter7a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 7607000 2005easter8a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 8133926 2005easter9a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 20471926 2005july-1of32a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 9199426 21-motea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 8942901 22-motea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 9350031 23-motea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 9687651 24-motea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 11031519 26-motea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 9379829 27-motea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 892502 2apa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 8305852 2bahamas8.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 8392227 2bahamass.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 881337 2ii1080aa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 1157656 2iia28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 351692 2ilivegoda28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 136 2ilivegods.asx
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 1144378 2tfta28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 5310622 3 I train myself to listen I am ready.mp3
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 7918396 3 Lecture London.WMA
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 9170057 3 The Ideal Me.mp3
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 12903200 3-2009 Lucern I am my own Brain Doctor 3 .WMA
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 9384810 3-MOTEa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 8749216 3-seminar_brain_stem_cells_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 4873855 3. To Love HUMANITY is to feel good about self.mp3
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 571272 3.stem.cells.health.longivity.Jamaica.WS_30030.WMA
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 2988619 30thanniv101705a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 4690362 30thanniv1017205a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 33257463 36-I confidently stand up and say I am god.mp3
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 9983406 365 Times a year the Christ child is born in me.mp3
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 34123056 38-Being my divine self and having fun.mp3
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 28148330 39-Revealing my divine self -- a synopsis.mp3
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 1232171 3apa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 4033827 3bahamass.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 7686656 3HOUR2NDHOURa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 551453 3hourmeditation_028.wmv
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 887130 3hourmeditation_056.wmv
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 2636629 3hourmeditation_100.wmv
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 1071444 3iia28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 2645644 3talksa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 1086347 3tfta28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 30963703 4 Daily Living My Divinity.mp3
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 5318981 4 I teach myself I am ready.mp3
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 5187832 4 Lecture London.WMA
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 10790236 4-2009 Lucerne I am my own brain doctor 5.WMA
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 9277191 4-motea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 8690168 4-seminar_brain_stem_cells_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 4829551 4. To love FAMILY is to feel good about family.mp3
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 4829551 4. To love FAMILY is to feel good about family.mp3
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 1167586 4apa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 1054886 4iia28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 1240492 4tfta28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 5303099 5 I like myself I am ready.mp3
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 9181388 5 Lecture London.WMA
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 9320265 5-MOTEa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:41 PM 5164063 5-seminar_brain_stem_cells_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 5348238 5. To love ALL is to feel good about all.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 1958807 584a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 2317552 5apa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 942482 5iia28.wma
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 1404547 5tfta28.wma
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 5310204 6 I like what I have found I am ready.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 8122976 6 Lecture London.WMA
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 17257358 6 My Magic Brings Results.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 10351330 6-MOTEa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 4064965 6-seminar_brain_stem_cells_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 4938220 6. To love CREATION is to feel good about creation.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 1295205 6.11.5iia28.wma
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 4874273 66--Days to build a new habit.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 2501507 6ap3250a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 19889665 7 A Master Meditates.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 5972184 7 Lecture London.WMA
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 35894785 7-As I begin again I leave the past behind copy.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 9930942 7-MOTEa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 5027664 7. To love UNCONDITIONALLY is to feel GOOD.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 21563592 8 - 9 More on Meditation (3hr) 2013-Jun-23_So_11;43;28.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 3598284 8 Lecture London.WMA
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 21563592 8 More on Meditation - 3hr.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 8982645 8-MOTEa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 1295205 8.11.5iia28.wma
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 1295205 8.11.5iis.a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 1457543 8.11.5tfta28.wma
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 1086623 8.13.5apa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 905738 8.13.5dhw28.wma
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 865978 8.13.5iia28.wma
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 269462 8.13.5tfta28.wma
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 1247080 8.17.5apa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 1295143 8.17.5iia28.wma
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 1368373 8.17.5tfta28.wma
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 564277 87.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 4014392 9 Lecture London.WMA
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 9257331 9-motea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 2579278 907iia28.wma
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 1383122 949aa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 1452464 949ba28.wma
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 2194834 950a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 24625352 _What do we want out of life.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 221686 _WHOLENESS.docx
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 9768366 A UNI of Wholeness.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 32801469 A blessing book, lest we forget our mental attitude.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 5381025 A boy called happy.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 4024979 A candle has as its purpose not to illuminate itself but its creation.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 529587 A chance, a voice.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 4055699 A Child Knows.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 6043722 A child's smile stabilizes the universe.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 4863406 A conscience void of offence toward god - toward men.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 4817848 A consciousness of god releases our true self.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 4964552 A consciousness of god releases the greatest power of all.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 5912065 A day in my life is a smile.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 12482802 A degree from any other university than the University of Healing.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 11576666 A degree from the University of Healing.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 5335699 A disciplined human is a master.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 4914815 A divinely inspired being is an angel(1).mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 4919830 A divinely inspired being is an angel.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 2544150 A dog's kiss.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 7214426 A Dumb Possession copy.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 7214426 A Dumb Possession.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 5113185 A fairy comes for dinner.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 5776855 A Focused Life Is Great.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 5230792 A fulfilled life is possible listening within.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 5781662 A genius is full of ideas.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 7445139 A gentle heart needs no excuse.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 4926099 A grain of sand.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 5050651 A great obstacle to happiness is to stop expecting it.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 5023066 A handy token--Lovingkindness.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 5138423 A happy attitude brings happy results.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 111198 A happy heart is a condition I create. An unhappy heart is a condition I let happen - Thought For Today.eml
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 111198 A happy heart is a condition I create. An unhappy heart is a condition I let happen - Thought For Today.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 5283873 A happy heart is a condition I create. An unhappy heart is a condition I let happen.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 4811997 A happy life consists of tranquility of mind.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 5149290 A hero is one who acts.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 5778318 A hero lives principal.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 5284499 A Hug Or Two.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 20523511 A hunch is creativity trying to tell you something.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 4968731 A joke is never. joke, but an indication of my vocabulary.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 6116447 A leader is a dealer in hope.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 4857972 A life lived in joy allows a long happy life.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 5364539 A lighted candle is a glorious distraction.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 14781732 A little confidence gives me power.MP3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 4861734 A Mantra and Chant is my rote lesson.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 4929652 A master always acts as a master.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 4868839 A master consciousness is general.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 5795455 A master guru eats one kernel of rice daily.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 5029335 A master is, a master is not disciplined. A human is disciplined. A disciplined human is a master.mp3
12/6/2023 12:42 PM 4829133 A master sees another master .mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 5359941 A Miracle is ordinary.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 5410096 A Moment in Bliss.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 6416124 A money tree needs the correct ferry--positive thoughts.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 1602538 A Monks most valuable role model--Ingeborg Puchert.MP3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 3764536 A Monks most valuable role model-Ellen Jermini.MP3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 3249506 A Monks most valuable role model-Monk Sylvia Enz.MP3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 4933205 A new beginning begins in thought.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 9130351 A new beginning.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 4618899 A new day is dawning.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 5263810 A New Year A New Me.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 4815967 A noble being is one who lives his philosophy.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 4852539 A noble person attracts noble people and knows how to hold on to them.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 4999242 A pain says to me--Change your thinking.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 7002521 A peaceful heart has a healthy body.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 4811579 A peaceful heart is the ultimate.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 4973747 A person who likes the self can never dislike another.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 4973747 A person who likes themself can never dislike another.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 5764108 A pigeon or a dove.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 4145402 A pill is a pill is a pill.MP3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 4916904 A practitioner has but one choice.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 4916904 A practitioner has buy one choice.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 4806145 A practitioner has ONE choice.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 4903321 A practitioner has only one choice.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 8057032 A prince does not have to be announced.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 4998824 A real being lives to his highest and best.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 11447099 A saint lives in each of us.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 9849659 A self determined being is a winner.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 6178514 A smile begets charisma.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 4041174 A song in my heart.MP3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 5596924 A tale once told - evidence of magic.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 8216274 A team is made up of ONE player.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 192294 A test 2.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 4840836 A thankful heart is never discouraged.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 4825789 A Thought Comes To Mind.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 4872183 A tiger, a bear, and two cages.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 5275513 A Tincture Of Love.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 5365793 A truly difficult lesson in life is to mind my pie business.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 6130240 A vision causes people to excell.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 5016797 A visit to the MD.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 5044800 A wealthy being is a happy being.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 360918 a welcome1.asf
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 2139795 a welcome2.asf
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 336170 a welcome3.asf
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 5771004 A well written and well spent life are rare.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 5912483 A winner knows what he can do.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 5394632 A winner only knows how to win.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 4583547 A WINNERa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 4876571 A wise being understands the way of the divine in his heart.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 2243507 A&S-1a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 2203068 A&S-Introa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 2483900 A&S1a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 3375948 a0p_your_unholiness.wma
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 102029 aaatest1a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 3577423 abca28.wma
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 12258148 About the course MY INNER JOURNEY.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 5768705 Absolute Philosopher via TFT.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 5436010 Absolute Philosopher--The ideal me now.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 5834743 Abundance is my thought.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 1215608 acceptancea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 5041456 Access reserves of creativity.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 4618278 ACHIEVEDa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 4917853 ACHIEVEMENTa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 12102459 Achieving My Ideal At The Moment.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 11820336 Achieving My Ideal In The LONG Run.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 11820336 Achieving My Ideal In The LONG Run_1.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 3180167 acleanhousegetscleanera28.wma
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 4859644 Act to elicit the best in others and what a giant you are.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 4935713 Act well at the moment, it is the only you have.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 2788048 acta28.wma
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 5379585 Acting on my first thought it is done.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 5099135 Action removes doubt.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 6101401 Actors Recreate Themselves Daily In Each New Role.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 360549 adayintowndrza28.wma
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 779812 adhwprincipleworksa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 2344370 AdmitYourMistakes-a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 15644400 Affirmations keep me living in the now.MP3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 5290142 Affirmations, a universal blessing.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 1190772 affirmationscleanourthinkingsystema28.wma
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 4585264 afounda28.wma
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 2513192 AfterTheMonastery,Whata28.wma
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 5450429 Age finds us true children.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 5190041 Age wants to live in the happy past, youth LIVES in the happy present.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 2636044 Age wants to love in the happy past, youth LIVES in the happy present.aiff
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 5190041 Age wants to love in the happy past, youth LIVES in the happy present.mp3
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 3003112 agea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 4636563 AGentleWordIsAStrongArgmenta28.wma
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 907264 AGentleWordIsAStrongArgments.asx
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 2440374 aginga28.wma
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 636418 alittlelovea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 4815728 All already exists.wma
12/6/2023 12:43 PM 4839164 All and I mean ALLis in divine order now.mp3
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 4812833 All animals except man know their principal business is to enjoy life.mp3
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 5307905 All are genius, intellect is invisible.mp3
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 15133444 All dimensions are real as I know my creation of parallel dimensions.MP3
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 2642370 All efforts to love myself pay off.mp3
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 5283455 All experience starts with my human attitude.mp3
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 5218671 All functions perfectly.mp3
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 5812173 All happiness is in the mind.mp3
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 5081162 All have many blessings, count them now.mp3
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 5117525 All intelligent thoughtS have already been thought, necessary is only to think them again.mp3
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 4963298 All is atainable with my living choice.mp3
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 4963298 All is attainable with my living choice.mp3
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 3107192 All is beautiful and good.MP3
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 7247708 All is done according to my belief and by my actions.MP3
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 5771840 All is happy that is content.mp3
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 5754495 All is in divine order and mean it.mp3
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 5331520 All is in divine order now and always.mp3
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 11842488 All is present.mp3
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 5874867 All is, good or bad, I make my choice.mp3
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 4854210 All live in the NOW.mp3
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 4975419 All live with the desire to be happy.mp3
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 4937384 All the world expects the best out of you.mp3
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 4807399 All the world is my reflection and I CHANGE IT MOMENTLY.mp3
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 7126237 All time is now--Campo NYC Sydney Tokyo Zurich Moscow Chicago.mp3
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 5395259 All want to live long but no one wants to grow old.mp3
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 4850449 All we know is being human - IS being divine more fun.mp3
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 4159939 allisa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 983419 allisindivineordera28.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 2301362 allisindivineordernowa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 2304710 Alloflifea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 2619164 alltasksa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 5053995 Alone - I am an island in the sea of god - I smile.mp3
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 4853375 Always I am the pure white light of love.mp3
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 5411977 Always listening, always heard.mp3
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 4893142 alwaysa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 3092520 alwaysgivinga28.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 6861668 Am I human or divine.mp3
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 5744046 Am I influenced by the thinking of the past.mp3
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 5298501 Am I lying to myself saying I am whole.mp3
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 2977896 am001m65.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 8774071 am001s28.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 27808442 am001s64.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 3108292 am002m65.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 8883333 am002s28.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 28195732 am002s64.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 3031942 am003m65.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 8939553 am003s28.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 28321766 am003s64.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 1455798 am004m65.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 4285689 am004s28.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 13602956 am004s64.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 3001406 am005m65.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 9002427 am005s28.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 28084592 am005s64.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 3127026 am006m65.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 9207699 am006s28.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 29231408 am006s64.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 1716096 am007m65.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 5056925 am007s28.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 16034582 am007s64.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 3056790 am008m65.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 8896519 am008s28.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 38651644 am008s64.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 2965240 am009m65.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 8727719 am009s28.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 27892486 am009s64.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 3026714 am010m65.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 8855152 am010s28.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 28126640 am010s64.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 3007550 am011m65.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 8850207 am011s28.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 28102644 am011s64.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 3111742 am012m65.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 9154715 am012s28.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 29108302 am012s64.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 3052882 am013m65.wma
12/6/2023 12:44 PM 9351660 am013s28.wma
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 28534920 am013s64.wma
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 2994486 am014m65.wma
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 7180571 Amanda in Star Trek - The Next Generation.mp3
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 12876480 Amazing Words.mp3
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 17581014 Amazing-a chip with 256GB Memory.MP3
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 2407240 AMeetinga28.wma
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 4724294 AMeetingIsAMeeting,IsAMeetinga28.wma
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 2301400 amirrora28.wma
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 1088221 AMirrorOrITa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 4868421 Amusement is happiness for those who cannot think.mp3
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 5266318 An affirmation is.mp3
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 12001313 An animal always knows what you want.mp3
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 7294256 An animal sleeps when it is not active.mp3
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 5913512 An appearance is an illusion I accept or reject by my choice.wma
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 4958700 An architect is worthy of owning and living in his finest work.mp3
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 5015125 An athlete gives his all and wins.mp3
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 5117943 An avatar one who lives the philosophy.mp3
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 4982326 An awareness of the universal god, releases an existing universal power.mp3
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 5105404 An Example.mp3
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 5035187 An Impossible Task.mp3
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 4940937 An optimistic though leads to success.mp3
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 1184243 andheata28.wma
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 3358883 anewprograma28.wma
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 7221949 Angels flutter in my heart.mp3
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 4426638 Angels I have heard on high.mp3
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 4849613 Anger dwells only in the bosom of fools.mp3
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 4846687 Anger is only one letter short of danger.mp3
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 1566819 anidea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 4798204 Anita and the cactus.mp3
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 2454707 Anita Murphy on guitars.mp3
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 258331 Anita wins.mp3
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 1905729 AnitaLopp821a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 139 AnitaLopp821s.asx
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 932659 anitashomea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 4114423 Answering peoples questions.mp3
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 5795873 Answering Questions To Other People.mp3
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 3204996 anticipationa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 1743392 Any Judgment IS Faulty.aiff
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 4568535 Any Judgment IS Faulty.mp3
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 9846315 Any light is never too bright.mp3
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 5405499 ANY PRESIDENT is being himself and having fun.mp3
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 5095373 Any reward of a thing well done is to have done it.mp3
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 5095373 Any reward of a thing well done is to have done it_1.mp3
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 2698572 anycosta28.wma
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 2160685 anythingispossiblea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 5230818 aordinationa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 944920 ap Letting Go Happiness.wma
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 841472 ap a dog is my pet.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 79360 ap a dog pet.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 1503848 ap A Focused Life Is Great.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 42831089 ap A Mind A Brain At Peace.mp3
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 6816076 ap a new broom sweeps clean.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 2585420 ap A Time To Use What I Know NOW.wma
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 2585420 ap A Time To Use What I Know.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 7425482 ap Affirmations Are Boring.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 812908 ap am i worthy of a scholarship.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 2351504 ap Are Some Thoughts Too Deep.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 8344094 ap are you ready to be fire and flame.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 1831176 ap are you the pit.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 1664424 ap are you worth the best.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 1727728 ap Arriving At Now.wma
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 1811876 ap asking questions is a normal human frailty.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 1391136 ap Backing Down Is Never An Option.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 1452896 ap bite the hand that feeds you.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 1097776 ap but mother he is not a naughty being in my world.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 1097776 ap but mother he is not a naughty boy in my world.wma.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 1721082 ap Campus Is Consciousness Of Peace and Harmony.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 1970136 ap can i afford to live in the past.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 1557888 ap can we alter our attitude.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 1870850 ap Caring About Little Things.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 674720 ap Cash in Hand Heals.wma
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 1653616 ap changing the format for a new life.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 1654388 ap Committed to being yourself.wma
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 1139464 ap cutting or polishing my fingernails.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 1701480 ap did you ever think of gratitude for yourself.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 2988404 ap do we have a brain.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 1614244 ap do you believe that emotions can change as quick as you can snap your finger .WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 1387276 ap does it really matter.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 1730816 ap Dogs Reflect Their Masters.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 1293092 ap Dwindling Power of Thought.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 2059688 AP Energy Massage Champion.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 1350220 ap Enjoy Life, This Is Not A Rehearsal.wma
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 1474512 ap every cell of my body has its ideal appointed task and does it now.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 1576416 ap everyone enjoys a compliment.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 848420 ap Everyone Knows My Philosophy.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 2187840 ap Everyone Loves Toys.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 1914552 ap Feeling sorry is not absolute.wma
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 1523920 ap following rules.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 4385724 ap for this was i prepared.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 1054544 ap Foster Positive Attitudes.wma
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 142 AP Gentle Attitude.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 2891132 ap giving food its due.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 144 ap go and speak out loud to yourself.wma
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 144 ap go and speak out loud to yurself.wma
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 144 ap go and speak outloud to yourself.wma
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 2146152 ap Good Times Are Now.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 2529064 ap have you ever had three wishes.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 1780996 ap have you ever thought why each moment is important.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 1941572 ap Heal the past, Live the present, Dream the NOW.wma
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 3623760 ap Healing Yourself.WMA
12/6/2023 12:45 PM 148 ap Here is a wakeup call.asx
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 3118100 ap Here is a wakeup call.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 857684 ap hi i just wanted to touche base.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 3140488 ap Home From A Sharing Tour.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 2029580 ap how can i be in the world but not of the world.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1888304 ap how long does it take to heal our bodies.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1273792 ap How Long Will I Live.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1443632 ap how much does love cost.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1765556 ap how to take a good picture.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1645896 ap i always maintain a perfectly healthy body and mind.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 2339152 ap i am absolute absolute i am.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1303128 ap I Am Born Pure; Spices Cloud My Expression.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1794892 ap i am focused on my goals.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1126340 ap i am god god i am.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 2631740 ap I am ideal spiritually illumined being.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1561748 ap I Am The Telephone.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1581820 ap i believe in myself.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1235964 ap i have a hole on my meditation path.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 2704308 ap I Like My World.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1227472 ap I Listen Within Now.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1225156 ap i love to share.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1001276 ap i philosophise on unconditional love.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 4087258 ap i remember when.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1433596 ap i saw you crying.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1175748 ap I Update My Pictures Every Moment.wma
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1440544 ap ideas are valuable only as i use them.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1958556 ap If I think eveil about others they will imagine evil about me.wma
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1958556 ap If I Think Evil About Others They Imagine Evil About Me.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 2221808 ap Imagination Is The Spark Of Life.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 877756 ap in talking about NOW.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 2198648 ap is there anything in the relative world that is worth fighting for.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1508480 ap it is a dream that we all have to do something special .WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1697620 AP It Is Always The Right Time To Begin Again.wma
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1591856 ap it is easy to be a master.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1968592 ap it is never too late.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 3823708 ap Jesus and Buddha were ingrates.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1631228 ap knowing that we are brilliant why do we pretend we are not.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1303900 ap let us get too busy saying i like me.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1249860 ap Life Is A squeaky Door.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1777136 ap live in the is.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 12504866 ap living in the now.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1714604 ap memory is meditation.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 2039616 ap Movement and meditation.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 905548 ap my god am i glad you called.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1898340 ap my ideal is my ideal.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 2282024 ap my most effective affirmations are done during my meditations.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 13384401 ap New Education mp3.mp3
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1185012 ap New Education wma.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 2255004 ap oh i have so much to do.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1892936 ap on being professional.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1311620 ap Parents Teach Values--Also How To Use Wealth.wma
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1551712 ap peanut butter will always tantalize.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1558660 ap people are liars and they do not want to be caught lying.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1527780 ap people used to laugh when i play.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1388820 ap Prepare To Enjoy Life.wma
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1152588 ap professional philosopher.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 2383928 ap reading the catalogue.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1219752 ap Reading the entire instruction manual.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1797980 ap the best way to give advice is not to give advice.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 4495530 ap the case of a rock and a rut.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 3329628 ap the common techinque works.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1314708 ap the difference between a genius and an ordinary being.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1639720 ap The Dogs Of In-Ke-Pa.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1493812 ap The Mystic Candle.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1686812 ap The Price Is Right.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1325516 ap the principle is fun.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1998700 ap the right way is the way that works.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1154904 ap they laughed at the smart car.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1841984 ap this is how it works.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1944660 ap this is my world.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1551712 ap Time Heals Everything.wma
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 2239564 ap toasting your toes.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 2128396 ap Touchable Emotions.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 2515168 ap training in order causes growth to cease .WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1848160 ap understanding a dogs nature.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1338640 ap understanding a girls nature.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 2742136 ap understanding the role i choose.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 159 ap understanding the role i choose2.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1785628 ap Unimportant Conversations-Or Are They.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 8455168 ap we are all getting surprises in life.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1412752 ap we deal with principle when we deal with absolute.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1176520 ap weapons of war.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 153 ap what do we do in our lifetime.wma
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 6038558 ap what do you get when you fall in love.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 765044 ap what does it take to go where you want to go.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1276880 ap what does my dog need.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 2479656 ap What Does The Apple Mean In Genisis.wma
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1740852 ap What I Think Of Me Is What I Am.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 7962840 ap what is the problem with most people.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 2063548 ap what is your sex.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1500760 ap when is the brain useless.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1747800 ap Where Do Stem Cells Come From.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 2624020 ap who and what is mother nature.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1606524 ap why does healing come so slow.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1571012 ap why glasses are called cheaters.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1990980 ap Why I Take Time For Aloneness.wma
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1913008 ap why is there a santa claus.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 7506536 ap witches and wizards and you.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 4164932 AP--You Think I Am Joking.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 7945099 AP-A-glimpse-in my-absolute-self.mp3
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1320884 ap-a-stem-cell-has-all-knowledge-what-will-i-draw-out-of-it.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 6140626 ap-Brain Power--Mind Power.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 1550168 AP-Children Are Instant Reflectors.wma.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 6178064 AP-emotions-can-change-quick.mp3
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 4462897 AP-Letting-Go.mp3
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 5505809 AP-Living-in-absolute-is-fun.mp3
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 839156 AP-Pills Are Exciting-If Only.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 938274 AP-Rev It Up.WMA
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 7073176 AP-Spiritual-Growth-be-fun-and-how-to-be-fun.mp3
12/6/2023 12:46 PM 3273771 AP-Wake-Up-Call.mp3
12/6/2023 12:47 PM 7643425 ap-we-live-and-teach-a-philosophy-of-positive-thinking.mp3
12/6/2023 12:47 PM 7826049 AP-What-is-the-absolute-monastery.mp3
12/6/2023 12:47 PM 1053772 ap.leave.gentle.fingerprints.on.the.soul.of.another.for.the.angels.to.read.wma
12/6/2023 12:47 PM 1327832 ap.testing.is.important.wma
12/6/2023 12:47 PM 2445183 ap1000a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:47 PM 2095590 ap1001a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:47 PM 2020909 ap1002a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:47 PM 2027611 ap1003a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:47 PM 2602518 ap1004a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:47 PM 2544521 ap1005a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:47 PM 4087238 ap1006a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:47 PM 2206533 ap1007a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:47 PM 2556248 ap1008a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:47 PM 1456036 ap1009a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:47 PM 2670395 ap100a28.wma
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12/6/2023 12:49 PM 132 ap975s.asx
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12/6/2023 12:49 PM 2847754 ap990a28.wma
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12/6/2023 12:49 PM 1819723 ap992NaughtyCellsAreIgnored.wma
12/6/2023 12:49 PM 1819723 ap992NaughtyCellsAreIgnoreds.asx
12/6/2023 12:49 PM 1819723 ap992NaughtyCellsAreIgnoreds.wma
12/6/2023 12:49 PM 1149347 ap993a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:49 PM 1621942 ap994a28.wma
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12/6/2023 12:49 PM 132 ap997s.asx
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12/6/2023 12:49 PM 3895130 ap_20arecalled_butonly19_are_chosen.WMA
12/6/2023 12:49 PM 1872641 ap_a_gentlemans_guide_to_dressing_well--wear_a_smile_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:49 PM 1378099 ap_a_loving_word_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:49 PM 1223612 ap_a_practitioner_is_always_on_duty.wma
12/6/2023 12:49 PM 1717963 ap_a_prisoner_awakens_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:49 PM 2007723 ap_a_short_time_in_hell_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:49 PM 1262135 ap_a_singng_bird_is_fearless_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:49 PM 622224 ap_a_snowflake,_what_a_glorious_evidence_of_the_magic_of_the_universe.wma
12/6/2023 12:49 PM 1320884 ap_a_stem_cell_has_all_knowledge.wma
12/6/2023 12:49 PM 3776616 ap_a_third_of_a_portion.WMA
12/6/2023 12:49 PM 2121235 ap_absolute_ideas_are_concepts_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:49 PM 985474 ap_absolute_philosopher_in_the_now_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1727635 ap_absolute_thought_thinking_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 115200 ap_absoluteness_leaves_little_to_compare_itself_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1463023 ap_absoluteness_leaves_little_to_compare_of_itself_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 0 ap_absoluteness_only_leaves_little_to_compare_itself_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1696831 ap_act_your_age_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1226700 ap_adaptors_to_the_universal_current-energy.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 3497152 ap_age_old_question.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 3088293 ap_an_entire_movie_on_a_1_gigabyte_flash_disk_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1967657 ap_ancient_causes_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 2580016 ap_another_secret.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1694031 ap_are-you-an_absolute_viewer_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1926132 ap_are_you_ready_to_live_today.WMA
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 2030352 ap_are_you_ready_to_step_from_the_relative_to_the_absolute.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 2012726 ap_arial_photography_reveals_archeology_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 2703536 ap_articulation_is_important.WMA
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1647035 ap_austere_illumination_of_an_absolute_philosopher_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 2334381 ap_be_involved_in_living_and_live_eternally_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1744712 ap_being_redeemed.WMA
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1848160 ap_being_well.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 2643457 ap_believe_in_yourself_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1314708 ap_believe_it_or_not_minister.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1564064 ap_bent_out_of_shape.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 6563908 ap_big_dreams_in_the_pickle_jar.WMA
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 621416 ap_bless_everyday_wiith_a_generous_act.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1168028 ap_bless_everyday_with_a_generous_act.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1878369 ap_bless_those_who_despitefully_use_you_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1617886 ap_can_i_afford_to_be_an_absolute_philosopher_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 6915142 ap_can_you_afford_to_be_a_comic.WMA
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 3671867 ap_choices_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1689161 ap_christ_is_risen_in_campo_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1415577 ap_cleaning_your_fingernails_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1419230 ap_consider_nothingness_and_smile.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1866819 ap_consistency_pays_off_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1866688 ap_cosmos_beigins_in_micro_cosmos_essence.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1476053 ap_dancing_my_way_to_heaven_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 9067576 ap_dean of the university of philosophy.WMA
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1283828 ap_demostanes_had_a_lisp.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 11313318 ap_Did_great_philosophers_have_friends.MP3
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 14511730 ap_Do_not_Empower_Appearances.MP3
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1306988 ap_do_you_have_a_hummingbird_at_your_house.WMA
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 4852768 ap_does_balance_prevail.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1585535 ap_dogs_cats_and_love_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1729272 ap_dont_dump_the_evil.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 3981968 ap_energy_massage.WMA
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 3122732 ap_energy_massage_illuminated.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 2548071 ap_every_philosopher_spends_time_in_introspection_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 2673943 ap_every_philosopher_spends_time_in_meditation_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 2927554 ap_every_philosopher_spends_time_in_the_now_concept_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 2367716 ap_everyone_can_do_the_impossible.WMA
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1058404 ap_everyone_loves_us_when_we_love_ourselves.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1466020 ap_everything_falls_into_place.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1349448 ap_everywhere_i_look.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1838124 ap_excellence_begins_and_ends_in_my_view_of_myself.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1091600 ap_faith_is_the_ability_to_not_panic.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 2683979 ap_flelxible_consistency_of_an_absolute_philosopher_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1732360 ap_foundations.WMA
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1361875 ap_from_a_child's_point_of_view_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1453668 ap_funny_moments.WMA
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 2668796 AP_Gentle_ Attitude.WMA
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 2668796 AP_Gentle_Attitude.WMA
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1643169 ap_going_down_which_button_do_i_press_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1920728 ap_going_to_a_funeral.WMA
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1554839 ap_hand_me_downs--learn_to_say_no_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1705493 ap_happiness_is_a_creation_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 13999542 ap_Happiness_is_the_greatest_choice_I_can_,make.MP3
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 880165 ap_happiness_is_wholeness_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 2180809 ap_having_a_good_vocabulary_is_a_lot_of_fun_plus_integrity_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 2566312 ap_having_kids_does_not_make_one_a_parent_as_having_a_piano_does_not_make_one_a_pianist_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1678320 ap_having_selfconfidence_is_a_rare_thing.WMA
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 2072414 ap_healing_power_of_ho'oponopono_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1523085 ap_history_is_a_spiral_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1589070 ap_hold_your_own_hand.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 22528 ap_How Long Should a Toothpick Last.WMA
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 3702504 AP_how_can_you_know_a_stem_cell.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 2973736 ap_how_do_i_create_magic_in_my_life.WMA
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 2029081 ap_how_do_we_share_our_happiness_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1646030 ap_how_important_is_harmony_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 2630196 ap_how_many_are_true_to_ourselves.WMA
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 2562260 ap_how_many_times_have_we_looked_at_the_sun.WMA
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1164168 ap_how_much_space_does_energy_take.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 2016456 ap_how_stem_cells_use_atoms.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 2012596 ap_i_a _recommending_we_dont_get_wealthy.WMA
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1262984 ap_i_am_a_genius_to_myself.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 2060681 ap_i_am_a_marionette_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1691322 ap_i_am_always_afirst_with_a_happy_thought_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 2030961 ap_i_am_divine_order_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 2890195 ap_i_am_gentle_with_my_divinity_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 2333401 ap_i_am_happiest_when_i_am_giving_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1433596 ap_i_am_ideal_spirit_mind_and_body.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 15701149 ap_I_am_made_for_happiness.mp3
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1427420 ap_i_am_peace_as_i_listen_to_the_sound_of_silence.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1747805 ap_i_am_ready_for_absolute_thinking_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1652844 ap_i_am_the_bird_dog_for_my_activities.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1462932 ap_i_am_the_creator_of_my_world.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 2048880 ap_i_am_very_bigoted.WMA
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1301889 ap_i_believe_in_myself_.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1296918 ap_i_believe_in_myself_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1517861 ap_i_belong_to_a_mutual_admiration_society_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1673937 ap_i_can_be_myself_for_30_minutes_a_day--sets_up_a_new_program_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 2509830 ap_i_gotta_be_me_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 2335292 ap_i_know_exactly_what_to_do.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 3716286 ap_i_know_that_i_know_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 2604423 ap_i_like_perceptive_people_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1732360 ap_i_like_to_talk_about_foundations.WMA
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1581918 ap_i_listen,_do_you_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 2665708 ap_i_live_in_my_ideal_brain_body_eyes_ears.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1802521 ap_i_only_know_how_to_teach_myself_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 2035847 ap_i_receive_according_to_how_i_give,_i_give_abundantly_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 2186845 ap_i_remember_aged_people_have_the_same_delight_as_a_child_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1565387 ap_I_surround_my_web_with_my_pure_white_light_of_love_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:50 PM 1457528 ap_i_think_it_is_deep_when_i_do_not_take_responsibility.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1100092 ap_i_travel_in_paradise.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1409664 ap_ideal_of_university_of_philosophy.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1801605 ap_in_discussions_with_loved_ones_i_deal_only_in_the_now_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1405032 ap_intangibility.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 591344 ap_intriguing_absolute.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1313164 ap_is there a theology in allness and oneness and truth.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 2116044 ap_isnt it wonderful to have a grandfather who knows the facts of life.WMA
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 5063329 ap_it_is_easer_to_be_human_than_absolute_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 3159364 ap_it_is_tough_to_work_on_death.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1915860 ap_it_seems_magic_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 8184988 ap_its_mental_stability.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1298496 ap_keeping_friends.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1611928 ap_king_arthur_was_a_wonderful_guy.WMA
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 2308461 ap_lean_thinking_of_an_absolute_philospher_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 2086687 ap_lets_think_of_something_really_deep_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1166484 ap_letting_go.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1892936 ap_life_is_exciting.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 949552 ap_life_is_wonderful.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 2097215 ap_listening_with_half_an_ear_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1728639 ap_little_troubles_sometimes_break_good_relationships_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1564836 ap_live_in_absolute.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1557135 ap_living_by_thought_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1541676 ap_living_in_absolute_i_am_king.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1438228 ap_living_in_absolute_is_fun.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 2001318 ap_living_in_infinity.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 2510055 ap_living_in_my_pure_white_light_of_love_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 3561228 ap_living_in_the_now--or_out_of_it.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1178064 ap_looking_through_eternity.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 6617944 ap_love_as_attachment.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1539455 ap_make_me_proud_of_me_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 3064963 ap_man_does_not_live_by_bread_alone,_he_likes_cake_too_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 11218537 ap_Manipulation.mp3
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1440575 ap_margin_for_success_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 2653356 ap_master_thinks_about.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 136 ap_mental_stablity.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1615265 ap_momently_i_think_new_thoughts_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 4456504 ap_monks talk about absolute.WMA
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1868697 ap_more_on_unconditional_love_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1282284 ap_my philosophy of life.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 2605492 ap_my_attitude_sets_me_free.WMA
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1623508 ap_my_bed_is_my_cradle_of_hapy_dreams_and_happy_thoughts.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1290855 ap_my_body_is_healthy_when_i_like_myself_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1290855 ap_my_body_is_healthy_when_i_like_myself_a28.wmm.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 2144608 ap_my_favorite_teacher.WMA
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 3100154 ap_my_greatest_professors_were_unlimited_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 3051465 ap_my_magic_of_being_alive_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 3973337 ap_my_name_is_wild_coyote_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 2710367 ap_my_positive_word_is_my_magic_wand_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1711383 ap_my_success_is_measured_by_how_many_people_are_happy_i_am_alive_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 8084848 AP_My_Toothpick.WMA
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 2304593 ap_naked_absolute_philosopher_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1959891 ap_naps_sharpen_the_brain_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 3416249 ap_never_too_late_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1394761 ap_Nigeria_bed_of_diamonds_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 2421725 ap_no-one_knows_the_answer_except_me_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1263758 ap_nobody_has_any_idea_about_anything_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 2228109 ap_not_volume_but_quality_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1891015 ap_nothing_gives_one_person_so_much_advantage_over_another_as_to_remain_always_cool_and_unruffled_under_all_circumstances_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1424332 ap_now_i_listen_to_me.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 3331858 ap_old_wives_tales_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1598484 ap_one_age_for_all_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 10942684 ap_Only_I_can_bring_me_peace_of_mind.mp3
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 2036090 ap_our_divinity_outshines_any_research_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1912236 ap_our_eyes_deceive_us.WMA
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1373311 ap_our_nose_job_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 2326157 ap_our_world_is_available_for_us_to_enjoy_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1568267 ap_passion_pampers_the_mind_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1029068 ap_peace_is_exciting.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1879522 ap_perfection_and_me_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1721046 ap_pin_cushions_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1653247 ap_point_of_the_pyramid_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1526993 ap_positive_thinking_is_enough_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1223612 ap_practitioner_is_always_on_duty.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1981971 ap_principle_of_abundance_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1552865 ap_quality_of_life_is_our_making_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 2306823 ap_respect_for_me_shows_in_my_respect_for_others_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1648700 ap_revealing_of_an_absolute_philosopher_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1357168 ap_role.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1126667 ap_rubbing_my_magic_lantern_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1668284 ap_schools_all_over_the_world_have_graduations.WMA
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1725717 ap_seeing_it_done_and_it_is_done_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1547165 ap_silence_is_often_the_right_answer_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 165 ap_silence_is_often_the_right_answer_s.asx
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1593400 ap_silk_purse_from_a_sows_ear.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1827551 ap_sinewy_thoughts_of_an_absolute_philosopher_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1519259 ap_special_phrases_in_talking_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 3812900 ap_stem_cell_now.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1680637 ap_stem_cells_await_to_be_programed--relationships_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1687499 ap_stem_cells_wait_to_be_programed--relationships_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1991663 ap_stress_is_the_spice_of_life_in_moderation_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 2060833 ap_strong-men-believe-in_cause_and_effect_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 3038584 ap_successfulandcurious_people.WMA
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 12009536 ap_TAT Thoughts Are Things.WMA
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 12009536 AP_TAT_Thoughts_are_things.WMA
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 2151953 ap_the_absolute_is_pure_magic_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 3891644 ap_the_absolute_quality_of_life.WMA
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 2591596 ap_the_best_place_to_meet_your_wife_is_in_church.WMA
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 974256 ap_the_difference_between_truth_and_fiction.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1591297 ap_the_end_of_the_road_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1099826 ap_the_fish_pond_leaks_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1960872 ap_the_flute_and_the_stone.WMA
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 3976705 ap_the_greatest_philosophers_alive_ are_the_little_children_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 2110640 ap_the_habit_of_inner_sight.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 2407293 ap_the_inner_teacher_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1746869 ap_the_magic_of_remote_control_--_wireless_living_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1273020 ap_the_most_important_things_in your_home_are_the_people.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1553883 ap_the_only_true_education_is_to_listen_to_the_divine_within_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 8722346 ap_the_perfect_being.WMA
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 1281841 ap_the_power_of_the_unspoken_word_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:51 PM 4444396 ap_the_pyramids+today.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1357168 ap_the_role_of_a_teacher.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1678657 ap_the_soul_of_an_angel_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 3729464 ap_the_spiritual_path_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 2093601 ap_the_university-of_philosophy_is_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1981570 ap_the_watering_can_of_the_absolute_philosopher_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1729868 ap_the_wonder_of_life_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 784344 ap_thinking_in_concepts.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 3146491 ap_Thinking_inner_peace.mp3
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 3305616 ap_thoughts_are_things_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 2001788 ap_time_does_not_actually_exist.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1639279 ap_time_for_an_aggressive_peace_program_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1832273 ap_time_to_give_blessings_away_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 7205780 ap_titles_miss_monaco_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1541383 ap_to_be_absolute_is_neat_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 154 ap_to_be_absolute_is_neat_s.asx
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1913304 ap_to_live_it_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 2065635 ap_tough_awareness_of_an_absolute_philosopher_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 11238022 ap_values_in_raising_a_family.WMA
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 2340145 ap_We_are_born_happy_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1281213 ap_we_are_one_family_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 12825684 ap_We_Are_Perfect.MP3
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 13591590 ap_we_can_practice_the_absolute_philosophy_in_one_word.WMA
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1274564 ap_we_die_because_we_are_supposed_to_die.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1996384 ap_we_live_and_teach_aphilosophy_of_positive_thinking.WMA
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 2513154 ap_well_water_and_my_body.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 2190156 ap_wethinkanythingispossible.WMA
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 7728684 ap_what is in the name.WMA
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 4658939 ap_what_do_we_want_out_life_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1692988 ap_what_does_allness_mean_to_me.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 4712312 ap_What_does_an_Absolute_Philosopher_think_about.MP3
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1772737 ap_what_does_it_matter_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1734343 ap_what_does_time_matter_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1897553 ap_what_is_a_spiritual_retreat_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1327832 ap_what_is_god--you_are_god.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 2047305 ap_what_is_MY_philosophy_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1743168 ap_what_is_my_position_in_the_scheme_of_things.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 2044248 ap_what_is_the_absolute_monastery.WMA
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 3731015 ap_what_is_the_spiritual_path_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 2593173 ap_what_is_the_university_of_philosophy_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1548624 ap_what_is_truth_for_you_or_me.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 2433336 ap_what_is_your_value.WMA
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1758379 ap_what_kind_of_a_mirror_are_we_looking_with_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 2091489 ap_what_makes_and_absolute_philosopher_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1560976 ap_what_makes_pizza_taste_so_good.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 2102192 ap_what_makes_talking_interesting_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 2373723 ap_what_makes_the_world_go_around_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1669828 ap_what_makes_you_happy.WMA
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1194893 ap_what_serious_topic_should_the_absolute_philosopher_think_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1900656 ap_what_wakes_you_up.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 3721032 AP_what_who_is_god.WMA
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 2853205 ap_Whatever_thoughts_you_have_in_your_mind_you_reveal_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 2519135 ap_When_a_master_goofs.mp3
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 3375948 ap_when_does_life_begin_to_make_sense.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 12751030 ap_when_does_the_beginning_begin.WMA
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 2222057 ap_when_i_learn_to_like_me_i_like_everyone_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1255264 ap_when_in_doubt,_dont_do_it.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 2202508 ap_when_is_everything_done_right_in_our_life.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1247544 ap_where_did_you_learn_how_to_spell.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 4768712 ap_where_i_am_going.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1486864 ap_where_is_the_start.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1697902 ap_where_to_next_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 3152273 ap_wherein_does_my_genius_lie_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1574025 ap_whispering_is_exciting_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1512571 ap_whistling_in_the_dark_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1588991 ap_who_enrolls_in_the_UP_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1757836 ap_who_is_right_in_a_discussion_who_really_cares.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1404260 ap_whose_opinion_is_right.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 3896276 ap_why_are_we_here_why_do_we_die.WMA
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1174204 ap_why_do_we_ignore_fruit_growing_on_a_dead_tree.WMA
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 2854076 ap_why_going_to_school_is_so_difficult.WMA
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1818875 ap_why_i_take_a_daily_relaxation_pill_loving_myself_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 2695410 ap_why_i_whistle_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1474512 ap_why_is_it_that_dogs_make_us_so_happy.WMA
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1121708 ap_why_is_it_we_do_not_hear_of_tragedies_in_the_lives_of_great_people_WS_30050.WMA
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1562503 ap_why_is_magic_exciting_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1664424 ap_why_is_truth_unstable.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 2024948 ap_why_isit_so_difficult_to_tell_the_truth.WMA
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1594474 ap_why_we_hate_the_IS.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 2097159 ap_why_we_want_tiny_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1192732 ap_wisdom-or-expediency.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1882128 ap_wisdom_applies_to_reality.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1882128 ap_wisdom_applies_to_the_relative.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 0 ap_wisdom_guides_our_footsteps.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1945559 ap_world's_greatest_button_pusher_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1730541 ap_worry_and_action_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1009768 ap_yesterday.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1716233 ap_you_are_the_totality_right_now_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 4846764 ap_you_ask_the_questons,_the_stem_cells_are_the_answer.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 12645960 ap_you_have_what_you_have.WMA
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1217789 apa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 2249111 apabsoluteblissa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1161145 apachilda28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1766897 apalla28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 2069347 apambitionlubricatesa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1174160 apanamericana28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 806907 apanewlifea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1175827 apanimallovea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1110543 apattentiona28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1330127 apdescribingallnessa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1032521 apdiagnosispositivea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1084361 apdreamsofrealitya28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1471245 apendchristmasdaya28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1098745 apendlessa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1276371 apendlessoceanwave2a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1301327 apendlessoceanwavea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 895227 apeternitya28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1400207 apflashesofattentiona28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1557641 apfreeofthehumana28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1323286 apgivingupa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 138 apgivingups.asx
12/6/2023 12:52 PM 1098749 aphappinessa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 3036648 apherba28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 1258105 aphonestya28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 870281 aphowtosaygoodbyea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 1079575 apiamtheglowofpeacea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 1428019 apicarea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 1262217 apisnessa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 851059 aplifea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 1353159 aplifeamysterya28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 1528762 aplookingforgod28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 1488507 apmylabela28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 1263877 apmymagicselfa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 1111249 apnosubjecttoodeepa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 1419377 aponea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 2083711 apourclothinga28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 6271092 Apparent chance is principle functioning.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 4954103 Appearances are deceiving.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 7975948 Appearances are our limitations.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 4631610 appearancesa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 3819011 appearancesandrulesa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 7975948 Appearences are our limitations.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 1588421 appeoplewanttreatmenttoaffirmtheirrealitya28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 1289799 appeoplewecreatea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 1193913 appoliticiansa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 2290123 apprincipledoesworka28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 1015227 appushovera28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 1263887 apreceivingpresentsa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 986735 aprighttocreateeffectivelya28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 1796665 aproutinea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 1556923 apstreaminga28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 1557619 aptacta28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 1085321 apthereisnopowera28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 1076693 apthetimeischristmasa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 1092035 aptimelessnessa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 1236983 apvaluesa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 5395677 Architecture is frozen music.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 4806981 Are all your eggs in one basket.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 5467775 Are some thoughts bigger than others.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 4913561 Are there dimensions of life beyond this one and before this one.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 1881356 are we our outer appearance.WMA
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 7982008 Are you a healer.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 5383138 Are you blessed having an autistic child in your home.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 2445319 areyoureadya28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 1835337 arguefora28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 3287728 armya28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 10076401 Arnoldi blessing.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 10076401 Arnoldi blessing_1.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 2690337 arounda28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 4873855 Arriving at a goal is the starting point of another.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 2279871 arta28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 505661 artofmeditation_028.wmv
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 799969 artofmeditation_056.wmv
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 2423687 artofmeditation_100.wmv
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 5804232 As a lover I am a balancer.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 4858390 As a master I think success at all times.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 5412186 As a master of my thoughts I think success at all times.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 4822655 As a winner I know it is done.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 6749655 As a winner I know what I CAN do.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 4805309 As an IDEA I am ETERNAL.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 5828473 As animals like me I am doing something right.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 4667801 As I affirm my dream I watch it unfold.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 4885975 as I am so I see things.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 9742816 As I aspire to the highest place it is no disgrace to stop at second or third place--Cicero.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 5078655 As I believe in myself I am super effective.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 5138005 As I choose to see love, it is all about me.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 4949923 As I determine life's values and live them I live in bliss.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 4961208 As I give my all to my dream, my dream gives its all to me.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 4809907 As I know my existence I know truth.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 6725832 As I like me nothing else matters.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 7422570 As I like myself I like all creation.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 7501564 As I listen to the sound of silence, I am peace.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 5283455 As I listen within my outward life is fulfilled.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 5972669 As I live my purity I honor it.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 27984908 As I return to my original purity and bliss I see all in its original purity and integrity.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 5046890 As I see peace about me, I am peAce.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 2794508 As I Think I Am.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 4866331 As is my choice so is my visualization.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 4893917 As master of my thought I think success at all times.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 5218253 As my divine self I am harmonious.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 2656999 As my integrity is so is my action.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 3365858 As my integrity is so is my action_1.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 5031007 As you grow a money tree fertilizer counts.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 4815409 asana28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 2546362 aseconda28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 4722651 aseedsa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 3238106 asgoodasmyworda28.wma
12/7/2023 7:05 AM <dir> aspnet_client
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 474254 astrida28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 6791033 At peace with myself.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 7323513 Athletics is self taught.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 4346892 atimetolivea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 2797840 atthebeginninga28.wma
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 18251838 Attitude is the key to selfawareness.MP3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 588101 Attitudes are variable.mp3
12/6/2023 12:53 PM 1612976 attractivenessa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 2594355 attractivesmilea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 571706 Audio Recording.mov
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 440383 autobio_028.wmv
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 705205 autobio_056.wmv
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 2090501 autobio_100.wmv
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 2632368 avoidresponsibilitya28.wma
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 8780937 Await.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 4888483 Awaken to a bright new day with words of joy.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 6245597 Aware I am divine I live in bliss.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 4871556 Aware of who I am.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 2910478 awaycontrola28.wma
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 7213172 Background music is soothing.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 981660 Balance comes from within.aiff
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 5328176 Balance comes from within.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 5810501 Balance in all things.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 5045268 BALANCERa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 135 BALANCERs.txt
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 8809358 Bald eagles fierce, friendly when fed.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 3334154 banquetingodsvineyarda28.wma
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 14158472 Basel Intro.WMA
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 4733382 BB-Forgive-them-they-know-not-what-they-do.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 1685633 bc_feeding_the_crowd_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 5235807 Be always sure you are right then go ahead.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 4777515 Be as active as you can be.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 5608627 Be gentle with yourself.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 4931533 Be strong with your emotions.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 5685531 Be the general of your personal army.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 4911262 Be worthy of emulation, be a role model.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 6426991 Be your own leader.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 1621161 beautifuldaya28.wma
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 5315637 Beauty is a mystery.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 4645440 Beauty unadorned.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 4646453 BeBettera28.wma
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 5008019 Become as a little child to enter the divine within.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 4893917 Before I go to sleep each night.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 5957623 Before I go to sleep I talk to my body.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 5119615 Before I speak or act, I think - How would I as god respond.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 7476068 Before it happens my IDEAS reveal my world.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 5310204 Before they were I am. I am eternal.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 15706 Before we sleep pleae select your dream.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 15706 Before we sleep select your dream.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 9687228 Before you sleep select your dream.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 14098632 Beginning a new year.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 2549590 beginswitha28.wma
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 5115017 Being a dog whisperer.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 35097737 Being a master my attitude never changes.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 15759339 Being a people whisperer is fun-1.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 7879399 Being a people whisperer is fun.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 5971415 Being a practitioner is working on me first.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 5304561 Being a whisperer is fun.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 6002762 Being an ideal role model.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 5431830 Being confident makes me successful at all times.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 4833939 Being grateful for being.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 4700819 Being happy when you are sad.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 4810325 Being ideal all the time.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 3846096 Being In Control of my Divinity.wma
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 5439353 Being ME, Myself, Means being my personal best.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 4886811 Being me.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 34140193 Being my divine self and having fun is who and what I am.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 5341551 Being my noble self.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 13993670 Being myself and having fun means I look for the bright side of life and I find it.MP3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 945542 Being myself and having fun..amr
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 4729569 Being myself and having fun..mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 4806145 Being myself means being my personal best. Being myself does not mean being obnoxious.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 8366739 Being one pointed solutions stand forth.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 5780408 Being Peace.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 4884721 Being the absolute.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 3963748 Being the president.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 1702182 beinganurse2a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 3554181 beinginchargea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 978969 Beingmyselfa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 1897478 beingonea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 5371644 Believe In My Belief.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 5328594 Believe in the magician in you.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 4805309 Believe it my markings are always ideal.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 4926935 Believe it, my markings are ideal.mp3
12/6/2023 12:54 PM 1038609 believechoicea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 2109426 believeornota28.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 4738209 Believing in myself.mp3
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 5323370 Believing, anything is possible.mp3
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 4608494 benefa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 26434279 BENEFIT of saying I like me.mp3
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 5131317 Benefit of using the NET or the Internet.mp3
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1909185 benefit1a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 3633635 benefita28.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 2069678 benefitofaffirmationsa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1642664 besta28.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1933022 betruetoyourselfa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 5213237 Bible Stories--Turn the other cheek.mp3
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 2587675 birdsofafeathera28.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 5908722 Birthday Celebration.mp3
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 5795873 Birthdays are looking forward.mp3
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 3691526 birthdaysa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 2263267 BlendingIdeasa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 16646302 Bless this house.mp3
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1960490 blinddatea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 5409825 Bobby the bubble Gazowski.mp3
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 2375837 bondinga28.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 4394947 borna28.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 7589335 Brain connection out of order.mp3
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 4624962 brainatta28.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 7236996 Brains have 100 billion neurons.mp3
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 7085277 Breathing well promotes miracles.mp3
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 975270 breathingisonepointeda28.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1295 Broadcast.lnk
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 49105221 Brooklyn NY New Life Center of Truth-stem cells.mp3
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1014400 bs affirmation of.WMA
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1336324 bs affirmations Of Me.WMA
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 143 bs Being spiritually whole.asx
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 901990 bs Being spiritually whole.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1346360 bs Bread and Water.WMA
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 550428 bs cast your net on the other side.WMA
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1242912 bs Did Jesus Want Worship.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1728500 bs Dining With Jesus.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1273020 bs do i owe communication.WMA
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1087740 bs Do It Quickly.WMA
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1246000 bs Do Your Gift and Be Amazed.WMA
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1174976 bs Drying Fish At Home.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1627368 bs Every Good Thought Is An Angel.WMA
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 2009508 bs Happiness Is Not Getting What You Want, Happiness is Delighting In What We Have.WMA
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 818312 bs hey jesus come out and play.WMA
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1285372 bs I Have No Friends.WMA
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 155 bs Jesus Had No Time For Gossip.asx
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 926392 bs Jesus Had No Time For Gossip.WMA
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1134832 bs Jesus Had Such Hangups With His Disciples.WMA
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1059176 bs jesus in the synagog with 12.WMA
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1086968 bs Jesus is handsome.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1384490 bs Jesus Knows The Truth In All Things With Friends.WMA
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1288460 bs Jesus Names His Followers.WMA
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1443632 bs jesus tells his brothers they can do miracles - they call it magic.WMA
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 11588849 bs Jesus Walks And Talks.mp3
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 997416 bs jesus was as ordinary as the next boy.WMA
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 3687064 bs Jesus Was Born.WMA
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1292320 bs jesus was not always woriking.WMA
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1084652 bs keep it simple keep it simple keep it simple.WMA
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1630456 bs listening to my music.WMA
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1820368 bs Little Children Love Jesus.WMA
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1337096 bs Live Each Day In The Present and Make It Beautiful.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1257580 bs mary and martha.WMA
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1309304 bs mental balance results in physical balance.WMA
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1601120 bs On Being AWARE of the first book of Genesis.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 2397824 bs Paul Is Searching.WMA
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 3131996 bs Purpose of Diamonds Not Known.WMA
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1162926 bs radiant baby jesus.WMA
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1930764 bs Religious development today and the Bible.WMA
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1238280 bs simple making my bed with love.WMA
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 2167768 bs the brain is where the mind lives.WMA
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 741112 bs The Christ in me talks.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1456286 bs the essenes listened within.WMA
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1315480 bs The Food Jesus Ate.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1611156 bs We Are Equal With You.WMA
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 2253460 bs Where Do Our Bodies Come From.WMA
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1269160 bs Where does my body come from.WMA
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1329376 BS-Breakfast At Jesus House.WMA
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1261170 bs-the_clerics_habit_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1909229 bs1a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 829120 bs_an_evening_with_jesus.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 2153872 bs_are_you_following_the_directions.WMA
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1282284 bs_ask_and_it_already_exists.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 2201634 bs_ask_and_it_already_exists_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1426389 bs_babel_tongues_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 2412241 bs_Be_careful_who_your_Jesus_is.mp3
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 2457172 bs_be_god_as_the_lilies_of_the_field.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1222653 bs_be_thou_clean_Luke_5-_12-14_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 809774 bs_bible_stories_can_be_a_lot_of_fun_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 2170327 bs_bible_teachings_liv e_forever_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1325516 bs_breakfast_at_jesus_house.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1916868 bs_christianity_beyond_the_letter.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1452426 bs_Cursing_The_Fig_Tree.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1085399 bs_cutting_off_the_priest's_servant's_ear_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1003592 bs_death_is_a_fantastic_experience.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1155676 bs_did_people_really_live_so_long_in_bible_times.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1224686 bs_do_you_believe_you_can_be_healed.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1209716 bs_excellence_is_a_point_of_view-mine_is_clear_for_myself.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 4870780 bs_forced_religion_against_his_will_is_still_forced_religion.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1240898 bs_forgive_them_they_know_not_what_they_do.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 760877 bs_gift_of_the_magi_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 835296 bs_god_want_spiritual_fruit.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 835296 bs_god_wants_spiritual_fruit.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1078476 bs_goliath_is_our_imagination.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1551957 bs_healing_tell_no_one_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 897828 bs_i_am_spiritually_whole.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1141008 bs_i_am_the_way.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1016716 bs_i_follow_my_rules_and_i_am_happy.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 5219012 bs_i_listen_to_my_divine_innerself_and_am_always_directed_well.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 1830404 bs_i_live_a_dynamic_life.wma
12/6/2023 12:55 PM 3255516 bs_illustrations_make_the_bible_interesting.WMA
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 7248364 bs_is_wrong_right_because_it_is_in_the_bible.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1365190 bs_jesus_admired_childrens_sincerety.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1789181 bs_jesus_and_dying_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 147 bs_jesus_and_dying_s.asx
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1513414 bs_jesus_and_his_elders.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1684009 bs_jesus_and_his_family_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 807985 bs_jesus_and_the_nobleman's_son,_believe_and_he_lives_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1359484 bs_jesus_as_a_child_was_a_loner.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1624582 bs_jesus_chose_fisherman.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1247180 bs_jesus_freak_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1505392 bs_jesus_in_jail.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1613435 bs_jesus_loves_the_little_childlen_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1281814 bs_jesus_paid_taxes.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 803104 bs_jesus_people_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1019334 bs_jesus_taught_now.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1570209 bs_jesus_the_pure_being_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 876212 bs_jesus_was_a_cool_man.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 942316 bs_jesus_was_a_jewish_rabbi_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 886248 bs_Jesus_was_master_of_many_flocks--all_people.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 523710 bs_laying_on_of_hands.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1497974 bs_listening_to_my_bible.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1580739 bs_little_children_come_unto_me_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1227453 bs_my_inner_bible_tells_me_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1406576 bs_my_meditation_is_my_reflection.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1213576 bs_naughty_jesus_age_12.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1498444 bs_no_reading,_no_writing,_ memorizing sharing,_creatively_new.WMA
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 10538517 bs_Peace_comes_through_being.mp3
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 717180 bs_peter_and_the_moment_of_illumination.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 10730684 bs_phantasy_and_the_bible.WMA
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 3273716 bs_private_talks_with_jesus.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 14524270 bs_Shake_Off_The_Dust.MP3
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1475284 bs_should_i_keep_or_throw_out_the_bible.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1919486 bs_stephen_loves_jesus.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1154904 bs_take_only_one_pair_of_shoes.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1616255 bs_talking_to_little_children_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1182305 bs_tell_no_one_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1810161 bs_the_Christ_is_born_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1050684 bs_the_might_and power_of_all_the_worlds_conquerors_is_not_as_great_as_that_of_the_worlds_great_thinkers.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 2170167 bs_the_stones_have_ears_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1599923 bs_the_story_of_the_tree_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 4044298 bs_the_world's_finest_bible_lies_unpublished_within_each_one_of_us_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 649244 bs_there_is_only_one_answer.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1586485 bs_understanding_jesus_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 2120206 bs_unsophisticated_clothing.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1422238 bs_walking_the_path_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1261440 bs_washing_the_feet.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1086968 bs_wearing_shoes.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1949594 bs_what_is_the_father_within.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1672144 bs_where_did_the_bible_go_wrong.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1566345 bs_where_does_the_bible_come_from_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 689388 bs_why_Jesus_called_god_father_WS_30053.WMA
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 9905134 bs_will_jesus_return.WMA
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 796703 bs_young_man,_i_say_unto_thee_arise_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 914407 bsblindmana28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1291719 bsdanielandthelionsdena28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1272507 bshealingaservanta28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 853939 bsnoahlisteneda28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 979695 bsyearegodsa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 12485309 Built to self resurrect.mp3
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1147795 buyingandsellinga28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 14336 buyingorsellinga28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 4989211 By 2023 a single computer's processing power will equal that of the entire human race.mp3
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 4957446 By living in the now you are living in heaven.mp3
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 10871569 By my words I live my life.mp3
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 6791451 By thinking about it all the time.mp3
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 9180924 C'mon, Get Happy.mp3
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 4967895 Call forth divine order.mp3
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 5220761 Calling to touch bases.mp3
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 5220761 Calling to touch bases_the real reason hidden.mp3
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 3830620 callwaitinga28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 6051588 campowizardschoola28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 144 campowizardschools.asx
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 23887236 Campus family talk.mp3
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 23887236 Campus family talk_1.mp3
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 3261786 Campus Visiters.mp3
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 2296493 campusnewsa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 8226723 Can I afford to keep a pet.mp3
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 5425352 Can I afford to think limiting thoughts.mp3
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 4815340 Can I believe in myself.mp3
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 5018886 Can I change my attitude -- Wholeness.mp3
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 9044251 CAN I Live In the NOW.mp3
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 4982106 CAN I put a new cause in motion.mp3
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 4918158 Can I understand.mp3
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 5367464 Can we ever return.mp3
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 6265868 Can we mind our own business.mp3
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 5664006 Can You Sneak Preview.mp3
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 4752447 cancerisathoughta28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1154423 candle1a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1190841 candle2a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 4727151 Candles glow at mealtime.mp3
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 5168934 Cants and techniques limit my way.mp3
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1094885 canweafforda28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 12153032 Capturing the angel within.mp3
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 4591874 carea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 4976255 Careful walking.mp3
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 3170785 caringforourpetsa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1718758 casualllysaida28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 3046092 catonthetapesa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 7305541 Cats detect health smelling another's ears.mp3
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 7103249 Cats teach freedom by how they live.mp3
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 4658080 causefolla28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 4848385 CelebrationOfLifea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 2647281 challengesbarometera28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 4937593 Change is life's excitement.mp3
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 4882632 Change your thought and you change your world.mp3
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 47104 CHANGEa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 133 CHANGEs.asx
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 5346148 Changing directions.mp3
12/6/2023 12:56 PM 1934766 Chapter 3 What is an ascended master.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 11903000 Charity looks at the needs, not the cause.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 11903000 Charity looks at the needs, not the-iphonepod.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 4761215 Charity looks at the needs, not the.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 4762401 checkbooka28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 5955742 Children Are Instant Reflectors.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 7252042 Children develop skills pretending.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 5818442 Children know by playing-- computer Genii PLAY and REVEAL magic.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 3934876 Children know it all.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 9906083 Children trust and believe, so can I.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 2797852 CHILDRENa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 1612904 childrenbeholda28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 4805407 ChildrenReflectTheirParentsGoodness-a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 2930318 childsquestiona28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 4946997 Choose your illusions.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 7287569 Choosing one affirmation - I Like Me.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 6122717 Choosing reading habits carefully.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 8313032 Christ Child in Each Family.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 1682180 christ is born in me.WMA
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 1583783 christandchristmasa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 4600079 CHRISTCHILDa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 138 CHRISTCHILDs.asx
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 7366981 Christian values of unconditional love made AMERICA what it is today.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 7414280 Christmas 2009 Seminar Lecture 8.WMA
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 7254968 Christmas in the Monastery.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 5008855 Christmas is time for introspection.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 15290806 Christmas Season--a time of rejoicing.MP3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 5475298 Christmas--Peace on Earth, Good will to all men, forgiving the past, living in the NOW.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 211071 christmasdaya28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 2792889 christmasgettinga28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 1252120 Christmasrevelationtimea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 2226919 christmasseminara28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 5046472 Chrostmas 2014.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 5962220 Churches worldwide seek out the Worldwide Healing Ministry.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 7073280 ciao.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 5801097 Civilization is always in danger when those who have never learned to obey are given the right to command.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 3545162 Claim it now.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 2326137 classa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 2089550 classya28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 6770553 Cleaning Our Closet.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 10024366 Clear Myself NOW.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 4745717 CLEARDREAMa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 6725832 Climbing takes us over steep steps to the stars.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 4935295 Clipping small branches.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 4894747 clobea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 1905785 CloseMyEyesa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 1920654 coina28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 2782983 comparea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 5201744 Comparisons are inconsistent.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 1818178 compassa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 1612938 completeda28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 15485784 Compliment five people every day with words of respect and honor.MP3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 5275357 Complimenta28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 9415817 Compliments given reveal my real nature.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 5057339 Concentrating on the bad I will never see the good.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 4863824 Conducive to good health.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 5022021 Confidence is an act of faith.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 4963716 Confidence is contagious.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 741665 confusiona28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 6347579 Connecting as god.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 2372549 Consciousnessofwhata28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 4850031 Contentment.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 6831099 ControlllingYourWorlda28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 1476108 CounselingOurselvesa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 4931533 Counting my blessings I list how magical I am.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 4931533 Counting my blessings I list how magical I Sam.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 4876362 Counting my blessings is minding my own business.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 10286008 Courses of the UNI and their purposes.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 4596853 courtesya28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 2199791 createyournowa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 5895765 Creating IDEAL weather for me.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 17698932 Creating The Nest.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 2288106 creatingbeautya28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 4857972 Creatively Thinking.mp3
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 1919097 creatora28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 2269947 credentialsa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 2150803 croniesa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 9156568 cs10a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 5987237 cs11a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 9218919 cs16a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 8836148 cs17a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 8895780 cs18a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 8893411 cs1a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 9136708 cs2a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 8896717 cs3a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 9197941 cs4a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:57 PM 6124626 cs5a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 8484636 cs6a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 7935389 cs7a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 7332916 cs8a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 9479295 cs9a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 4735785 CSTUDENTa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 135 cstudents.asx
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 5306442 Curiosity fulfills its own purpose.mp3
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 5090357 Curiosity has its own reason for being.mp3
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 5371226 Curiosity has its own reason for existing.mp3
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 1629422 CuriosityOrHappyTimesa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 1149442 CutACake-a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 10479941 Daily I introduce myself to my world.mp3
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 15851290 Daily I list--Why I Like Me.MP3
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 8086289 Daily I tell my children I am proud of them.mp3
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 53880832 Daily I transform my life by carefully asking questions of myself.aiff
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 4887229 Daily I transform my life by carefully asking questions of myself.mp3
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 6911406 Dance the dance of life.mp3
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 4431201 Danciing with god.mp3
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 4808653 Dare to claim the truth about you.mp3
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 2835903 dawna28.wma
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 7097397 Dealing with generalities is the death of prayer.mp3
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 1733787 dearlya28.wma
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 8234246 Death is a great escape.mp3
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 15289815 Death looks interesting.mp3
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 7302395 Death-the-doorway-to-life.mp3
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 2326197 death2a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 2324536 deatha28.wma
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 2160663 deathblessingsa28.wma
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 2521481 deathdoorwaya28.wma
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 5306024 Decide what you think is right and stick to it.mp3
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 7230308 Decision determines destiny.mp3
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 5694308 Decisions - I strengthen my inner self by standing firm in my convictions.mp3
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 4879915 Dedication.mp3
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 5388780 Define Values.mp3
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 5252944 Defining Stem Cells as Energy.mp3
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 7174929 Deflating Pressure.mp3
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 4872601 Degree of love.mp3
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 9657552 Delight in who you are and call it divine.mp3
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 14847615 Delightful appreciation.mp3
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 3491333 depta28.wma
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 3284356 Designers design in safety.mp3
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 7390387 Detecting a Genius.mp3
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 4919203 Determination.mp3
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 4575426 DeterminationIsTheOnlyDifferenceBetweenThePossibleAndTheImpossiblea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 3041173 determinea28.wma
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 363891 dez3506a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 413012 dhp_i_am_a_wonderful_person.wma
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 1061492 dhw Happiness is my attitude.wma
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 1679393 DHW -- I invest my capital wisely.mp3
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 875440 dhw A Magic Wand.wma
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 146 dhw A smile is a healing balm.asx
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 853052 dhw Acupuncture, acupressure are Healing Thoughts.wma
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 890108 dhw are you an intellectual being.WMA
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 1056088 dhw Are You Untouchable.WMA
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 1040648 dhw believe it or not you are a wonderful person.WMA
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 1122480 dhw Believe That Life Is Worth Living.wma
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 843016 dhw birthdays are special.WMA
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 802872 dhw Does Treatment Really Work.wma
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 1867734 dhw Every time I listen to my heart I hear the perfect responose.MP3
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 1069984 dhw everyone wants health.WMA
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 985064 dhw everything is possible.WMA
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 704056 dhw Everywhere I look I see me.wma
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 545024 dhw good day good morning i love you.WMA
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 609402 dhw Having A Better Life.WMA
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 753464 dhw healing is a wonderful thing.WMA
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 488668 dhw healing words.WMA
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 1046824 dhw how silly can we be.WMA
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 1046824 dhw how silly can we be.wma.WMA
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 724128 dhw how strong are you.WMA
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 1222068 dhw How To See Better.WMA
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 559692 dhw i am in charge of my life.WMA
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 782028 dhw I am ready to live life to its fullest.wma
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 665456 dhw i am the happiest man in the universe.WMA
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 552744 dhw I am the life of the party.wma
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 436944 dhw I Am Wonderful.wma
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 507196 dhw i choose to look at the bright cheerful side of life.WMA
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 683212 dhw i create my health.WMA
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 867720 dhw I do not give up.wma
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 1009768 dhw i have a dream.WMA
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 775852 dhw I Let Go And Let My Heart Soar.WMA
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 760412 dhw I like me i like me i like me.WMA
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 623768 dhw i like me i like me.WMA
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 604468 dhw I like me.wma
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 843788 dhw I like to put a cause in motion of I like me.wma
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 614504 dhw I live in a body that is delightful.wma
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 766588 dhw I Live In A Perfect Body.wma
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 562008 dhw i live in a world filled with magic.WMA
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 956500 dhw I love my body.wma
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 797468 dhw i love you i love you.WMA
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 748060 dhw I Set My Goal.WMA
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 756552 dhw I Wish I Had Known Sooner.WMA
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 1046052 dhw it is time to wake up and have a wonderful day.WMA
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 770448 dhw it is time to wake up.WMA
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 746818 dhw It Takes Consistency.WMA
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 912496 dhw Life is a wonderful thing with a wonderful attitude.WMA
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 643840 dhw life is a wonderful wonderful experience.WMA
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 762728 dhw life is filled with wonderful adventures.WMA
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 595204 dhw live in happiness.WMA
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 748832 dhw Medical Solutions Everywhere.wma
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 1049912 dhw my business life is what i do everyday.WMA
12/6/2023 12:58 PM 724128 dhw My Eyes Reveal The Real Me.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 2156282 dhw My greatest teacher is in me.MP3
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 1218980 dhw My smile is a healing balm.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 477088 dhw One Little Phrase.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 838384 dhw Our Mind Operates Our Body.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 762728 dhw Peaceful Thinking Heals The Body.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 812136 dhw Quiet like a church mouse.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 837612 dhw Reaching within for help.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 3826084 dhw rescuing hug.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 475544 dhw rote affirmations.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 1018260 dhw See Yourself A Child Again Without Care.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 757324 dhw Stop I Changed My Thinking.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 1013628 dhw This Is A Wonderful World.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 727216 dhw time is prescious.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 759640 dhw Tinctures Function.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 1101636 dhw To Believe-To Know.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 671632 dhw Unconditional Love Resolves All.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 976572 dhw Universal Pill Available To All Of Us.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 553516 dhw we are more consistent than we believe we are.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 790822 dhw we have the opportunity to see the world throught rose colored glasses.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 1039876 dhw We Wonder Why Our Children Are A Reflection of Our Family.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 1118620 dhw What Is Healing All About.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 2502202 dhw When Is Enough Enough.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 570500 dhw Who Am I.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 877756 dhw Wholeness Is An Experience We Like To Have More And More.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 702512 dhw Wholeness Is My Vision.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 959588 dhw You And I Are Beautiful Beings.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 959588 dhw You and I are wonderful beings whether we know it or not.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 668544 dhw You and I make up our world by our thought.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 763500 dhw You are a beautiful person and you know it.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 707144 dhw You Are A Remarkable Person.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 951096 dhw you are a wonderful person.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 494844 dhw You Are Perfect And You Do Not Know It .WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 413784 dhw You Are Perfect.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 794380 dhw You Are The Most Beautiful Person In The World.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 188 dhw You Are The Most Glorious Beautiful Person On The Face Of The Earth.asx
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 463192 dhw You Are The Most Glorious Beautiful Person On The Face Of The Earth.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 716408 dhw you are the most important person in the world.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 673176 dhw You are the most important person.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 571272 dhw you are the only one that can make your sun shine.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 467824 dhw You can do it yourself.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 751920 dhw you deserve the very very best.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 479404 dhw You live your life according to the pattern of thought you have in your mind.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 479404 dhw You llive your live according to the pattern of thought you have in your mind.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 2056392 DHW--The garnish I like.mp3
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 575904 dhw-i-like-me-most-important.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 667772 dhw.Believe.you.are.wonderful.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 681970 dhw.i-am-the-light.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 727082 dhw101805a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 630694 dhw10205a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 980099 dhw1a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 980095 dhw2a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 909054 dhw8.13.05a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 1384621 dhw82805a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 1083047 dhw92105a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 738449 dhw92705a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 1096353 dhw9505a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 1191188 dhw_a_candle_is_our_focal_point.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 900119 dhw_A_happy_heart_is_a_healthy_heart_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 658185 dhw_a_practitioners_support_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 2331432 dhw_all_is_in_divine-order.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 1486566 dhw_Appreciate_it_before_you_die.mp3
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 1065352 dhw_areyoutheidealperson.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 1238023 dhw_asking_outside_for_help_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 775080 dhw_calling_for_help_i_should_know_my_number.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 660824 dhw_can_you_hold_your_breath_for_one_minute.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 927936 dhw_charging_your_spiritual_battery.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 9246606 dhw_Children_Think_Fathers_Are_God-1.mp3
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 9246606 dhw_Children_Think_Fathers_Are_God.mp3
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 727216 dhw_compassion_brings_it_to_you.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 1096199 dhw_daydreams_work_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 3072582 dhw_each_one_of_us_live_in_a_world_ofgoodness.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 940423 dhw_get_a_smile_on_your_face_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 714864 dhw_go_within.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 2504182 dhw_Good_thoughts_work.mp3
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 779131 dhw_happy_new_year_2007_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 146 dhw_happy_thoughts_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 860000 dhw_have_you_wanted_to_be_whole_and_perfect.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 919444 dhw_healing_floods_me_when_i_open_my_heart_to_me.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 1421653 dhw_healing_follows_the_release_of_the_clutter_in_our_life_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 632273 dhw_healing_is_simple_but_definite_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 1105525 dhw_healing_surprise_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 716710 dhw_healing_thoughts.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 554288 dhw_healing_within_for_without.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 585940 dhw_holding,_touching yourself.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 629172 dhw_How_I_think_about_myself.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 874668 dhw_how_important_am_i.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 661596 dhw_how_long_can_you_hold_a_happy_thought.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 1169799 dhw_I_affirm_my_health_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 1254343 dhw_i_am_master_of_my_health_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 1046987 dhw_i_am_my_own_practitioner_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 661873 dhw_i_am_purity_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 676429 dhw_i_am_so_happy_i_could_sing_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 815651 dhw_i_am_vital,_dynamic,_alive--pure_energy_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 782019 dhw_i_am_whole_and_perfect_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 1255239 dhw_i_am_whole_and_perfect_now_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 4863468 dhw_I_am_wonderful_I_am_Fantastic.mp3
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 787851 dhw_i_can_never_say_enough_how_much_i_love_me_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 799784 dhw_i_cannot_whisper_too_loud.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 346620 dhw_i_claim_my_good.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 1028496 dhw_i_feel_so_alone_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 893355 dhw_i_like_me_1_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 5377283 dhw_i_like_me_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 902001 dhw_i_like_me_now_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 699994 dhw_i_like_me_to_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 617592 dhw_i_like_me_totally.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 757324 dhw_i_like_my_world.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 550428 dhw_i_like_to_be_whole_and_perfect.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 704828 dhw_i_live_in_solutions.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 1452175 dhw_i_look_in_the_mirrror_and_i_like_me_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 3168646 dhw_i_start_healthy_thinking.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 1270104 dhw_I_think_a_good_body.MP3
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 522636 dhw_I_think_proper_thoughts.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 678580 dhw_i_use_my_minutes_powerfuly-wisely.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 623607 dhw_important_dreaming_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 540392 dhw_increasing_positive_power_in_me.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 868449 dhw_it_all_comes_back_to_mental_attitude_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 1051775 dhw_it_is_never_too_late_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 904139 dhw_keep_a_record_of_your_positive_thinking,_it_works_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 670927 dhw_listen_to_your_heart_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 1010540 dhw_little_things_exite_me.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 825399 dhw_mentally_claiming_wholeness_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 629944 dhw_my.thoughts.bring.about.results.WS_30043.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 864632 dhw_my_dog_knows_i_have_nothing_better_to_do.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 547340 dhw_my_employment_is_assured.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 622224 dhw_my_flashlight.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 705600 dhw_my_outer_world_is_my_inner_thought.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 1203461 dhw_my_persistency_pays_off_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 973484 dhw_my_voice_is_heard_and_i_make_it_pay_off.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 650487 dhw_my_word_is_power_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 859783 dhw_my_word_will_tell_it_all_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 1269160 dhw_nagging_thoughts_badthoughts.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 893968 dhw_observations_are_my_choice.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 691704 dhw_ourthoughtsare_one_of_themostpowerfulthings.WMA
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 1023947 dhw_persistence_brings_results_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 1148745 dhw_pills_the_doctor_and_me_a28.wma
12/6/2023 12:59 PM 1323200 dhw_plants_grow_properly.WMA
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 808949 dhw_prayer_to_change_things_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 1544564 dhw_proclaim_the_truth_about_yourself.WMA
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 814452 dhw_repetition_is_a_magic_word.WMA
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 1204437 dhw_the_mind_is_a_wonderful_and_powerful_thing_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 907864 dhw_the_value_of_peace_of_mind.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 555832 dhw_This_is_a_glorious_world.WMA
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 572135 dhw_thoughtful_words_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 851411 dhw_thoughts_of_guilt_kill_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 569837 dhw_to_experience_health_i_forget_the_past_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 814735 dhw_to_love_is_to_go_on_teaching_forever_without_becoming_weary_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 1285953 dhw_washing_my_feet_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 1826356 dhw_We_all_have_desires_in_our_life.MP3
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 511828 dhw_we_are_fantastic_beings.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 1005908 dhw_what_brings_that_into_my_life.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 490212 dhw_what_does_it_mean_to_have_perfect_thoughts_about_yourself.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 823251 dhw_what_is_our_expectation_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 879300 dhw_what_kind_of_neighbor_am_i.WMA
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 751920 dhw_what_others_criticize_in_me_i_cultivate_in_me.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 648774 dhw_when_i_sneeze_rex_checks_on_me.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 610644 dhw_whisper_in_your_own_ear_i_like_me.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 668544 dhw_who_is_the_boss.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 855255 dhw_wholeness_begins_within_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 991484 dhw_Wholeness_is_just_a_thought_away.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 855368 dhw_why_are_pickles_pickles.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 389852 dhw_you_are_a_wonderful_person_because_i_said_so.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 626386 dhw_you_are_on_your_own.WMA
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 973484 dhw_you_are_the_most_wonderful_person_in_the_world.WMA
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 5113500 dhw_You_are_wonderful.MP3
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 472456 dhw_you_are_wonderful.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 982793 dhw_you_are_wonderful_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 668544 dhw_your_treatment_works.WMA
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 668544 dhw_yourtreatmentworks.WMA
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 965336 dhwalldreamscometruea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 1068074 dhwallisindivineordera28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 528519 dhwanexcitinglifea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 1233828 dhwcanibeconsistenttotheenda28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 836639 dhwdeatha28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 927227 dhwdreamsaredifficulttocometruea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 1096911 dhwgettoknow28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 948778 dhwhealinga28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 948089 dhwhealingfollowshumilitya28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 1013437 dhwhealinglaughtera28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 1401129 dhwhealthisconsistencya28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 1028679 dhwhealthisourrealitynowa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 1099891 dhwhomea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 639873 dhwhowniceofyoua28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 637005 dhwimpossible-possiblea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 1106221 dhwindependentlywealthya28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 1328233 dhwjuly4a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 1079675 dhwmasterprayertechniquea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 953785 dhwmentorsa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 1470735 dhwmymindmindsmea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 762761 dhwnothingincurablea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 779812 dhwprincipleworksa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 1243715 dhwrainandhealinga28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 1200650 dhwruna28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 758233 dhwsmileiamlookinga28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 1301141 dhwtellingmyselfa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 1117824 dhwthoughtawaya28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 740014 dhwtimeforhealinga28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 1086621 dhwvathama28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 1286794 dhwwholea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 1192359 dhwxxxa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 2911954 Dial Healing Words In Practice.mp3
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 1574485 Dial Healing Words TOTALLY on line on our HomePage.mp3
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 8936154 Dial Healing Words--Then Applying Them.MP3
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 1015411 DialHealingWords5a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 896749 DialHealingWords6a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 3956016 Dialing Guidance.mp3
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 5715206 Dialing Healing Words is a feedback attic.mp3
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 5715206 Dialing Healing Words is a feedback tatic.mp3
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 968860 Did YOU ever feel you are getting older.MP3
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 5782498 Did you have a bad beginning.mp3
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 53342 dieta28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 5286589 Diligence.mp3
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 4886468 Dimensionsa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 4985659 Discipline.mp3
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 2420516 DisciplineIsForWeaklings-a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 3210051 discovera28.wma
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 12918940 Discussion-2-London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 17285568 Discussion_10_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 19126574 Discussion_10_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 17160024 Discussion_11_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 20960684 Discussion_13_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 16307388 Discussion_14_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 13769540 Discussion_15_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 17371930 Discussion_16_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 25765856 Discussion_17_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 12287926 Discussion_18_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 17033696 Discussion_19_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 21334026 Discussion_1_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 16784802 Discussion_2_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 19245850 Discussion_2_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 17191372 Discussion_3_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 10388616 Discussion_3_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 25205216 Discussion_4_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 1:00 PM 1103026 Discussion_4_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 20270738 Discussion_5_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 10916028 Discussion_6_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 23585206 Discussion_6_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 32730206 Discussion_7_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 19455874 Discussion_8_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 16961284 Discussion_8_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 14054326 Discussion_9_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 2306303 discusssa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 1470524 diveinbutbeuntoucheda28.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 4845642 Divine is--humans make it so.mp3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 4838328 Divine order eternally.mp3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 5355344 Divine thinkers are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.mp3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 12095771 Divinity Stands On Self Dicipline.mp3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 6793123 Do all in a perfect physical body.mp3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 6360535 Do I really want to know.mp3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 5401319 Do I want change or reality.mp3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 9294609 Do I Want to be my divine self.mp3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 7119131 Do not take yourself so seriously, no one else does.mp3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 4807817 Do not WISH to be anything but what you are.mp3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 6280287 Do we have to be a genius all at once.mp3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 5030171 Do well whatever you do.mp3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 5215745 Doctors of the future, as does the metaphysician of today, WILL GIVE NO PHYSICAL MEDICINE, but will interest their patients in the care of the mental frame including prevention of illness.mp3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 6811513 Does it make sense.mp3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 3143773 doesitmattera28.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 4844388 Dogs and People we train alike.mp3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 5224940 Dogs heal, dogs are uncomplicated.mp3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 5390034 Doing my best allows no excuses.mp3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 3574121 doitmyselfa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 2533012 doityourselfa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 1430840 doiwanttoliveortodiea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 4623315 Don'tMumbleThank-Yousa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 4638230 Don'tWaitForDestiny,CreateYourOwna28.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 4729323 donea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 3651874 donerighta28.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 2241840 donotinterrupta28.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 3818296 Dont Fight Just Do It.MP3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 4623315 DontMumbleThank-Yousa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 4783770 DOORa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 1200632 dosomethingimportanta28.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 5930037 Doubt says NO.mp3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 5033097 Doubt whom you will, but never doubt yourself.mp3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 2688674 doubt1a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 2408927 downloadinglovea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 5614896 Dreaming Yesterday, Living Now.mp3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 6238909 Dreamless sleep allows genius to be revealed.mp3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 4188068 DreamLifea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 1883324 dreamyourmagicaldreama28.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 247883 drz3106a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 354223 drz3506a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 450743 DS-4000 Sample 1.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 5602304 DS401668.DSS
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 1672636 DuluthRadioInterviewa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 16759778 Dusting Ingeborg Pucherts Ashes and Sharing.mp3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 5048979 Dwelling in my inner most peace I find my divinity.mp3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 7234488 Dying Is An Option.mp3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 5136124 Each cell of my body knows it's perfect task.mp3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 5369345 Each moment now is of infinite value.mp3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 7926628 Each point in the universe is ONE point.mp3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 7392059 Each winner knows what he can do.mp3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 9122821 eas041a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 8978652 eas042a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 9152649 eas043a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 9543985 eas044a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 5859402 Easter Morning.mp3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 3337228 Eat a good breakfast--call it good.mp3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 4987539 Ebube is a genius and the nine-year-old knows it.mp3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 1752064 Ebube_Graduation_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 6555304 Education at any point.mp3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 5287634 Effect or cause -- which is most important.mp3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 5439771 Effective meditation.mp3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 7206276 Einstein said, God is clever but not dishonest.mp3
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 1359627 ej10a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 1256987 ej11a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 1326515 ej12a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 3059280 ej14a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 1659180 ej16a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 1414224 ej17a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 1169290 ej18a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 1505249 ej19a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 1422489 ej1a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 1326507 ej20a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 2150687 ej21a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 1263644 ej22806a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:01 PM 1495335 ej22a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 1543300 ej23a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 1531739 ej25a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 1278496 ej26a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 1508547 ej2a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 1482061 ej31a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 1551575 ej32a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 1548277 ej33a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 1081362 ej3406a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 1040180 ej35a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 1531725 ej3a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 1561495 ej40a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 2925229 ej42a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 1723685 ej43a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 1640929 ej443a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 1640929 ej44a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 1473754 ej45a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 1184175 ej46a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 1458917 ej4a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 1172596 ej5a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 1409259 ej7a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 1535093 ej8a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 1316555 ej9a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 5682606 Ellen and her treatment work.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 4743451 Ellen and I make a wonderful unconditionally loving team.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 2200685 Ellen Praises Rudy Report 9_24_11 8_38 AM.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 8303419 Ellen YOU are the queen - like it or not.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 72966 Ellen.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 3061043 ellenforIlse2a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 3190123 ellenforIlsea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 2011759 emotion1a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 2826690 Emotions of Love beget LOVE.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 1581381 emotionsa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 4817430 Empowering terrorists.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 4677980 encouragea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 7714723 Endless Love.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 4882632 Endorse ideals at all times.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 5433293 Energy is limitless, so am I.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 4601724 ENERGYa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 133 ENERGYs.asx
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 4570367 EnjoyGoodnessInPeople-a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 778726 enjoylifea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 146 EnjoyWhoYouAre-s.asx
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 34482501 ENLIGHTENMENT is my real self.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 5309577 Entering heaven I am all that I am.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 4852957 Enthusiasm moves the world.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 3092472 enthusiasma28.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 4974165 Establishing a habit.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 70250 Et.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 4870093 Eternity has nothing to do with me.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 5765779 Eternity is in THAT moment.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 2565884 Eternity NOW.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 74244766 Euro-Nig 10,000 Brain Stem Cell Seminar 10,000 stems cells I have a job for you to do today 12.wav
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 7067534 Euro-Nig 10,000 Brain Stem Cell Seminar 10,000 stems cells I have a job for you to do today 12.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 5934301 Euro-Nig 10,000 Brain Stem Cell Seminar 2.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 173 Euro-Nig 10,000 Brain Stem Cell Seminar Chant I am god 5.asx
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 76718446 Euro-Nig 10,000 Brain Stem Cell Seminar Chant I am god 5.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 7059540 Euro-Nig 10,000 Brain Stem Cell Seminar First Hour important 10.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 6094504 Even a casual promise is a promise.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 5120868 Even just one yesterday means starting over.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 5285335 Even small causes bring big results.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 5200490 Every art is a science begun as a philosophy.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 5835579 Every atom in my physical being bursts forth with every choice I dream about.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 5434338 Every car I own works perfectly during my use and ownership of that vehicle.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 5453564 Every cell of my body has its ideal appointed task and does it now.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 5838922 Every cell of my body is perfect.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 5595252 Every day is thanksgiving.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 5465685 Every direction leads to truth.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 4984614 Every effect follows a cause -- when my choice is well said, the cause is well done.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 5300591 Every expression is in me(1).mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 5300591 Every expression is in me.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 4933205 Every moment I'm nobly born.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 15512116 Every moment of my life is a precious instant.MP3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 7980127 Every moment of my life is precious.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 5777482 Every noble work is at first thought impossible.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 4432490 Every person has the control over its desires.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 5336953 Every single cell of my body has its ideal appointed task and does it now.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 5303935 Every thought I think is limitless.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 15313376 Every word I speak is my signature.MP3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 8868708 Everyday have WORDS to live by.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 4867167 Everyday I begin with a blessing act.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 5807784 Everyman loves what he is good at.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 1988571 everymomentstandsonbeliefa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 4781068 Everyone does not have the same tastes.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 4663621 Everyone has great ways of getting rich.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 4663621 Everyone has ways of getting rich.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 5314384 Everyone in my world I love.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 4995899 Everyone is a master, not everyone is aware of it.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 5316473 Everyone is unconditionally loving.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 6452486 Everyone is your mirror.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 6452486 Everyone now is your mirror.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 1453014 Everyone of us can have everything good and beautiful.MP3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 5284290 EVERYone should have a teddy bear.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 6791869 Everyone Wants To Be A Master.mp3
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 778792 everyonea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 2984879 everyoneisgifteda28.wma
12/6/2023 1:02 PM 5520855 Everything happens by a cause put in motion.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 4879706 Everything is so simple.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 4590205 EverythingIsPossible-a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 131675 EverythingIsPossible-StefanStrassle-a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 3128886 everythingnewa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 10009319 Evidence of a settled master.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 6383941 Evolution of thought.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 5210312 Evolution takes a million years, thought takes a second.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 4623241 EXACTLYa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 134 EXACTLYs.asx
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 6561156 Examples all about me.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 3953090 Excited about life.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 11979579 Excitement in living in the now.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 2943522 excitingbirtha28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 2595982 excitinglifea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 5030589 Exercise begins in my thought.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 2821040 expediencya.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 4614966 Explorea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 1619620 extraordinaryextraa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 1199104 eye28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 4895170 Facing Illusions Is No FUN.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 4857136 Failure is easy when we try to please everyone.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 4881378 Fairy tales expand our thinking.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 5002795 Faith binds is with the INFINITE.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 4822655 Faith in myself is the best and safest course.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 4699984 Faith is our attitude about our self.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 2415529 familyaloveunita28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 2134927 familylovea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 5499539 Famous Quotations.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 3181882 fastinga28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 5557636 Father is leader of his pack.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 6277779 Father--Mother Home Role Models.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 5113345 Fathers Day Praise.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 5931291 Feeling sad or ill--reverse it now.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 4973120 Fertilizer a money tree needs.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 5775393 Fifteen Minutes In The SUN.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 5534648 Fighting or balancing.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 3888725 Finder Keeper.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 5229537 Finders keepers.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 2389055 finemana28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 4567105 firea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 5098410 fireda28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 11098103 Firm for principle is not weakness.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 4961626 First comes self - then family community world.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 4839791 First have peace in yourself, then you will find it in others.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 5513750 First Solo Flite.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 2212006 firstthought1a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 4474445 fisha28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 6467533 Fishing Meditation.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 11456956 FiveTopicsa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 132 fix.asf
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 5285962 Flames spire from tiny sparks.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 7685466 FLASH--I live my entire life this moment.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 6583137 Flights of fancy.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 2370872 fmiliaritya28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 1520162 foama28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 4981688 Focusing makes meditation function.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 3526036 followa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 3521081 followingtheprograma28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 3526116 followothersa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 2329473 FollowYourDreama28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 4701030 FOOTSTOOLa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 5486165 For every experience in LIFE I ask what is its redeeming quality.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 4848777 For him who has no concentration, the is no tranquility.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 4890573 Forgetfulness of self is rememberance of god.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 4890573 Forgetfulness of self is remembers cd of God.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 1967036 forgiveandforgeta28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 5328594 Forgiving those who hurt us is the key to personal peace.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 6003180 Forgot to change the signals.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 6621760 Forgotten 'Thank You s'.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 5015543 Forgotten miracles.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 2064697 forwhata28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 1596372 foryoua28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 7116455 FourInstantInspirations28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 5391915 Freedom is being yourself.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 20730 FREEDOMa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 135 FREEDOMs.asx
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 3133879 freewilla28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 5290560 Fresh talks on wholeness.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 2629062 frienda28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 5333192 Friends and enemy.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 4805309 Friends are relatives you make for yourself.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 8579063 Friends give of themselves asking nothing in return.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 5354926 From this beginning I came forth.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 5018468 From this day forward I think pure thoughts.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 11170495 fromexodusa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 9719255 Frustration comes when we are not ourselves.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 3716433 fulllifea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 4961835 Fun Birthdays.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 2073012 funheinza28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 1579726 funteachera28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 49987 fupgrade.asf
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 1511903 futilea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 2892310 Gadgets cause everyone to have experiences in new areas.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 8528490 Game of dimensions.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 1493680 gamefullya28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 5709355 Games are good for children, morose for me.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 5023066 Gather the roses of today.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 5172695 Generosity provides assistance, rather than advice.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 3143817 generouspeoplea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 16426820 Geni my black cat loves attention.MP3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 5459833 Genius cannot be taught it is.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 4865077 Genius does what it is.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 4823908 Genius does what it must, talent does what it can.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 4896006 Genius is listening within.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 4803219 Genius spills out once you let it go.mp3
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 4643185 GeniusShinesThroughEnthusiasma28.wma
12/6/2023 1:03 PM 2236807 gentlelovingjohna28.wma
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 5243330 Gertrud Suter--An Ideal Woman.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 4711268 Get lost negation.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 4831883 getita28.wma
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 900253 getoutofthewayofthedivinecircuitsa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 3128882 getshomea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 1093071 getsobusyyouforgetita28.wma
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 3407236 Getting A Little Bit of Help On My Goal.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 5138423 Getting mad at me.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 4503125 Getting on with others.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 4904366 Getting ready is the secret of success.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 4711477 Getting younger.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 498897 gift_028.wmv
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 799140 gift_056.wmv
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 2381113 gift_100.wmv
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 2567779 giftfsts28.wma
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 870228 giftfsts6.wma
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 4794860 Give living your best and smile.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 6367014 Give me today.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 4832895 Give without remembering--Receive without forgetting.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 2485079 giveorlenda28.wma
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 5296829 Giving away our SCHOOL OF THE MASTER meditation chairs and cushions.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 5045218 Giving everything I have already won.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 5080953 Giving my all to my dream, my dream gives its all to me.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 4942609 Go in peace.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 8751262 Go to sleep my darling.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 4934041 God bursts out of me as love.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 14031732 God has entrusted me to myself. Epicetus.aiff
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 5090775 God has entrusted me to myself. Epicetus.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 14884736 God is gentle.aiff
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 5400483 God is gentle.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 4832268 God is in all--God Is All--Whatever we do is God revealing itself.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 5390870 God is no responder of persons.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 4977926 GOD IS THE CHILD IN ME.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 2469753 God knows what you mean.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 4805309 God lives without pain.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 5375824 God shines out of a private door in each of us.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 2379109 Goda28.wma
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 1043514 godcredita28.wma
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 6621760 Gods Wife.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 1745260 GodsGoodGirlsa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 3489634 goingbeyonda28.wma
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 4883434 Golden Voyage 6.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 3042834 golfballsa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 947542 golfcartsa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 7857247 Good for the gander.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 4968313 Good is born in originality.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 2105920 Good morning Mariella, ideal lady.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 5072803 Good will is the most practical force in the universe.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 3771010 Goodadvicea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 2182278 goodattitudea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 2305827 Goodbyesa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 4800420 GoodHealthIsTrueWealtha28.wma
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 1477124 goodmorninga28.wma
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 5159321 Goodness happens to good people.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 2725048 goodthingsareyoursa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 7605636 Got a problem.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 5334028 Govern ourselves with our consent.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 3016342 grandessentialsa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 12258357 Grass is always greener over there.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 7014224 Great philosopher lives in my heart.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 19629183 Great thoughts always come from the heart-mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 19629915 Great thoughts always come from the heart.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 5306024 Greater than life's Problems.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 2114341 greatexpectationsa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 4581912 GreatIdeasa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 5663379 Greatness knows itself.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 2538113 greatparenta28.wma
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 1243837 Grievinga28.wma
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 4550427 GROWINGOLDa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 4810325 Growth begins when we accept our strengths.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 10033979 Growth comes from vision.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 1765104 guessa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 5767869 Guiding my Stem Cells.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 4499190 guiwia28.wma
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 2269893 gurua28.wma
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 384555 H.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 14584718 Habit can be beneficial.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 4595176 HabitMakesCharactera28.wma
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 1288470 hapa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 5476970 Happily I choose to eat that which is beneficial to my spirit mind and body.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 4870511 Happiness can exist only in acceptance 2.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 4870511 Happiness can exist only in acceptance.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 4489750 Happiness depends on me.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 4916904 Happiness is the aim of human existence.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 5342387 Happiness is to be shared, to be given away.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 5124630 Happiness never gives up.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 1173210 Happiness takes place when I think happiness.MP3
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12/6/2023 1:04 PM 2794584 happinessa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 7983889 Happy as kings.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 12716596 Happy Birthday REX, 9 years old, smile.MP3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 4776801 Happy birthday to me.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 3311732 happy birthday Uni by Ej.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 4834401 Happy birthday uni me.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 5035187 Happy days begin with me.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 4874690 Happy Fourth of July--time of celebration of days of commeration. Liberty to be ourselves.mp3
12/6/2023 1:04 PM 2630679 happybeingsa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:05 PM 1953854 happypersona28.wma
12/6/2023 1:05 PM 4757314 HarmoniousBeingsa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:05 PM 4777724 Harmony.mp3
12/6/2023 1:05 PM 4666327 harmonya28.wma
12/6/2023 1:05 PM 4633365 HATEa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:05 PM 962485 hatelovea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:05 PM 131 HATEs.asx
12/6/2023 1:05 PM 5347402 Hats off to the genius.mp3
12/6/2023 1:05 PM 4877198 Have no friends not equal to yourself.mp3
12/6/2023 1:05 PM 4709393 haveaa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:05 PM 3343994 havehumilitya28.wma
12/6/2023 1:05 PM 5387108 Having a blessing book keeps me consistent on my program.mp3
12/6/2023 1:05 PM 6531481 Having a goal is a state of happiness.mp3
12/6/2023 1:05 PM 6693231 Having lots of fun.mp3
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12/6/2023 1:12 PM 2474257 hbap53a28.wma
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12/6/2023 1:13 PM 1982593 hbap55a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 2496960 hbap56a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 2725165 hbap57a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 2014277 hbap5a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 2549466 hbap6a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 3397838 hbap7a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 5281823 hbap9a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 3795827 hbb124a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 1561557 hbb21a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 2722034 hbbeingmastera28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 2797796 hbdreamsa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 2658852 hbexpresswhata28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 2118894 hbfeelingwonderfula28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 0 hbhbap35a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 1070020 hbhealingworksa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 1306675 hbhealwordsa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 1306675 hbheawordsa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 922781 hbIamblesseda28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 2303663 hbLiveinsomeoneelsesminda28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 3127729 hbourvisiona28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 3067655 hbsamsasua28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 2865899 hbspiritualhealinga28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 3649662 hbsubjectofhealinga28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 897942 hbsummera28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 2269473 hbtechniques91603a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 4889762 hbtripa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 3288462 hbwearethecreatora28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 1295118 hbwhm1a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 3345649 hbx2a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 4844355 hbxa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 4837910 He gives twice who gives promptly.mp3
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 1861656 He that seeks happiness always finds it.mp3
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 4900813 He who thinks himself wise, turns ON the source within.mp3
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 10124224 Healing and Unconditional Love.MP3
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 7662060 Healing begins by liking myself.mp3
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 8810194 Healing others.mp3
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 518776 Healing remedies in the jungle.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 7054494 HEALINGa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 15144623 healingisamagicword1a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 5409568 healingisathoughta28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 10395663 healingisawayoflife1a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 12196548 healingisawayoflife2a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 12640898 healingisawayoflife3a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 11672936 healingisawayoflife4a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 1282095 healingprinciplea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 5105404 Health does not evolve by knocking the practitioner.mp3
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 5771004 Health is seeing health.mp3
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 4963298 Health is spelled ORDER in my life.mp3
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 2309609 healtha28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 9870557 Healthy as a cat.mp3
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 4809698 Healthy attitude, healthy aging.mp3
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 4813670 healthya28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 1740297 healyourselfa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 803605 hearta28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 2977992 Heaven Here Now.mp3
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 1670297 Heinza28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 19456 Hello.doc
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 4832059 Helping a practitioner work.mp3
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 5054276 Herb Ellen Rosli Talk on Personal Values.wma
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 249923501 Herb-SlideShow-1080p.mp4
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 62699980 Herb-SlideShow-480p.mp4
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 67520 herba28.wma
12/7/2023 7:08 AM <dir> Herbie
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 158455 herbtest1a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 182861 herbtest2a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:13 PM 5355553 Hey World I Am sorry for myself.mp3
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 6494282 Hi Baby, you are not the only one having fun.mp3
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 1029977 hiddenmessagesreaphiddenharvestsa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 1485407 hidingcookiesa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 1928959 highlightsa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 4898514 Home--life.mp3
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 13330005 Home.mp3
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 3481449 homelovea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 2488489 honestbusinessa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 2629120 honestmea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 4892245 Honesty counts.mp3
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 4704402 HonestyIsThePrizea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 5202565 hooda28.wma
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 4898051 HORSEMANSHIPa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 139 HORSEMANSHIPs.asx
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 2364248 houseofsurprisea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 126 How About You.m4a
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 4450462 How can I be a genius.mp3
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 19443022 How can I listen within when I am not even trained to listen in the outer.MP3
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 12301407 How convincing am I.mp3
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 18241443 How do affirmations reveal me to me.mp3
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 4882423 How do I claim my good.mp3
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 4888901 How do I love you.mp3
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 8072914 How do you put a cause in motion.mp3
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 13172434 How human and divine differ.mp3
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 5874449 How I live my life shows wherein I am nobly born.mp3
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 5119197 How I make my mother happy.mp3
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 5470700 How I see it - I am ideal, mind body spirit.mp3
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 5080744 How I think today is how I live today.mp3
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 28320947 How I Utilize my 10,000 Stem Cells.mp3
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 6149466 How I visualize myself as IDEAL.mp3
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 6149466 How I visualize myself as IDEAL_1.mp3
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 6724578 How many times do I read a sentence.mp3
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 15633764 How our values direct our lives-seminar Florida.WMA
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 5057757 How simple and fragile is happiness.mp3
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 5097045 How the thoughts of others affect me.mp3
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 6255628 How to be a movie star.mp3
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 5043128 How to find your VISION.mp3
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 5357433 How to live - let go and live now - new thought.mp3
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 4802384 How we stand and walk tells the world who we are.mp3
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 4819520 How wise am I.mp3
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 13018207 How would Jesus handle his family.mp3
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 739481 How-About-You.m4a
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 2160671 HowGreatIAma28.wma
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 3998007 howtorunachurcha28.wma
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 3782587 howweliveiswhatcountsa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 4982462 huga28.wma
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 5586893 Hugging feedback.mp3
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 2582966 hugs1a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 1513572 HugsInPublicRestRooms-a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 4810325 Human attitudes are spiritual revelations.mp3
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 5735059 Human virtues pointing to the Divine.mp3
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 34087530 Humanity is the REAL made temporary.mp3
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 4950968 Humans live to reveal the divine.mp3
12/6/2023 1:14 PM 5457326 Humans makes it happen; the divine is.mp3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 5350746 I am aware as I OIC.mp3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 4959536 I absolutely like me without reason.mp3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 6525629 I affirm my dream and watch as it unfolds.mp3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 5820532 I always acknowledge peace.mp3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 4948251 I always live in my revealed body.mp3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 5471536 I always live my life as though everyone uses me as a role model.mp3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 13628920 I always remember to mean and say--I am God(1).aiff
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 4945546 I always remember to mean and say--I am God-iphonepod.mp3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 4944908 I always remember to mean and say--I am God.mp3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 5829518 I am a genius--I think, speak and write illuminating ideas.mp3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 5948428 I am a master living in this world.mp3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 11126942 I am a Mozart.mp3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 5829727 I am a teddy bear and all it means.mp3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 5792529 I am a way shower. I guide others to find themselves.mp3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 4839582 I am alive to who I am.mp3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 1271882 I am ALIVE to who I am_1.mp3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 3863647 I am allness NOW.mp3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 2413329 I am alright.mp3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 4830387 I am always divine.mp3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 4867167 I am always making a good impression on me.mp3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 5159321 I am always ready--the evidence is there.mp3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 3412251 I am always unconditional caring.mp3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 5048144 I am always well directed as I listen within.mp3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 4332179 I am an atom in its pristine form.mp3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 12653956 I am an eternal energy body.mp3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 4993600 I am an example from this day forward.mp3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 4697894 I am an ideal being.mp3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 5422844 I am as I think I am.mp3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 5080744 I am at peace and listen within--danger or not.mp3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 14318424 I am aware of my dreams and blend them to my desire.MP3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 11187128 I am biggest when I am most humble.mp3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 4855255 I am careful to surely think thoughts I admire.mp3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 5805904 I am confident in my choice.mp3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 33647001 I am confident in my convictions, I stand up for them.mp3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 36207837 I am courageous with my mental attitude toward my divine self.mp3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 5237897 I am delighted how I create my world.mp3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 4753064 I am divine order, what a joy.mp3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 5192339 I am divine.mp3
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 8115546 I am driven by my inner lover.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 4838328 I am energy, energy is unlimited.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 4935295 I am exactly what I am meant to be NOW.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 12231399 I am EXPERT when I accept it.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 26771296 I am father of the universe.aiff
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 9712986 I am father of the universe.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 4930279 I am generous as I give to those who do not need it.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 4848359 I am God, God I am.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 4832895 I am god.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 5792529 I am good for something, my joy is finding out WHAT.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 5341133 I am guided from within me.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 5294739 I am guided from within.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 15122786 I am happiest when I am happy over everything.MP3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 8767980 I am happy as long as I choose to be happy and none can take this from me.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 7150896 I am harmonious and balanced.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 3288535 I am ideal being.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 6471713 I am ideal in all.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 5667977 I am ideal in body mind and spirit.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 5801724 I am ideal physically mentally spiritually.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 2327229 I am ideal wholeness for I like me at all times.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 2327229 I am ideal wholeness go I like me at all times.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 4887647 I am immune to appearances.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 4806563 I am in charge of my attitude.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 4955566 I am in charge.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 15218082 I am in Divine Order.MP3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 4988793 I am influenced by my thinking about the past.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 39263118 I am invincible.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 5895765 I am living for myself.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 5295575 I am living in a universe of Wholeness.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 4976673 I am living in my inner peace.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 4416554 I am mad.MP3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 5815517 I am master of every thought I think.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 8691076 I am master of my emotions.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 6029094 I am master of my inner universe.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 4844597 I am MASTER over all.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 5186070 I am mentally Socrates.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 7354024 I am mentally sound now.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 5253779 I am mentally sound when my physical body functions well.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 7354024 I am mentally sound.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 5798380 I am my archetypal ideal body.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 6770553 I am my dedicated intensive thought.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 4577939 I am my divine order now.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 4958282 I am my god self.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 6293662 I am my ideal archetypal mind-brain.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 5121286 I am my ideal archetypal spirit.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 9613930 I am my ideal self now!.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 4954103 I am my own teacher.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 4777306 I am neither little or big, I am all.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 4818266 I am not an example.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 5810919 I am not idle when absorbed in thought.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 4924846 I am not my brothers keeper.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 5523363 I am now.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 5140930 I am OMNI.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 5058175 I am one as all -- this is completion in my life.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 4868839 I am outwardly perfect as I am inwardly perfect_1.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 14651768 I am parent of all in my world.aiff
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 12214890 I am parent of all in my world.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 7957975 I am patient For Principle.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 10035388 I am peace as I listen to the sound of silence.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 5302263 I am peace I am ready.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 5031843 I am peace so I see peace everywhere.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 4883050 I am peace when I say it.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 4976255 I AM PEACE WITH MY WORLD--for I created it. I love it.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 4976255 I AM PEACE WITH MY WORLD--for I created it. I love it.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 6231595 I am PEACE within me.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 5370808 I am peace, not at-in-with, I am PEACE.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 4905201 I am peace.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 5094537 I am physically Adonis.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 4904366 I am playful(1).mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 4904366 I am playful.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 3384248 I am proud of my whole name - it is me.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 5126302 I am radiantly alive.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 5052741 I am respectful of my choice.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 5851879 I am responsible for my reflection in the world.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 5853133 I am self-perpetuating, self-renewing now.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 8766308 I am selfdedicated.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 4947833 I am so busy enjoying myself l have no time to criticize.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 4697058 I am spiritually CHRIST.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 6268166 I am spiritually whole.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 3440255 I am strong enough to ask for help!.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 5079073 I am successful at all times as I am confident.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 5892839 I am successful in all I undertake.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 5475925 I am the archetypal mind.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 4584128 I am the greatest philosopher in the world.wma
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 5620748 I am the IDEAL parent.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 4968313 I am the ideal roll model being.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 4823282 I am the light that illumines all.mp3
12/6/2023 1:46 PM 5871523 I am the only one that lives in me.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 8026939 I am the only one who likes me, truly.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 4861943 I am the only one who listens to what goes on in me.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 4942400 I am the only one who makes me happy.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 4918994 I am the peacemaker.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 5164754 I am the white light of unconditional love.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 5141766 I am the worlds greatest thinker.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 5769123 I am thrilled with how I create my world.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 4997988 I am timeless I live now.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 8159850 I am timeless.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 4969567 I am TOUCHABLE of all good.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 4980225 I am unconditional LOVE of myself first.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 4854628 I am unconditional love so that is why I see unconditional love everywhere.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 9812878 I am unique.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 4873019 I am unlimited in loving.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 4856718 I am untouchable in a touching world.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 8429015 I am Untouchable.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 4688281 I am untouched by the games about me.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 4975001 I am untouched by the games in my world.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 4985032 I am vital dynamic alive, I am 25.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 8587004 I am vital dynamic alive--I am 25!.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 4925055 I am wealthy.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 5709355 I am what I do.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 6731683 I am what I read.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 8271445 I am what I think about.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 4857972 I am who I know I am.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 4944072 I am WHOLE Spiritually.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 4836656 I am, indeed, a king, because I know how to rule myself.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 5365375 I am, therefore I think.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 4848777 I as a practitioner have ONE possible course of action.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 5042710 I believe in god.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 5254615 I believe in myself. Who knows me better than me.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 4858808 I believe in myself.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 7525388 I Believe THOUGHTS ARE THINGS.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 4823281 I bend but I do not break.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 4895588 I bless everyone with a generous act.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 7988904 I can and dream my wildest dream.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 5828473 I can name my good.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 5124630 I can never be conquered from without until I have given up within.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 4919412 I can never practice unconditional love enough.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 11584344 I can only live one moment at a time.MP3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 6272764 I can say I am divine.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 13079856 I can use my brain more effectively.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 4432490 I can.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 4845851 I cannot change others -- I can improve myself.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 4782321 I cannot stop life or it's goodness.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 6737953 I cannot unthink my pain.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 2581766 I catch a falling star.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 3562717 I caught a feather.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 4856300 I choose to be affluent.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 5106240 I choose to go to paradise to experience bliss.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 5128392 I choose to listen to and hear what is beneficial to me.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 4968731 I choose to live as the white light I am eternally.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 7522462 I choose to live what I believe.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 5056085 I choose to love all unconditionally in my world.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 5051487 I choose what I will drink from my cup of life.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 4899350 I claim the state of emotional and mental stability.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 4880960 I clean the windows of my mind from the inside.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 8016072 I climb mountains inside of me.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 33257463 I confidently stand up and say I am god.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 33251193 I confidently stand up with conviction and say I am god.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 3086661 I confirm knowingly that which is beneficial to my perfect spirit mind and body.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 4947833 I control my world.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 4849822 I convert my thought into bodily Wholeness by my thought.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 5925440 I create a world believing in me because I believe in my self.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 4840418 I create all in my world harmonious.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 5006975 I create all things and release each creation to be itself.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 5015961 I create ALL without judgment.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 4722971 I create bodily healing.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 6853727 I create happiness in me by smiling.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 14883296 I create magic in my life by my words.MP3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 4940728 I create my world.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 4920248 I create rules to guide and expand my life - unlimited.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 14216078 I create the now with NEW thought.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 4890155 I create the rules of my life.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 5512914 I creatively think my thought and the power of my consciousness vibrates to REVEAL it.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 5511660 I cultivate in me my free spirit.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 10319445 I dance on the keyboard.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 4868839 I decide to be the best -- knowingly.mp3
12/6/2023 1:47 PM 6091788 I define success as what makes me happy now.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 4885975 I determine to be eternally happy.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 2781551 I Dial Healing Words and then I live the words I hear.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 3010593 I dial healing words daily.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5262975 I did not begin - I always am.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 4944908 I do always remember to mean and say--I am God.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 4895379 I do have time to meditate.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 10871151 I do know how to let go and let god.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 4970194 I do make a difference.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5032261 I do not live for others. I live for myself. My Choice!.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 1778867 I do not see things as they are, I see things as I am.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 4961626 I do not stand up for my choice, I am my choice.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 32541081 I do not turn over a new leaf; I unveil my purity and goodness.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 7137522 I draw out of my account abundant blessings.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 6910988 I enjoy quality sleep.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5492016 I erase problems with solutions.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5574772 I establish Wholeness in my life by thinking WHOLENESS.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 4905202 I feel PEACE when I follow my wise direction.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5312712 I find the spiritual shaman experience as I learn to listen alone with myself. I seek the spiritual shaman experience as a monk.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 4886184 I follow the elegant goal of being myself.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 4278470 I found a philosopher Stone.MP3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5298919 I found the teacher within.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 4889737 I get out of everything exactly what I put into it.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5535066 I get out of life all I put in it.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5043964 I get out of life what I put in it.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 6258971 I give all that I am to the experience I have chosen to the fullest.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 7781179 I give concentration to my body.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 4894335 I give my life to selfdedication.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 8485440 I give up on living more negs than plus.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5294739 I guess I could.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5348865 I had a dream which was not a fantasy.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 4824535 I have a comfortable body at all times.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 6889045 I have already won when I've given my all.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 4893917 I have an ideal spiritual body.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 4898096 I have found that if you love life, life will love you back.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 4808026 I have ideal vision.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5568294 I have no leisure if I do not use it.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 6865848 I have so much to live for.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5814681 I have sovereignty over every dream--wild or tame.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5814681 I have soverignty over every dream--wild or tame.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 2190139 I heal myself with my truth.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5391706 I hear Mozart's music in me.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 4878870 I hear my beautiful divine voice listening quietly within.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5295157 I hear well, I speak well, I see well!.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5062354 I hear well.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5200699 I hear with my brain.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5110837 I heed my perceptions.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 13444108 I help myself to balance.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 4805727 I honor my mothers presence.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5630779 I honor myself.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 16182314 I immediately answer all of my emails.MP3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 4825371 I improve my eyes by seeing.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 4836238 I intend to go in loves way.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5323579 I keep happiness in circulation.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5023902 I know a wise man by his questions.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5489508 I know everything is possible because it is.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 4851285 I know everything is possible.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5232046 I know I am god.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 6467951 I know me.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5675082 I know my god self within.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 3827568 I know my ideal diet.wma
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 4947415 I know my teacher.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5296411 I know now.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 4893081 I know what is right for me.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5816979 I learn balance.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5065698 I learn to listen within.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 12560124 I learn to love myself.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5317727 I like - I am the pure white light of love.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5011363 I like everyone.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5428904 I like fun -- being creative.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 6268166 I like I don't like Judgment.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 4964134 I like Investing in smiles.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 7898625 I like living my own life.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 4856300 I like looking at clouds.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 4804891 I like me at all times.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5285753 I like me. As I like me I like my world.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 3611200 I like me.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5562 I Like Me.wme
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5284708 I like my creation - no exception.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5852297 I like to experiment with the truth.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5203206 I like to hear good news.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 6357610 I like to listen.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5016379 I like to perform miracles.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5303935 I like to touch my world as I like to be touched by it.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5303935 I like to touch my world as I like to be touched by it.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 4887647 I listen at all times to my divine inner self and am always directed well.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 4190909 I listen to my body, it is WHOLE.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5091736 I listen to my divine inner self and am always well directeda28.wma
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 5247510 I listen to what I want to hear.mp3
12/6/2023 1:48 PM 10173577 I live a self fulfilling prophecy.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 13512184 I live an exciting life.aiff
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 4902276 I live an exciting life.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 4817848 I live by principle. My castle falls when I undermine it's foundation.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 5369972 I live constantly changing the rules.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 5040620 I live enthusiastic about life.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 6925616 I live eternally perfect.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 5059010 I live fully today.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 5294321 I live ideal.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 16240618 I live in moderation.MP3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 12066932 I live in my body--a thought--an ideal thought.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 4903948 I live in my healthy spirit mind and body all the days of my life.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 4846269 I live in my ideal archetypal body.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 4860480 I live in my ideal being.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 6364715 I live in my oneness as all.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 5311249 I live in my perfect divine body.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 5436637 I live in my perfect human body.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 4921293 I live in the now, all is now.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 5865254 I live in the now, the past is gone.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 4944704 I live in the present with the skill of a master
12/7/2023 1:33 AM 4937384 I live in the present with the skill of a master.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 2234860 I live in thoughts of wholeness.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 6319993 I live independently wealthy.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 4847105 I live my attitude.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 4503961 I live my belief.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 4869675 I live my choice as I stand for it.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 11797348 I live my convictions - I live according to principle.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 5203624 I live my dreams.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 5340715 I live my philosophy.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 5430576 I live now in reality - I release living a changeable life.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 5328176 I live now my reality.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 5315219 I live now unaware I am living now.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 4817430 I live one as my divine self in every thought.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 4829760 I live today.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 14677660 I lived well until now, but beginning again, watch my dust.MP3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 4878034 I look within and see my unimaginable self.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 12238295 I Love All--I Love Unconditionally.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 21141035 I love being a philosopher, what I think counts.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 5495088 I love being a philosopher, what I think counts.wma
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 4937384 I love inthe present with the skill of a master.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 9644859 I love my original self.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 19629640 I Love My Toes.MP3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 5388362 I love myself and I am successful.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 5012199 I love new experiences.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 5144274 I love school.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 4904784 I love those who dream for the impossible.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 4840000 I love those who yearn for the impossible.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 9892708 I Love To Listen Within.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 2465574 I love to meditate.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 2465574 I love to meditate_1.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 4826625 I love to think unthinkable thoughts.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 5030380 I love to whistle.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 4818266 I love you said Mr Candle.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 4969358 I love you.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 9644859 I love. my original self.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 5509153 I made up my mind--I am happy.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 11565381 I maintain my body in its original form.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 4845433 I make a difference in my world.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 6178878 I make a difference.MP3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 6750909 I make a good impression on me.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 4928189 I make a wonderful impression on me.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 4831641 I make every dream alive.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 5498286 I make life beautiful.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 4940728 I make no assumptions.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 5089522 I make no promises.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 6012375 I make sure all my friends know they are special.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 3269309 I make what I will of life.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 4827461 I manifest my first thought.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 4547637 I marry to experience marriage.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 8230903 I master every thought I think.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 2515311 I may take the chance to be happy.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 6151138 I meditate effectively.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 6793541 I meditate while I am waiting.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 8661819 I mentally hug the world--momently.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 4852330 I must do it my way.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 4832059 I must stay brilliant all the time.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 14665474 I need nothing outside myself.aiff
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 5320653 I need nothing outside myself.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 8524310 I never get enough, Smile!.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 7290495 I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 8940388 I now have my ideal car.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 5002168 I now listen to the harmony of god.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 5341133 I now select my life to fulfill myself.mp3
12/6/2023 1:49 PM 4791308 I observe myself and lo and behold I am the observed.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 4785247 I only heal myself.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 5105822 I open my eyes to goodness everywhere.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 4861316 I open my eyes.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 4899768 I participate in a monastery to be a monk -.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 5174785 I pay attention, the physical universe is always changing.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 8696509 I petted my body and it feels so good.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 4971657 I plant seeds of unconditional love.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 7810854 I polish my shoes for my pleasure.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 5476552 I practice releasing the little things.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 5101224 I practice Selfdisciplined through my promises.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 5366628 I practice the art of listening to what I want to hear.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 4921502 I prepare for the sleep of a master.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 6035154 I Promise To Use Facebook More.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 4886393 I prove my integrity through my silence.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 5096627 I put myself in the picture.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 5025365 I recognize god talking.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 5452310 I release all changeable illusions. I live reality.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 4886811 I release changeable illusions, I live reality.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 4863406 I REMEMBER To Say What I Mean.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 4898096 I respond to my divine inner self with no hesitation.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 4899350 I reveal my genius.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 5111673 I reveal my world harmonious.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 4852539 I review my philosophy from time to time.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 5176039 I say ten nice things about me today.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 4783366 I say what I mean.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 18347760 I see all the world at peace.MP3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 625 I see all the world at peace.webloc.sitx
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 4809907 I see all with my eyes closed.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 4973747 I see farthest with my eyes closed.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 11691605 I see miracles.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 4884722 I see well.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 5317309 I see what I want to see.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 5255451 I see with my brain.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 5341133 I select my life to fulfill myself .mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 5341133 I select my life to fulfill myself __.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 5341133 I select my life to fulfill myself.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 5606955 I select my thoughts wisely.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 12172258 I set my course in life with A strong commitment.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 4987748 I set my energy free in my world.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 4971239 I set my energy loose in my world.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 5262557 I set the table for me too.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 4980643 I sleep like a baby.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 5847282 I smell with my brain.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 5103732 I SMILE.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 1269793 I speak healing words about me at all times.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 5024738 I speak well.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 4816176 I start at MY BEGINNING.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 6521032 I start at the beginning.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 5200281 I start being from my physical perfection.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 5319817 I started out perfect, now I return to that!.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 4345580 I stimulate my thought by thinking.wma
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 9968777 I surround myself with my pure white light of love continuously.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 16125888 I take control of my attitude and I choose balance.MP3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 5350328 I take inventory in a changing world.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 5940486 I take poetic license with positive thought.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 5308950 I take time for QUIET - not for listening - not for talking - NOTHINGNESS.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 4368616 I take time to claim peace within.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 5071549 I taste with my brain.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 5069042 I tell LIFE what it needs to know.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 7830234 I tell the world what I think aout me in what I see in my creation.MP3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 6564082 I think first, my decision is made.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 5257541 I think in illusions.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 4899350 I think my personal best.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 4941355 I THINK POSITIVE EVERY INSTANT.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 4933205 I think pure thoughts.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 4922756 I thrill in another's bliss.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 4333433 I took my test, piece of cake, I was glorious.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 4786919 I touch all with my brain.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 5325250 I touch my world as I would be touched by it.MP3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 5310622 I train myself to listen.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 9894380 I train myself to use my inner vision.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 5242913 I truly am master of every thought in my mind.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 4977717 I unconditionally live in my world momently create it fabulous.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 46592 I use perspective to my advantage DM-10017.DSS
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 4924428 I use wisdom as knowledge.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 5858984 I visualize my choice.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 3655086 I visualize my dreams and they come true.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 4931533 I walk in purity and delight in every step I take.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 5257123 I walk my spiritual path knowingly.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 3112993 I want improve.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 7223203 I want to be the boss copy.mp3
12/6/2023 1:50 PM 8958776 I want to be the boss.aiff
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 8131846 I will not listen to what is not true.mp3
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 31581414 I woke up with a start, my religion sounds so pompous.MP3
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 6329188 I work in my body.mp3
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 5687830 I would rather be a dog.mp3
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 14908219 I write my own movie.mp3
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 4897260 I'm my attitude about me.mp3
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 4889750 I-Am-Peace-When-I-Give-Up-Fighting.mp3
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 14864099 I-Believe-In-Myself.mp3
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 15963255 I-Choose-To-Drink-Only-That-What-Is-Beneficial.mp3
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 15490257 I-Choose-To-Eat-Only-That-What-Is-Beneficial.mp3
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 14081684 I-Choose-To-Feel-Only-That-What-Is-Beneficial.mp3
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 1831310 IAChristmasTalea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 2380808 iacta28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 4709403 IAm DedicatedToFollowingTheRulesa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 1179371 Iamcompletelyatyourcommanda28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 2415515 IAmFreedom-a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 2385799 Iamideala28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 2326175 Iamindependentlywealthya28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 2301324 IAmInvisible-a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 2569508 iamknowna28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 3269535 iammyideala28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 3130599 iammyoriginalpurityandintegritya28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 2267222 iamnothinga28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 3238106 iamonlyasgoodasmyword28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 3238106 iamonlyasgoodasmyworda28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 1621486 iampeacea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 3799139 iamrighta28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 659592 Iamthemajoritya28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 2605874 iamtheonlyonea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 867603 Iamthepurewhitelightoflovea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 6227010 iamtransfigureda28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 2971711 iamtransformeda28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 30635156 Ian peace as I listen to the sound of silence.aiff
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 1109736 Ibelievea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 3185118 ibelieveinmiraclesa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 1131241 iblessa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 3588825 IC_Recorder_My_World.mp3
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 1407610 icarea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 3703187 icareaboutmyselfa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 2258002 icreatepeopleandeventsa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 6744222 Idea to fact, concept to manifestation.mp3
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 4957446 Ideal Email.mp3
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 4634916 IDEAL LIFEa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 137 IDEAL LIFEs.asx
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 5042710 Ideal me.mp3
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 3461529 ideservea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 4836029 If a BEING wants their dreams to come true they must WAKE UP.mp3
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 8230384 If A Little Is Good, A Lot Is Better.WMA
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 5349492 IF I BELIVE.mp3
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 4932369 If I bicker with anyone it is my loss of objectivity.mp3
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 6300349 If I do not use an idea I choose, I do not trust the next one.mp3
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 4841463 If I like me every dream is revealed.mp3
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 5721894 If I like myself I am easy to heal.mp3
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 4834148 If I like myself the world likes me.mp3
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 7250370 If I love you, what business is it of yours.mp3
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 5207804 IF I mind another's business, I say it is done.mp3
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 5331311 If you are happy here and now, so you will always be.mp3
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 15713626 If you are.mp3
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 9540369 If you do not want an illness.mp3
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 4904784 If you expect everything you will get it.mp3
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 5083252 If you gave a party would you invite yourself.mp3
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 5316055 If you judge people you have no time to love them.mp3
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 1279968 if_you_steel_expect_to_be_stolen_from.WMA
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 2208688 ifinda28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 4706147 ifindouta28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 3746149 ifishoulddiea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 3880236 ifwejustwerenothumana28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 2546130 Iglimpsedmyabsoluteselfa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 1732092 Igrowa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 5103279 IHaveImmunity-a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 50570 IHaveNeverFeltBetterInMyWholeLife-a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 740689 iheala28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 1142836 IHowToCutACake-a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 2757576 ii Life Is Beautiful.WMA
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 1879812 ii A Can-do Attitude Makes Perfection Possible.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 2137660 ii A Child And A Computer.WMA
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 2174716 ii a genius has a wide source.WMA
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 1489952 ii a new business.WMA
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 1401172 ii a new fantasy made disney a success.WMA
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 1137920 ii a smile is infectious.WMA
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 2373120 ii an error is an error is an error.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 1635860 ii and we should not be surprised.WMA
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 1900186 ii Answering Christmas Cards.WMA
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 2863340 ii Anybody Home.WMA
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 1200452 ii are we touched by the past.WMA
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 2323712 ii are we used to lying.WMA
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 1677548 ii are you a bargain hunter.WMA
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 2064320 ii are you an athelete a novice a master or a dreamer.WMA
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 1050684 ii As You Love Life, Life Loves You Back.wma
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 22491941 ii Bath Yes, Soap No.mp3
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 2671884 ii be yourself and have fun because it is fun.WMA
12/6/2023 1:51 PM 1159536 ii being a fun practitioner.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 6506870 ii believe it or not it works.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 10487202 ii Better Than I Am.MP3
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 2410948 ii Building Great Dreams.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 2082076 ii can i ever speak too much about meditation.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1563292 ii Can I Rejunenate My Glands To Serve Me .WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 2851760 ii can you afford to be a jerk.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1542448 ii can you afford to be who you are.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1021348 ii can you take positive thinking and make it work for you.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 7281386 ii communication is tough sometimes.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1049140 ii Counting Blessings.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 2424844 ii Cutting A Ribbon.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1039104 ii Deeper Self Knowledge.wma
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 2199420 ii developing charisma.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 841472 ii did you ever have a mysterious kiss.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 7509538 ii Do What You Like.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1232876 ii do you have static cling.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1363344 ii do you like to live in the now as a happy person.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1515428 ii Dogs know their place--but we confuse them.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 2380840 ii ellen asked me a question.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1865144 ii every time it rains it rains pennies from heaven.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1870548 ii everybody is happy about their habit.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1551712 ii Everyone Loves And Wants To Be Loved.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1647440 ii exercise cause brain stem cell to develop and grow 70% capacity in 5 weeks.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 2094428 ii fisherman of the mind.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1581820 ii Forgive Everyone Everything.wma
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1653616 ii Get active be healthier.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1429736 ii go and find out that you are perfect.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 8124948 ii happy birthday university of Healing.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1767872 ii happy noontime to you.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1050684 ii have you ever had a life altering hit.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 900916 ii healing is possible in me.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1761696 ii healing is quite an easy project.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 8521175 ii Herb, You are cold.mp3
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 2217176 ii Herb, You are cold.wma
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 2779192 ii hey old man what are you up to.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1398084 ii historic present day authors were hermits.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1566380 ii How Can I Change The Status Quo.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 2454952 ii how do i hug a hug.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1091600 ii how do i let go of the past.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1615016 ii how many birds flock together.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1241368 ii how often do we act like people want us to act.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1730816 ii how to ask for a treatment.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1273020 ii how to make tomato paste.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 2045792 ii I Am A Child--How Wisely Do I Make My Choice.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1481460 ii I am a child-how wisely I make choices.wma
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1859740 ii i am a king i am a queen and i act like it.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1403488 ii i am always the winner.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1277652 ii I Am An Angel.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 3548104 ii I Am God.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1599576 ii i am in heaven.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1431280 ii i am not a good creator.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 6566910 ii i am taking you home to meet my mother.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1338640 ii I am too old not to make some major changes in my life.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1411980 ii I Create My Callers.wma
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 2264268 ii I have a vision.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1864372 ii i have been working on my affirmations.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1696076 ii I Have Perfect Finger Nails.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1055316 ii I have to open my eyes.wma
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 2444144 ii I Live Forever In Goodness.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 2399368 ii i live in a world of acts of kindness.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1034472 ii i make up my mind.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 8920478 ii i see you whole and perfect.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1840440 ii i train myself to use mor of my mind in a better effective way.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1973224 ii i visualize my desire and mentally affirm how i now enjoy its fulfillment.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1611156 ii I Want A Leader.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1023664 ii ideal relationship.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 689388 ii If I know who I am all others will know me.wma
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1382644 ii Illumined about peanuts.wma
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1868232 ii it always amuses me what my values are.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 763500 ii its a lovely day.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 997416 ii learn how to breathe.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1957784 ii learning to use iphone.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1543220 ii life is what we call it.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 2451092 ii listening.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1213576 ii look deep into the candle glow.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1515428 ii looking at a drop of water.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 2139204 ii Looking At Life.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1191960 ii Loosing Control.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1167256 ii Love Your Toes.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 3582072 ii Make Life So Enjoyable Everyone Wants To Join You.wma
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 3582072 ii Make Life So Enjoyable.wma
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 2065864 ii making excuses is a big joke.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1784856 ii mary had a little lamb.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 12552454 ii Music Tears Me Up mp3.mp3
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1084652 ii Music Tears Me Up wma.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1486092 ii my attitude is my life.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 2497412 ii my dog my brother.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 2051968 ii My Greatest Gift For Myself.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1740080 ii My Imagination Makes Life Fun.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1144096 ii my mental attitude improves my emotions my skills and my physical world.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1624280 ii Now Belongs To Those Who Believe In The Beauty Of Their Dreams.wma
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1483776 ii often we have ideas come to us that we do not carry out.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1756292 ii oh you did that.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 2658760 ii peace is the greatest healer on earth.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 3137400 ii peace.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 830664 ii people love peace are they willing to do what it takes.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1251404 ii praise vs guidance.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1534728 ii Prehistoric Whales Gave Birth On Land.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1869004 ii Prepare To Win.wma
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 2416352 ii queen for the day.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1784084 ii Quietly I Affirm My Reality.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 132 ii See the sign.asx
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1842756 ii See the sign.wma
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1281512 ii selfdiscipline and selfmotivation are joined at the hip.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1352536 ii shelling peanuts is its own gift.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1571012 ii sitting on my computer.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1761696 ii some people laugh because they think it can't be true.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 3236216 ii Some People Live Rather Interesting Lifes.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 5068912 ii Stem Cells Are Magic.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1978628 ii Stem Cells Have Always Been At Work.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1450580 ii taking time to be perfect.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1868232 ii the brain accepts what it wants to accept.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 1909148 ii the case of the twisted tongue.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 2573068 ii the face of a very beautiful person.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 831436 ii the iphone is fun.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 9710004 ii the journey to the ultimate.WMA
12/6/2023 1:52 PM 904004 ii the power i have over who and what i am is fantastic.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 3646148 ii The Power of A President.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1930764 ii there are many ways we can live our lives.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1786400 ii thoughts are powerful.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1750116 ii thoughts are really things.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1640492 ii Time to rewind.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1147956 ii Time to stop waiting and make it happen.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 2210228 ii to be or not to be _there is no question.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 892424 ii to lift is better than to push down.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 906320 ii to rise the sleeping.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1758608 ii to whom do I speak.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 2103692 ii too hot to handle.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1745484 ii Training Being Onepointed.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 11889456 ii tunnel vision perefireal vision.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1510796 ii Uncharted Waters Are Scarey.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 14885386 ii Unconditional Love Is Endless.MP3
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1218208 ii understanding a boys nature.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1528552 ii walking the path and not knowing.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1597260 ii we all are miracles.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 2456496 ii we all like to give credit to information not worthy to get credit.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 3143576 ii we always think we are so smart.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1322730 ii We Are Bathing In A Field Of Intelligent Energy.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1336324 ii We Cut Our Dogs Toenails.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1494584 ii we think out of body travel is not real.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1872864 ii welcome to heaven.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1719236 ii what a silly lady.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1652844 ii what does outside order mean.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1676004 ii what does the word unconditional love mean to me.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1842756 ii what happens when you become a student of the university of healing.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 6473848 ii what is consciousness all about.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1757836 ii what is the art of telling a joke.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1504150 II What Is Truth--What Is A Lie.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1547852 ii what sort of things illumine your life.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1952380 ii what sort of things tickle your fancy.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 6593928 ii when do we start teaching our children imagination.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 766588 ii when is the last time you decided that you are perfect.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 2361540 ii Where Do I Go When I Die.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1843528 ii where do your values come from.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1110900 ii Where Does The Fire In A Diamond Come From.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1238280 ii Where My Thought Is There Is My Experience.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1262984 ii whispering is a fun thing to do.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1523920 ii whispering sweet nothings.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1913310 ii who attends the school of the master.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 2433336 ii why do meditators go away in peace and stillness.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1760924 ii why i like people.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1500290 ii Why Subliminals Work.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1543992 ii Why The Swiss Love Peace.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1576416 ii wonderful illuminating concepts.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1468336 ii You Smell So Good.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1960100 II--Everybody Likes Beer_a28.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 8316148 II-A-father-sees-in-his -sons-himself.mp3
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 9569921 II-A-selection-of-Joy-Songs.mp3
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 7550940 II-An-idea-whose-time-has-come.mp3
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 2544504 II-Cosmetic Surgery Changes The Outside.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 5492194 ii-Giving Advice Is Touchy.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 5452353 Ii-I-practice-patience.mp3
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 9737378 II-It-Is-The-Little-Things.mp3
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 7523866 II-Mastery-Is-The-End-Of-The-Line.mp3
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 2283568 ii-Most People Are Crazy.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 6826609 II-Quietly-I-Affirm-My-Reality.mp3
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 5865642 II-Spiritual-healing-is-a-common-occurrence.mp3
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 11464316 II-The-game-of-healing.mp3
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1432824 II-We Can Only Cheat Ourselves.wma.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1716148 ii-what makes a genius.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1281042 ii-Whistles Exist To Be Blown.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1064580 ii-why.is.it.the.world.seems.to.be.uptight.at.times.WS_30044.WMA
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1319340 ii.listen.to.the.great.speakers.and.sparkle.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1600348 ii.no.matter.the.storm.when.you.are.with.god.as.god.there's.always.a.rainbow.waiting.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1896568 ii00a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 2296043 ii1000a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 3414458 ii1001a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 4375602 ii1002a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1717674 ii1003a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 2350654 ii1004a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 2393740 ii1005a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 2750067 ii1006a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 3228912 ii1007a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 2698694 ii1008a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1926568 ii1009a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 2957068 ii100a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1873408 ii10105a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 2092502 ii1010a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 2441865 ii1011a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1895007 ii101205a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1918259 ii1012a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1590119 ii101305a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 2443540 ii1013a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1606697 ii1014a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1822427 ii1015a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 2932417 ii1016a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1561621 ii1017a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 133 ii1017s.asx
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1984469 ii101805a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1445972 ii1018a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1948015 ii101905a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 3288622 ii1019a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 988886 ii102005a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 705257 ii10205a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 2604277 ii1020a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 4818237 ii1021a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 2856051 ii102205a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1262157 ii1022a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 867769 ii1023a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 3054891 ii102405a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 970423 ii1024a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1171148 ii1025a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1593417 ii102605a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1210650 ii1026a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 2171778 ii1027a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1737576 ii102805a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 1659709 ii1028a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 3528793 ii102905a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 2115662 ii1029a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:53 PM 142 ii1029s.asx
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 1895265 ii103005a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 2375579 ii1030a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 1631558 ii1031a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 1787366 ii1032a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 1025066 ii1033a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 1959668 ii1034a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 1318903 ii1035a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 133 ii1035s.asx
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 2249631 ii1036a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 2388789 ii1037a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 2506460 ii1038a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 2818008 ii1039a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 1982786 ii10405a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 2148506 ii1040a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 2909087 ii1041a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 1840324 ii1042a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 1691164 ii1043a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 1566921 ii1044a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 2872701 ii1045a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 2175220 ii1046a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 2309327 ii1047a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 2572792 ii1048a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 2685380 ii1049a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 2365553 ii10505a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 1498924 ii1050a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 2476622 ii1051a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 2077383 ii1052a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 2190035 ii1053a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 2312749 ii1054a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 3381586 ii1055a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 1964547 ii1056a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 1913234 ii1057a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 1643119 ii1058a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 2537911 ii1059a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 1923188 ii10605a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 2161736 ii1060a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 1893304 ii1061a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 2037489 ii1062a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 2425221 ii1063a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 2572948 ii1064a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 2524661 ii1065a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 2957248 ii1066a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 1586859 ii1067a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 1722687 ii1068a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 3104627 ii1069a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 2572716 ii10705a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 2615818 ii1070a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 2080711 ii1071a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 1359830 ii1072a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 1595078 ii1073a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 2574361 ii1074a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 2078944 ii1075a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 2532954 ii1076a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 2917354 ii1077a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 2688830 ii1078a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 1888663 ii1079a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 884287 ii1080aar28.wma
12/6/2023 1:54 PM 3689516 ii1081a28.wma
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12/6/2023 1:55 PM 1676279 ii26a28.wma
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12/6/2023 1:56 PM 133 ii973s.asx
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12/6/2023 1:56 PM 132 ii975s.asx
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 1684608 ii976a28.wma
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12/6/2023 1:56 PM 2390406 ii998a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 1494103 ii999a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 132 ii999s.asx
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 3334210 ii9a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 1808016 ii_100_years_in_100_days.WMA
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 138 ii_a perfect attitude.asx
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 820628 ii_a-great-big-hug.wma
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 1699164 ii_a-visit_to_las_vegas.wma
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 2070496 ii_a_fence_defines_a_boundary.wma
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 3416243 ii_a_flower_ia_a_flower_is_a_flower_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 1172631 ii_a_gentle_word_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 1164168 ii_a_joke,_sigh.wma
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 11348428 ii_A_life_well_lived.MP3
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 1768823 ii_a_little_sunshine_goes_a_long_long_way_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 138 ii_a_perfect_attitude.asx
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 1908376 ii_a_perfect_attitude.wma
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 2394755 ii_a_private_time_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 2332976 ii_a_salesman_sells_based_on_what_he_owns.wma
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 2332976 ii_a_salesman_sells_what_he_owns.WMA
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 2320932 ii_a_silent_time_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 1168800 ii_a_special_dedication.wma
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 835296 ii_a_time_of_graduation.wma
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 2030352 ii_Absolute_Monastery_for_monks_and_visitors.wma
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 5058434 ii_adam_and_eve_had_everything_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 1381100 ii_affirmations_bring_subtle_and_not_so_subtle_results.wma
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 1918412 ii_Ah Mothers Day.WMA
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 1378784 ii_all_angels_have_wings.wma
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 3174077 ii_All_is_royal.mp3
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 1617533 ii_amazing_dreams_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 2373120 ii_an_error_is_an_error_is_an_error.wma
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 1814977 ii_an_unnecessary_mask_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 2308272 ii_another_cup_of_tea_please.WMA
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 1240636 ii_another_day_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 1082455 ii_answering_letters_always_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 1105773 ii_are_miracles_for_everyone_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 519548 ii_are_you_a_courteous_person.wma
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 2544577 ii_are_you_ready_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 1411208 ii_awaiting_mail.wma
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 15062570 ii_beauty_is_as_beauty_does.WMA
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 1528148 ii_beauty_is_in_the_eye_only.wma
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 2495096 ii_beauty_lies_in_the_eyes_of_the_beholder.WMA
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 1913845 ii_being_on_time_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 1380328 ii_being_touched_by_caringness.wma
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 2065916 ii_birds_live_in_all_kind_of_weather_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 1174745 ii_birthday_parties_anytime_parties_time for_fun_in_a_lovely_way_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 1928235 ii_burned out circuits_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 1293092 ii_can_i_be_a_universal_being.wma
12/6/2023 1:56 PM 1790423 ii_can_we_ever_run_away_from_ourselves_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 3402968 ii_christys_graduation.WMA
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1649851 ii_claiming_my_good_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1489180 ii_comparison_fails_to_be_useful.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 2100319 ii_compliments_can_be_a_quicksand_trap_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 961904 ii_dedication_is_a_wonderful_thing.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 146 ii_defending_ourselves.asx
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 2659107 ii_developing_respect_for_self_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1893869 ii_difficulties_disappear_and_obstacles_vanish_as_the_magical_effect_of_patience_and_perserverance-prevails_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 2187840 ii_do_everything_you_are_told.WMA
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 2569438 ii_do_i_like_myself_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1813007 ii_do_we_need_anything_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 384448 ii_do_you_care_how_your_garden_grows.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 3946193 ii_do_you_think_you_are_perfect_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 2817247 ii_does_aging_have_to_mean_senility_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1618876 ii_does_anyone_really_know_me.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1743940 ii_does_it_do_any_good_to_get_upset.WMA
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1770097 ii_dont_know_how_the_law_works_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1822684 ii_doyoucare.WMA
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1905273 ii_dream_your_wildest_dream_quietly_to_yourself_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1903161 ii_drinking_eternal_water_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1760924 ii_dry_eyes_boredom.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1491485 ii_each_hat_i_wear_has_personality_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 14967724 ii_Ellen_takes_a_journey.mp3
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1715376 ii_every_light_is_the_same.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1073152 ii_every_tidbit_is_a_surprise.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 2227212 ii_every_tidbit_is_really a_surprise.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1605752 ii_everyone_has_the_answer_for_me_but_none_seem_to_work.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 2494665 ii_everything_is_knowable_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1033413 ii_everything_is_possible_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1951303 ii_evil_in_eye_of_beholder_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 2196791 ii_experience_is_the_worst_teacher_it_gives_the_test_before_presenting_the_lesson_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 2619388 ii_fairy_tales_reality.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1357940 ii_fight_for_your_problems.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1712288 ii_finding_good_things_about_myself.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 2689640 ii_flattery_is_the_most_sincere_form_of_appreciation.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 2037599 ii_flowers_on_the_table_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 2284413 ii_follow_your_guide_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1214348 ii_for_better_and_better.WMA
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 384448 ii_garden.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1734339 ii_giving_birth_to_life_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 4583748 ii_Giving_In_Giving up.mp3
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 3177544 ii_gladness_begets_sadness.WMA
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1920587 ii_god—the_power_in_a_name_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 6614003 ii_good_morning_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 11015732 ii_Great_minds_know_great_ideas.MP3
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 2027264 ii_greatest_gift_i_give_to_myself_is_to_be_interested_in_me.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1431041 ii_happiness_illumines_light_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1449452 ii_have_you_ever_been_illumined_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1591239 ii_helping_a_dieter_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1748747 ii_horse_whisperer_at_work_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 11790390 ii_how_am_i_doing_living_in_the_now.WMA
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 2405544 ii_how_do_you_know_an_honest_man.WMA
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 2102920 II_How_Do_You_Train_A_Child.WMA
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1160308 ii_how_good_is_a_zucchini_cake.WMA
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1316252 ii_how_i_define_an_angel.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 2924328 ii_how_long_does_it_take_to_become_a_parent.WMA
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1770188 ii_how_many_mice_does_a_kitten_catch.WMA
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 2169279 ii_how_mental_attitudes_work_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 2110640 ii_how_to_be_the_worlds_perfect_lover.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1816508 ii_howmanydayshaveyou_spent_withadog.WMA
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 953921 ii_i_always_like_to_have_an_instant_illumination_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1800623 ii_i_am_a_famous_writer,_see_me,_read_my_book_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 346112 ii_i_am_a_man_of_duty_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 846876 ii_i_am_an_island_unto_myself.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1504025 ii_i_am_bubbling_over_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 2355477 ii_i_am_gentle_with_mother_earth_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1421325 ii_i_am_going_to_surprise_someone_today_in_a_way_they_never_dreamed_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1952203 ii_i_am_in_this_alone_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 2824982 ii_i_am_man_of_duty_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 966536 ii_i_am_mr_toothpick.WMA
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 2715402 ii_i_am_my_original_purity_and_integrity_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1277652 ii_i_am_peace_when_i_give_up_fighting.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 3023658 ii_i_am_so_excited_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1830490 ii_i_am_so_mad_i_could_spit_nails_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 2098288 ii_i_am_the_light.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 2064169 ii_i_am_vital_dynamic_alive_bubbling_with_enthusiasm_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 2408275 ii_i_do_it_right_the_first_time_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 2023297 ii_i_dream_in_the_now_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1789111 ii_i_dream_with_open_eyes_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 941060 ii_i_find_redeaming_qualities_in_all_experiences.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1039277 ii_i_hate_you_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 2590824 ii_i_hate_you_i_hate_you.WMA
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 2130712 II_i_have_been_having_fun.WMA
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1905288 ii_i_have_orchids_on_my_desk.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 2340097 ii_i_know_the_way_home_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1698030 ii_i_know_what_it_is_to_be_unaware_of_my_being_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 10163306 ii_i_like_magic_for_me.WMA
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 5791693 ii_I_Like_Me_My_Cause.mp3
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1232389 ii_i_like_me_nodding_off_to_sleep_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1171888 ii_i_like_YOU_but_i_do_not_want_to_hear_your_philosophy.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 2460217 ii_i_listen_to_my_dog's_heart_when_i_cuddle_him_close_to_me--i_hear_acceptance_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 6438707 ii_i_live_in_a_constant_state_of_illumination_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 11070997 ii_I_live_well_beautifully_justly.mp3
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 3511048 ii_i_love_my_dog.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1577871 ii_i_love_tO_dream_my_dreams_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1567301 ii_i_love_you--i_love_me_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 2621003 ii_i_master_my_thought_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1117981 ii_i_measure_good_by_happiness_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1578801 ii_i_need_help_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1170461 ii_I_outshine_the_sun_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1424332 ii_i_practice_patience.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 2224904 ii_i_receive_according_to_how_i_give,_i_give_abundantly_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1528873 ii_I_see_life_from_a_new_perspective_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1517744 ii_i_tell_tales_about_my_life.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 2249929 ii_i_welcome_change_but_never_at_the_expense_of_my_values_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 3524080 ii_illumination_reveals_all_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1867785 ii_Imagination_opens_doors_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 4138684 ii_immutible_rules.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 15002321 ii_In_balance_I_live_in_peace_of_mind.mp3
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1562520 ii_instant_illumination.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 65913 ii_instant_illumination_means_instant_illumination_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1554875 ii_instant_illuminations_means_instant_illumination_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1845844 ii_is_it_too_late_for_now.wma
12/6/2023 1:57 PM 1610384 ii_is_there_such_a_thing_as_overkill.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 3264008 ii_isittrue_really.WMA
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 3027740 ii_it_can_be-done_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1097776 ii_it_is_a_gloomy_day.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 2645636 ii_it_is_just_the_way_of_describing_things.WMA
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 2741894 ii_it_is_less_rough_inside_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 2474981 ii_its_a_secret_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1211260 ii_its_time_to_dream.WMA
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 136 ii_join_the_journey.asx
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1766328 ii_join_the_journey.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1654685 ii_joy_is_not_in_things,_it_is_in_us_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 562780 ii_joy_songs_.WMA
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 2498956 ii_joy_songs_a_selection.WMA
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1029068 ii_knots_are_tough_to_untangle.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 2609909 ii_knowing_the_rules_i_do_not_have_to_break_them_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 3522628 ii_language_is_a_fun_thing_to_play_with.WMA
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1222840 ii_laugh_every_day_it_is_like_inner_jogging.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 4311612 ii_leadership_values.WMA
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1823995 ii_learning_the_art_of_unconditional_love_includes_never_expecting_returns_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1665219 ii_let_911_rest_in_peace_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 2218720 ii_let_go_and_let_god.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 2171918 ii_life_is_uncharted_territory._it_reveals_its_story_one_moment_at_a_time_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 2295920 ii_light_at_the_end_of_the_road.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 2064081 ii_Liking_myself_I_like_all_in_my_world.mp3
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 2212435 ii_living_what_makes_me_happy_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 652332 ii_living_yesterday.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1623508 ii_look_at_a_scene_in_your_mind_and_let_it_be_your_reality_WS_30049.WMA
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1918412 ii_lots_of_people_have_arthritis.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 3381788 ii_love_in_action.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 4315165 ii_lureen_slater_graduation-ordination_on_campus_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 2074063 ii_magical_medical_mysteries_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1812237 ii_make_a_blessing_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 2171818 ii_making_treatment_work_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 4960840 ii_mellowing_imagination.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1545536 ii_men_and_women_fight_to_be_different.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1501532 ii_men_and_women_melt_in_unconditional_love.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 2054029 ii_miracles_seem_to_be_magic_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 2317059 ii_mischief_in_paradise_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 152 ii_mischief_in_paradise_s.asx
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 8536222 ii_monks_pets__a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1716047 ii_music_and_meditation_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 2271013 ii_my_attention_on_troubles_builds_them_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1101732 ii_my_brother_in_law_decided_to_ascend_WS_30021.WMA
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1616442 ii_my_fan_club_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1269695 ii_my_favorite_person_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 2550795 ii_My_goal_is_peace.mp3
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1498241 ii_my_hand_flings_a_rock_1000_times_older_than_thought_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1216907 ii_my_indian_dream_catcher_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1374152 ii_my_life_is_made_up_of_pictures_which_i_select.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 2697195 ii_my_life_seems_to_be_a_dream_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 2231627 ii_my_love_exceeds_my_needs_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 4680646 ii_my_morals_and_ethics_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1198136 ii_my_most_powerful_words.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 862316 ii_my_mother_is_in_me.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 962676 ii_my_new_stationary.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1911977 ii_my_now_thoughts_are_my_now_experiences_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1796755 ii_my_wildest_concept_or_dream_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 4465152 ii_my_world_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1483776 ii_no_one_has_a_little_mind.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 11775380 ii_not_all_whom_i_deal_with_are_on_this_level_of_consciousness.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1998405 ii_not_volume_of_love_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 2298236 ii_oh_ellen.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 2384700 ii_oh_wikipedia.WMA
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 2788456 ii_ohmeinpapa.WMA
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1970136 ii_older_people_are_told_to_exercise.WMA
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 4621956 ii_on_being_a_minister.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1005908 ii_once_i_made_myself_believe_i_did_not_like_myself.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1302356 ii_one_of_the_most_difficult_things-in_the_world.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 921153 ii_oneness_within_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1618350 ii_only_now_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1983260 ii_optimism_is_positive_thinking_lighted_up.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 17392306 ii_Our_Body_Creates_Oxygen.MP3
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1206628 ii_our_light_makes_a_big_impression.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1153360 ii_peaking_into_our_valley.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 6110606 ii_peanutbutter_and_jelly_sandwiches.WMA
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 2261322 ii_perfection_is_a_matter_of_perception_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1045963 ii_placebos_stop_pain_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1561801 ii_plans_always_work_out_when_you_expect_it_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 947305 ii_possible_living_in_the_now_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1786229 ii_practice_in_a_movie_recreate_the_charfacters_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1685389 ii_real_and_imagined_the_same_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 3849956 ii_robins_rules_of_order.WMA
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 3254999 ii_schoool_of_the_master_attitude_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1822986 ii_selfconfidence_grows_in_using_it.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1632645 ii_shock_of_treatment_by_others_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1187131 ii_short_order_cooks_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1881781 ii_show_me_the_way_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1081535 ii_singing_and_walking_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 2409404 ii_smiles_are_cheap.WMA
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1535873 ii_some_people_like_to_work_in_the_dark_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1767548 ii_some_pursue_happiness_others_create_it_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1543363 ii_sometimes _I_get_the_wrong_number_when_i_dial_within_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 4137912 ii_soyouthinkyouknow_how_to_give_a_treatment.WMA
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1296619 ii_Stem_cells_wait_to_be_programed--health_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1353278 ii_stop_analyzing_just_let_it_be_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 2804832 ii_stress_is_the_spice_of_live_in_moderation_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1874408 ii_tension_anxiety_pills_attitude.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 2388195 ii_the-foundation-for-my-daily_live_is_the_loving_atmosphere_of_my_home_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 8163974 ii_the_case_of_the_lost_word.WMA
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 2011065 ii_the_clown_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1800712 ii_the_end_is_just_the_beginning_when_i_run_a_good_race_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1094017 ii_the_eye_of_the_eagle_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 2352441 ii_the_first_ten_commandments_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 2522116 ii_the_fragrance_of_hugging_my_dog.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1161852 ii_the_greatest_gift_i_give_to_myself_is_to_be_interested_in_me.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1918412 ii_The_happiest_day_of_the_year.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1283361 ii_the_illusion_ofo_snow_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1622736 ii_the_importance_of_quick_thinking_or_always_positive_thinking.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 2201795 ii_the_mellow_guru_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 2341468 ii_the_price_of_beans_in_russia.WMA
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 2073223 ii_the_purpose_of_the_OM_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1374152 ii_the_sun_comes_up_for_me.WMA
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 2021375 ii_the_value_of_books_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1724745 ii_the_vow_of_ordination_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1544764 ii_there_are_days_and_there_are_days.WMA
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1765023 ii_there_are_no_rules_on_campus_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 1269025 ii_there_is_always_a_solution_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:58 PM 2030654 ii_there_is_no_victory_to_fulfilling_the_law_of_cause_and_effect_in_my-life_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 2665708 II_Thermostat.WMA
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 3921752 ii_thesignsays_shortcut_to_heaven.WMA
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1780224 ii_theunnatural_fabrics_of_life.WMA
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1439772 ii_think_big.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 8536222 ii_thinking_our_first_thought.WMA
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1825772 ii_this_little_light_of_mine.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 2414981 ii_thoughts_are_my_magic_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1686040 ii_three_wise_stem_cells.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1767923 ii_timelessess_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 839156 ii_training a dog.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1597260 ii_treatment_and_prayer_are_like_caling_home_every_day.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1597260 ii_treatment_and_prayer_are_like_calling_home_every_day.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 2097227 ii_troubles_are_my_attention_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 2112184 ii_unconditional_love,_peace_on_earth.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1774224 ii_unconditional_love_and_debts_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1276108 ii_using_energy.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 2596491 ii_using_the_mystery_magic_of_my_mind's_unlimited_potential_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1901731 ii_wading_in_shallow_water_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1895103 ii_wading_in_shallow_waters_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1807295 ii_watering too_much_or_too_little,_just_enough_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 2221073 ii_ways_i_keep_my_youthfulness_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1268388 ii_ways_to_show_affection.WMA
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1563431 ii_we_are_a_number_I_am_number_one_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 656964 ii_we_are_all_illumined_by_different_things.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 4771829 ii_we_are_born_eternal_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1156143 ii_we_are_in_paradise_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1584136 ii_we_are_more_than_we_let_ourselves_be.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1508480 ii_we_are_planning_an_unbirthdayparty.WMA
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1999261 ii_we_like_to_give_complilments_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 9782052 ii_well_well_here_we_are_again.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 5501200 ii_wha_do_i_think.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1957784 ii_what_are_healing_words.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 2482744 ii_what_are_your_values.WMA
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1455983 ii_what_do_we_do_when_people_say_we_are_sick_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1170344 ii_what_good_are_bubbles_in_my_heat.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1970918 ii_what_i_believe_is_true_is_imprinted_in_my_heart_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 178 ii_what_i_believe_is_true_is_imprinted_in_my_heart_s.asx
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1037560 ii_what_i_look_at_i_am.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1209716 ii_what_is_a_monk.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1732360 ii_what_is_in_a_name.WMA
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 386764 ii_what_is_in_our_heart.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1244456 ii_what_is_inspirational_about_pain_and_suffering.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 2686552 ii_what_is_my_role.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1451462 ii_what_is_so_tough_about_being_a_monk_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 2291288 ii_what_is_the_difference_between_making_up_a_story_and_telling_a_lie.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 4174316 ii_what_is_the_redeeming_quality_in_life a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1320154 ii_what_is_the_redeeming_quality_of_life_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 168 ii_what_is_the_redeeming_quality_of_life_s.asx
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 2370804 ii_what_is_the_uni.WMA
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 3341980 ii_what_is_the_worldwide_healing_ministry.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1168028 ii_what_makes_a_monk.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 3225408 ii_what_makesyouillumined.WMA
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 2843268 ii_what_will_three_kisses_buy.WMA
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1544291 ii_when_i_am_alone_i_am_most_productive_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 5633288 ii_when_is_too_much_too_much.WMA
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 5552234 ii_when_it_is_time_to_sell_it_is_time_to_sell.WMA
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 12438822 ii_when_will_you_ever_learn.WMA
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1842756 ii_when_you_are_ready_you_will_see_the_sign.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 2170107 ii_where_is_that_smile_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 809832 ii_where_is_your_light_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1093916 ii_where_we_are_is_our_thought.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 2204824 ii_why_are_some_kids_so_lucky.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1881356 ii_why_are_there_clouds_in_the_sky.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 2414808 ii_why_bother_dreaming.WMA
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1103180 ii_why_christmas_is_for_everyone.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1982790 ii_why_do_i_like_me.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1986348 ii_why_do_we_make_it_so_difficult_for_happiness_to_find_us.WMA
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1625052 ii_why_do_we_think_ofthepast_with_all_its_limitations.WMA
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1905271 ii_why_dreaming_results_in_the_most_happy_living_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 988924 ii_why_i_am_here.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1623963 ii_why_i_create_in_this_experience_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 2667252 ii_why_is_it_that_somethings_heal.WMA
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1279196 ii_why_life_appears_to_be_so_mysterious_as_to_how_it_functions.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1883163 ii_with_each_creation_i_create_all_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 3208424 ii_work_values.WMA
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 23161533 ii_workshop_on_the_mind_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1375718 ii_would_you_believe_a28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 18277542 ii_ws600_Giving_in_Giving_up.MP3
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 2182436 ii_you_are_spectacular.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 2819336 ii_you_are_stupid_dumb_and crazy.WMA
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 995872 ii_your_mother_lives_in_you_as_goodness.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 924065 iiagelessnessagainandagaina28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1385915 iialwaysdorighta28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 832827 iianewyeara28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1061579 iiangelica28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1425149 iiawarenessa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1227387 iibeamazinga28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1303233 iibeingtherea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1248509 iiblessingsa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1143879 iichangethewordswa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1115073 iicoincidencea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1567253 iidisciplineofsilencea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1560525 iidiscoveryourtoea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 912533 iidreamsofpossibilitiesa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1506083 iienergymassagea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1020167 iifame-justicea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 2448563 iifollowingtheprogrambringsresultsa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1479865 iifriendsa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1568201 iigivingpresentsa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1583833 iiheartsgardena28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 49664 iiheavenlylifea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 22873 iiheavenlyliving.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1379353 iiheavenlylivinga28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1316669 iiintegritya28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1165251 iijoya28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1969794 iijoysongsa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1825493 iilivinginamausoleuma28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1354113 iiloveourselvesa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1448213 iimakingyourworldsmilea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 930049 iimea28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1954109 iimydocumentsa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1163081 iimylightshinesa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1750792 iiopenminda28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1096861 iiourpastreflectsthenowa28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1821621 iipanela28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1206295 iipeacebelongsinmyhearta28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 151 iipeacebelongsinmyhearts.asx
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1162131 iipeanutbutterandjellya28.wma
12/6/2023 1:59 PM 1242741 iiplacea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 1142909 iirevealinga28.wma
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 1418431 iirighttoliea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 804023 iismilesa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 1517305 iisystemsa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 2791450 iit1091a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 1343563 iitherightattitudea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 1366360 iithesuna28.wma
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 1922443 iithesunsaystomea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 1253325 iithoughtselectiona28.wma
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 822321 iitimetosingchristmascarolsa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 1199543 iiwisdoma28.wma
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 1257161 iiwizardrytableta28.wma
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 1038290 iiworkandplaya28.wma
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 5791717 ILikeMea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 4638218 ILikeMeBusinesswise-a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 4621658 ILikeMeIdeologically-a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 4636561 ILikeMeInMyHeart-a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 4747438 ILikeMeLymphaticallya28.wma
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 4871555 ILikeMeMentallya28.wma
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 88605 ILikeMeMentallya28test.wma
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 4871555 ILikeMeMentallys.asx
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 4664696 ILikeMeMyEyesSay-a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 4699447 ILikeMePersonalitywise-a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 4694474 ILikeMePhysicallya28.wma
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 4644818 ILikeMeSociallya28.wma
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 4866606 ILikeMeSpiritually-a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 4623309 ILikeMeSpirituallya28.wma
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 1078243 ILikeMetoa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 4876628 Iliveperfecta28.wma
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 4657352 Illness comes from lazy thinking.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 11425365 Illness is holding onto the past.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 1286 Illumination -- I love to turn things around.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 4951595 Illumination -- Abundance.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 4811161 Illumination -- ALL IS.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 5419709 Illumination -- Business.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 5159321 Illumination -- Energy.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 4850031 Illumination -- Genius.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 5548859 Illumination -- Gentleness.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 4823699 Illumination -- Harmonious.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 5763272 Illumination -- Health.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 5140930 Illumination -- Hearing.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 5305188 Illumination -- I always like me.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 5486583 Illumination -- I am complete now.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 4963298 Illumination -- I am creator of all in my world.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 5427233 Illumination -- I AM divine now.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 4990047 Illumination -- I am the allness of all things.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 6193770 Illumination -- I am the power of the universe.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 4850449 Illumination -- I direct the atoms in me to fulfill me.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 5942158 Illumination -- I see with an inner vision.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 4999660 Illumination -- Immortality.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 5496196 Illumination -- It is done.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 4983360 Illumination -- LIFE.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 5005094 Illumination -- Living Now.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 5106240 Illumination -- My life reveals wholeness.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 5012199 Illumination -- My word is me.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 4817848 Illumination -- ONENESS.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 4822864 Illumination -- Peace.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 5819278 Illumination -- Polishing the diamond in me.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 5281365 Illumination -- Solutions.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 4822864 Illumination -- Success.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 5181055 Illumination -- Unconditional Love.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 5055667 Illumination -- Vibration is the energy of all revealed.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 5076147 Illumination -- Vision.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 4865495 Illumination -- What I see I am.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 4982524 Illumination -- Whispering is the touch of love.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 4915650 Illumination -- Wisdom.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 14122944 Illumination ___ A smile is always welcome.aiff
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 5123794 Illumination ___ A smile is always welcome.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 4929861 Illumination is divine.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 5123794 Illumination-- A smile is always welcome.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 5532558 Illumination--A man's thoughts are his character.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 5380421 Illumination--A soft command holds tremendous weight.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 5151379 Illumination--At 230 am I swept the patio, watered the plants and smiled.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 5111673 Illumination--Defining my name.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 6615073 Illumination--Dreamer.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 4689535 Illumination--Handbook of Ascended Masters--6--A Teacher.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 983908 Illumination--Handbook of Ascended Masters--Chapter 1-For This Was I Prepared.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 5049815 Illumination--Handbook of Ascended Masters--Chapter 11--Sex.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 1949812 Illumination--Handbook of Ascended Masters--Chapter 3-What is an Ascended Master.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 6111850 Illumination--Handbook of Ascended Masters--Chapter 5--I am the Master.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 5922932 Illumination--Handbook of Ascended Masters--Chapter 7--All desire master ship.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 3325734 Illumination--Handbook of Ascended Masters--Chapter 8--Prayer Defined.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 6620088 Illumination--Handbook of Ascended Masters--Chapter 9--Charisma.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 805022 Illumination--Handbook of Ascended Masters-Chapter 2-I Am Master.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 4027069 Illumination--Handbook of Ascended Masters-Chapter 4-An Ascended Master Is Responsible For His World.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 5993149 Illumination--I am exquisite. Whatever I do I do it exquisitely!.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 6271092 Illumination--I am my best tutor.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 5184816 Illumination--I do not see things as they are; I see things as I am.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 6452486 Illumination--I honor my purity as I live it!.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 5109166 Illumination--I like to live as my divine self at all times.mp3
12/6/2023 2:00 PM 5091193 Illumination--I live Illumined.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 14005812 Illumination--I look on the sunny side of life.aiff
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 5081580 Illumination--I look on the sunny side of life.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 5032261 Illumination--I see all things as I am.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 5407588 Illumination--I select my thinking menus wisely.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 5290560 Illumination--I take illuminating ideas from within and write well.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 5290560 Illumination--I take illuminating ideas from within and write well_1.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 4839164 Illumination--I wake up to a happy choice - a happy life.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 5572682 Illumination--Illumined mind.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 5064444 Illumination--Learning is fun.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 4945744 Illumination--Little lights, seeing affirmations results.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 4778978 Illumination--Master Consciousness.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 5376659 Illumination--Mind is the resource of the world.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 5724819 Illumination--My autoimmune system functions perfectly.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 5045218 Illumination--My Cue=I am ideal wholeness.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 5155141 Illumination--My most blessed inner assurance.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 5292650 Illumination--My sins are passé.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 4982106 Illumination--Only I can choose what I want to think about.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 5206968 Illumination--Plants mutate-We change our thought.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 5341551 Illumination--Poetry brings out our gentle heart.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 5028917 Illumination--Practice makes perfect with treatment.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 4746544 Illumination--Rearranging furniture.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 5364539 Illumination--Showing respect and interest starts with self, includes all the world.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 5917499 Illumination--Steve Jobs says Keep It Simple.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 6476310 Illumination--The greatest gift I can give myself is to be interested in me.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 4844179 Illumination--The real teacher.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 5112091 Illumination--Think on an action with no conflicting thoughts and you will achieve it.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 6116865 Illumination--Thirty-Minute daily affirmation.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 4903948 Illumination--Touching healing.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 5736104 Illumination--Turning on my inner light.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 3718572 Illumination--When I am ready I am blessed forevermore.aiff
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 5257541 Illumination--When I am ready I am blessed forevermore.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 5657946 Illumination--Where are the sprinklers in my yard.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 5769123 Illumination--Yoga is achieved by developing full mastery over mind and emotions.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 5303935 Illumination--You know-I am the only energy that is.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 5082416 Illumination-Handbook of Ascended Masters--Chapter 10--A Masters Body.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 5522527 Illumination.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 6271092 Illumination_I am my best tutor.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 5855850 Illumined Thinking.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 1925659 Ilovea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 1692290 imaga28.wma
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 1740285 imagiinationa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 9421668 Imagination is the foundation of life.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 6312888 Imagination joins the absolute and generic ideas of life.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 7867696 Imagination joins the abstract and generic ideas of life.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 1574775 Iministera28.wma
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 4692903 Immortaliltyishowmanyliveswehavetouched-a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 5879882 Immortality is how many lives I have touched.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 5084506 Immortality is THE many lives I have lived.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 4822028 Immune to the world of appearences, I soar unlimited with delight in the goodness of my creation.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 5294322 Imperfection by any other name is imperfection.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 1602974 importanta28.wma
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 3543073 In a blanket of positive thoughts.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 4840418 In all I do I start at the TOP.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 5469864 In all pleasure caring is its largest measure.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 4973538 In everyman's speech and writing is their character recorded.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 11043924 In lovingness.MP3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 6182067 In me I feel the instinct of greatness.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 9772336 In me is all wisdom.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 6517688 In me is greatness awaiting to be claimed.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 7219442 In me life's drama is heavenly.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 4847941 In my account are abundant blessings.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 4698312 In my sight you are perfect.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 6275481 In my thought all of my world is harmonious.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 4965806 In silence man can most readily preserve his integrity.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 5671739 In the middle of an earthquake--All is in divine order.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 2364232 InAMomentItWorksa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 2855841 indifferencea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 1975445 influencea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 3042820 IngaforIlsea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 3518301 Ingeborg and Sylvia Praise Mark's Rudy Report 9_24_11 8_41 AM.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 1655922 inina28.wma
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 4502518 inlovea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 1573150 inma28.wma
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 4855464 Inner perfection is easy.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 6288646 Innocence has nothing to dread.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 5764108 Innocence is always purity contemplating it's pure self.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 5352000 Innocence needs no definition. It is complete in itself.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 5610299 Innocent children.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 4642305 Inocent untouchable.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 1680727 inspirethema28.wma
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 7607726 Integrity comes from practice.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 6248104 Integrity is a master student.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 5996911 Integrity stands behind greatness.mp3
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 4894853 INTENSE JOURNEYa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 142 INTENSE JOURNEYs.asx
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 1727073 intensifya28.wma
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 2526418 InThePresencea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 4652155 introsepction3a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 4688259 introspection.2a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:01 PM 4652155 introspection.3a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 4443673 introspection1-6,1a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 4617348 introspection2a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 4652155 introspection3a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 4605757 introspection4a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 4633922 introspection5a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 4715115 introspection6a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 6228460 Intuition--Quick and Ready Insight.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 4964134 Investing in smiles.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 5081816 Investinga28.wma
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 2471855 invisiblelifea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 1147753 ip11a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 1012017 ip12a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 980602 ip14a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 1126206 ip15a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 882913 ip16a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 914362 ip18a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 859737 ip19a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 1535085 ip1a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 586209 ip22606a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 987210 ip22a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 458326 ip3206a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 1304970 ip4a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 1161001 ip5a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 1101421 ip6a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 1275208 ip7a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 4646519 ipa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 892945 Ipraisemybodya28.wma
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 876343 ipraisemymybodya28.wma
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 9691252 Is a dog human or divine.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 11257763 Is being nonjudgmental a reality.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 43377508 Is it really beneficial to be me.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 5320653 Is MAGIC real.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 5352836 Is there anything I cannot do.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 5308950 Is time important.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 2274864 isa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 5014023 isharea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 3013072 ispolitenessa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 15403656 It blesses me when I praise and find good in the work of others all the time.MP3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 5767869 It can be done.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 7214844 It is a super surprise.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 6800019 It is a terrible burden to have nothing to do.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 13296000 It is about time to get with it.aiff
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 4824117 It is about time to get with it.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 4927353 It is about time.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 5257123 IT is ALL inside.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 5285544 It is an art to listen to what I want to hear.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 5842266 It is blessed to give.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 5265900 It is certain -- it can be -- because it is impossible.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 5838504 It is cheaper to do it right.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 4397304 It is done now.wma
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 5007602 It is done. I am fulfilled.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 5461923 It is easy to change a thought and think a new one.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 5117525 It is important how one faces life_always POSITIVE.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 4822864 It is important to find out what works for you.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 5739239 It is impossible to walk on fire.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 6204637 It is magic for me beginning again.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 4978344 It is magical.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 6031184 It is May just two days away.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 5073012 It is my day.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 7204395 It is never too late.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 4873019 It is not always enough to ha e a good mind. The main thing is to use it well.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 10903718 It is not eaIt is not easy to be a disciple and a human being at the same timesy to be a disciple and a human being at the same time.MP3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 10903718 It is not easy to be a disciple and a human being at the same time.MP3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 14013942 It is not my fault.MP3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 4866749 It is only me.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 46946 It is perfectly okay to go through life without being motivated.MP3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 5590655 It is so silly to grow old gracefully.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 4841672 It is so.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 3603884 It is time to take inventory.MP3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 5158485 It is tough however the physical is an illusion.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 5412602 It is tough to say the truth.MP3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 8187017 It is up to me how the world sees through my eyes.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 5863164 It is well for people to change their minds occasionally in order to keep them clean.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 2919477 It is your CALL, your choice.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 4784411 It may be costly to require the best of myself and for myself. In my eternal life such values are all I consider.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 4841881 It never fails. I listen to the divine within.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 8734544 It only matters to me.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 4974165 It pays to be diligent.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 5959295 It takes a lot of courage to show your dream to another. Will they approve of it.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 5959295 It takes a lot of courage to show your dream to another. Will they approve of it_1.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 4853793 It was a dark and stormy night.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 4849613 It works for me.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 5097881 It works.mp3
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 3411833 It. Is lovely to have Herb inmy life.mp3
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 4644962 ita28.wma
12/6/2023 2:02 PM 2088814 iteachbestwhatimostneedtolearna28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 4601272 IThinkLife!a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 47104 IThinkLife!ra28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 72045 IThinkLife!ra28test.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 2496644 itisa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 818442 itisdonenowa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 1593058 itiseasytobebraveatasafedistancea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 2433764 itiseasytopracticea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 2711862 itisnevertoolatetohaveahappychildhooda28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 1556574 itissosimplea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 3334076 ItIsTimeToLovea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 1619462 itsallattitudea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 1192526 itscovera28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 2447016 ittakesa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 1384504 iuseperspectivetomyadvantagea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 4803873 Ive got a fairie in my garden.mp3
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 3153679 JamesBondSyndromea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 8666834 Jesus at home with his disciples.mp3
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 6375164 Jesus bugged his disciples.mp3
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 8378442 Jesus healed no one.mp3
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 4918576 Jesus is gentle, can we be any less.mp3
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 5015961 Jesus loved laughter.mp3
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 5591490 Jesus says--It done unto you NOW according to your belief--Then continued 50 years later.mp3
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 4817012 Jesus taught to live.mp3
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 4964970 Jesus Taught Wholeness.mp3
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 5702668 Jesus wore the best.mp3
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 1841270 Jimmy-a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 2214380 John hitching a train ride.mp3
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 891276 JohnCharlesDaintya28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 144 JohnCharlesDaintys.asx
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 6587834 johnnya28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 1957130 Journeytothesourcea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 9649038 Joy comes from sharing.mp3
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 4913979 Joy is gratitude.mp3
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 2423858 joyisa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 1535061 JoySongsa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 5496196 Judgment is a luxury I cannot afford.mp3
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 7590252 July2005Seminar(2of32)a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 7414612 July2005Seminar(3of32)a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 7383282 June 24 Intro Religious Science El Centro CA.mp3
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 8296204 june_2006_spr10_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 6448669 june_2006_spr11_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 8138787 june_2006_spr2_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 8582855 june_2006_spr3_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 8208389 june_2006_spr4_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 7514064 june_2006_spr5_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 7109764 june_2006_spr6_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 6685580 june_2006_spr9_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 7855604 june_2006_spr_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 5146364 Junk mail incited thoughts about problems.mp3
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 4930279 Just a thought.mp3
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 172804 Just an example.mp3
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 132 Just-an-example.asx
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 172804 Just-an-example.mp3
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 4779105 Kathy Hendriks,, super hero.mp3
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 4905202 Keep an untroubled spirit. Look things in the face ann know them do what they are.mp3
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 5191504 Keep coming.mp3
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 5367882 Keep it to yourself.mp3
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 4834148 Keep looking for the rainbow. you will find it.mp3
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 5345521 Keeping my cool.mp3
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 7417136 Keeping my heart pumping - LOVE IT.mp3
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 6327099 Keeping positive is a full time responsibility.mp3
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 1737013 keeponwalkinga28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 2453668 kidsa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 4853375 Kind words are like a spring day.mp3
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 5265900 Kindness gives birth to kindness.mp3
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 5684277 Kindness is a language the deaf can hear and the blind can see.mp3
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 4910635 Kindness is everything in life.mp3
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 1561603 Kindnessa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 4638202 KindnessCostsNothinga28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 3830572 Kindnessesa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 1579828 KindnessIsa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 3320854 KipMemoriala28.wma
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 10628317 Kissing myself show divine respect.mp3
12/6/2023 2:03 PM 4903948 Know - god wants for me what I want for myself.mp3
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 5491180 Know all and you will pardon all.mp3
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 9236095 Know it all students - humility.mp3
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 9771082 Know your story.mp3
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 1500362 knowblissa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 4832895 Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment.mp3
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 12018449 Knowledge of the ancients based on their interests.mp3
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 3140497 Koana28.wma
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 5328176 l am patience.mp3
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 5225358 l am reborn each moment I live.mp3
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 7411285 Language and Love.mp3
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 8185345 LaoTze - If the will knows not WHAT to will, it will not be able to will.mp3
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 5327131 Laugh and be well.mp3
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 5177711 Laughter is the best medicine for a stressful day.mp3
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 5002168 Laughter shines forth our divinity lovingly.mp3
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 915638 laughter102005a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 966979 laughteropensdoorsa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 286907 lawofcause_028.wmv
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 469118 lawofcause_056.wmv
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 1409093 lawofcause_100.wmv
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 6211742 Lazy Bones.mp3
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 1740531 leadersa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 5215327 Learn how to FEEL joy.mp3
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 5134870 Learn to live with life-not against it.mp3
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 5134870 Learn to live with life-not against it_1.mp3
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 5091193 Learn WHAT you are and be it.mp3
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 4890573 Learn who we really are and live in that knowledge.mp3
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 1397801 learner-teachera28.wma
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 5733597 Learning about the Easter Bunny.mp3
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 4853375 Learning from my parents.mp3
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 4926517 Learning from my peers.mp3
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 5042696 Learning introspection.wma
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 4890782 Learning to be alone.mp3
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 12382073 Leave NO Tracks.mp3
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 3387098 leavemeaninglessa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 1433792 LeaveNoMarka28.wma
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 1167645 leaveyourshovelathomea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 7059932 Lecture 1 My values are defined by my ideals--Values in Trin Mulin Switz 2009 5-day Master Serminar.WMA
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 140 Lecture 1 Owerri.asx
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 9284064 Lecture 1 Owerri.WMA
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 12504076 Lecture 10 my ideal confirms who and what I am Triin Mulin.WMA
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 14825480 Lecture 11 I accept new values to live a new life Trin Mulin.WMA
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 7261424 Lecture 2 Know I am god-ideal Trin Mulin.WMA
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 8249584 Lecture 2 Owerri.WMA
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 12192960 Lecture 3 I live in the relative aware of the absolute Trin Mulin.WMA
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 14032636 Lecture 3 Owerri.WMA
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 12226156 Lecture 4 Owerri.WMA
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 15034692 Lecture 4 unconditional love Trin Mulin.WMA
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 6129672 Lecture 5 Natures Beauty Trin Mulin.WMA
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 14670308 Lecture 5 Owerri.WMA
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 14088220 Lecture 6 My Ethics Guide Me Trin Mulin.WMA
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 15429956 Lecture 6 Owerri.WMA
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 16563252 Lecture 7 Ethics and Charisma Trin Mulin.WMA
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 11483492 Lecture 7 Owerri.WMA
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 12900884 Lecture 8 My Belief that all is god Trin Mulin.WMA
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 13207368 Lecture 8 Owerri.WMA
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 15330368 Lecture 9 I like me on values Trin Mulin.WMA
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 6632567 lecture10a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 7815892 lecture11a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 8115447 lecture12a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 9616532 lecture13a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 8107172 lecture14a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:04 PM 6159237 lecture15a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 8613602 lecture16a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 8031042 lecture17a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 7974772 lecture18a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 7388902 lecture19a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 9167919 lecture1a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 7757967 lecture20a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 7314427 lecture21a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 9151477 lecture22a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 8211665 lecture23a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 8170050 lecture24a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 7872156 lecture2a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 7855606 lecture3a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 7382276 lecture4a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 8209780 lecture5a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 8636770 lecture6a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 8323975 lecture7a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 8502715 lecture8a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 9194505 lecture9a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 22308760 Lecture_10_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 24912280 Lecture_10_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 17433526 Lecture_11_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 27508902 Lecture_11_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 28554636 Lecture_12_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 14652740 Lecture_12_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 24810558 Lecture_13_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 21751568 Lecture_13_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 21517092 Lecture_14_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 12553122 Lecture_14_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 16129494 Lecture_15_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 22931622 Lecture_15_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 17863292 Lecture_16_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 20558346 Lecture_17_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 51277740 Lecture_17_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 13732236 Lecture_18_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 23210526 Lecture_18_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 26216468 Lecture_1_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 27053746 Lecture_1_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 23105754 Lecture_1a_Opening_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 19209644 Lecture_20_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 5703052 Lecture_21_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 22505462 Lecture_2_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 19645994 Lecture_2_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 18693986 Lecture_3_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 16412870 Lecture_3_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 22496214 Lecture_4_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 23101680 Lecture_4_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 19038960 Lecture_5_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:05 PM 22897612 Lecture_5_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 10937030 Lecture_6_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 20903790 Lecture_7_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 16857056 Lecture_7_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 25656926 Lecture_7_Part_2_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 17464716 Lecture_8_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 17983038 Lecture_8_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 19240208 Lecture_9_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 15945174 Lecture_9_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 284672 LENDa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 5399856 Let each live what he was created to be.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 7090292 Let it be.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 4806981 Let me show you pictures off child.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 4941982 Let me tell the world.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 452959 Let Me Think About It.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 12265881 Let others blow our horn.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 5045009 Let the journey please us.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 3093348 Let the joy of your heart sing.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 2694406 Let your heart be light.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 5289306 Let your secret be known, I have perfect health.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 6949022 Let's PRETEND is an adult game.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 4535632 LetEveryActBeAMemoryBirthing-a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 1511873 letitshinea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 4816594 Letters are fun, a master makes them meaningful.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 5016705 Letting Out My Genius.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 2382437 lettinggoandwinninga28.wma
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 3145416 lhumilitycanbelearneda28.wma
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 2020040 liea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 11910197 Life Begets Love.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 7356114 Life begins when communication starts.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 5067788 Life can never shake my inner bliss.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 7525388 Life gives us what we ask of it.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 7688392 Life gives us what we think about.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 4857136 Life is 10% how you take it and 90% how you MAKE it.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 19365764 Life is a glorious voyage-mp3.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 19365764 Life is a glorious voyage.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 4933205 Life is a series of trying to make up your mind.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 5329012 Life is a succession of moments. To live each one is to succeed.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 13870164 Life is exciting, the days go past so vividly.MP3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 4816594 Life is how you listen within.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 4005753 Life is super when worn with a smile.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 4840000 Life is the sum of all of our choices.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 5900362 Life is under an obligation to give us what we are.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 4226018 Life is what I make it.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 3055314 Life is wonderful.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 4935713 Life offers us an opportunity to save our face or find our soul.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 15262594 Life seems like magic when I listen to my first thought.MP3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 4805727 Life truly is a miracle.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 6087190 Life's excitement is change.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 4754318 Life's invisibility is its magic.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 4925188 Life-Is-For-The-Living.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 5127556 Life.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 4060625 lifedeatha28.wma
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 4568688 lifeexistsa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 2021631 lifeisaplaya28.wma
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 1574817 lifeisforthelivinga28.wma
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 891278 lifeisgooda28.wma
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 2969986 lifeislikeagamea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 2359297 lifesmostdifficulttaska28.wma
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 2756479 lifesrarestcommoditya28.wma
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 4183107 lifetakesturnswecreatea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 4941982 Lift up your chin.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 4985450 Lifting thoughts is by choice.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 6300767 Light is a symbol of wisdom.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 4922338 LIGHT is my divine self revealing my starting point.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 37311249 LIGHT is my revealed starting point.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 4837074 Like begets like. I am careful to only think thoughts I admire.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 8419296 Like it or not - there is only now.aiff
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 7445139 Like it or not - there is only now.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 4804473 Liking Myself I Like My World.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 2392367 likingmyselfa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 9704594 List Birthdays as our PRIME TIME.MP3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 19517902 Listen to your heart.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 5130064 Listen Within For Advice.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 1632742 ListenAndAct-StefanStrassle-a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 4890292 Listening for god's harmony - that is all I hear.aiff
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 5273842 Listening for god's harmony - that is all I hear.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 7591007 Listening to his masters voice.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 5416784 Listening to how I talk.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 9822909 Listening To Me.mp3
12/6/2023 2:06 PM 4974374 Listening to my FIRST THOUGHT is fun.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 5285126 Listening to my seminars I reaffirm my convictions.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 9315716 Listening while walking my inner path.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 1286 Listening within happens by choice.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 5426397 Listening within makes a full life possible.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 31977254 Listening within my outward is fulfilled.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 4692878 Listening--I am always heard.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 134 LISTENSa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 2597531 LISTENSHEARDa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 134 LISTENSs.asx
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 5823162 listentalka28.wma
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 8592437 Little children know inner-outer bliss.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 5431412 Little dreams bring little results.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 5287216 Little waves of energy form a busy brain.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 6375582 Live in Heaven.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 5769123 Live in the present tense.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 5694308 Live Principle.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 4975419 Live with the desire to be happy.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 874177 liveinthenowa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 3421927 liveitnowa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 2670399 livenevertobeashameda28.wma
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 3031219 livesonoonewillbelieveita28.wma
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 4921502 Living a happy life means I think happy thoughts.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 4816176 Living an Illumined life - standing up for principle.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 5537156 Living By Example.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 4562057 Living in a goldfish bowl.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 7257894 Living in a happy world.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 5325250 Living in my ideal body.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 4032240 Living in the dimension now.MP3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 3855288 Living in the past achieves no progress.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 11778540 Living in the past as the past.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 5481567 Living Is Exciting.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 4804473 Living is the only way to solve inner conflicts.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 9506932 Living My Philosophy or talking it.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 12155957 Living Naturally Simply.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 3181120 Living Now Forever Brings Eternal Happiness.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 5509570 Living now--not then.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 9826671 Living Powerfully Now -- 5 - I am an adult.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 9712150 Living Powerfully Now -- 1 I am born.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 9712150 Living Powerfully Now -- 1 - I am born.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 3881202 Living Powerfully Now -- 10 - I live an effective life.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 10708983 Living Powerfully Now -- 11 - I make my life according to the divine pattern in me.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 8850318 Living Powerfully Now -- 2 I am an infant.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 10798008 Living Powerfully Now -- 3 I am a child.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 9808699 Living Powerfully Now -- 4 - I am a youth.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 10106286 Living Powerfully Now -- 6 - Living Values.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 9934922 Living Powerfully Now -- 7 - The Sanctuary Within.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 9934922 Living Powerfully Now -- 7 - The Sancturary Within.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 9934922 Living Powerfully Now -- 7 -.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 9738482 Living Powerfully Now -- 8 - My Thought Creates My World.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 9715494 Living Powerfully Now -- 9 - I have to start somewhere.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 9712150 Living Powerfully Now -- I am born.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 5199027 Living Powerfully Now.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 8011474 Living Principle Is Easy.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 5229537 Living the dream.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 5390870 Living the life of Jesus.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 5141766 Living unconditional love means seeing all in life as very good and without judgment.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 7893192 Living with my eyes closed.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 5799982 LivingForevera28.wma
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 2741882 livinginthedimensionofnowa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 2286443 livingnowa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 2673729 livingvegetablesa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 1227261 livingwiththeproblema28.wma
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 4010988 lmm10a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 4506419 lmm11a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 2758292 lmm12a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 3921510 lmm13a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 4557846 lmm14a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 3031681 lmm15a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 4822838 lmm1a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 2102152 lmm2a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 4273146 lmm3a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 4135259 lmm4a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 1867264 lmm5a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 3651735 lmm6a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 4600848 lmm7a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 3626550 lmm8a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 4193290 lmm9a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 5847073 Look at the impossible and know YOU will do it.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 5234762 Look for the silver lining.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 2180625 lookeduptoa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 5158903 Looking for life's redeeming qualities.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 15035016 Looking for why something will work rather than why it will not is an art.MP3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 12397747 Looking within I see my unimaginable self.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 4789473 Lorelei Lapinza, a planter of seeds.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 5256705 Love expressed is its gifti.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 5355762 Love is living who you are.mp3
12/6/2023 2:07 PM 487582 LOVE IS MINE.mp3
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 4805727 Love is the most thought on my mind.mp3
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 6220728 Love one another.mp3
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 5046890 Love pleasure - love god.mp3
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 5424307 Love transcends being human.mp3
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 4831223 Love unconditionally and do what you like.mp3
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 4922086 Love Your Toes.mp3
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 4954103 Love, and do what you like.mp3
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 5291814 LOVE, not time, heals.mp3
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 6432208 LOVEa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 4760634 LOVEBREEDSLOVEa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 13311904 Lovely to have Anita in my world.aiff
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 4829551 Lovely to have Anita in my world.mp3
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 0 Lovely to have Ellen in my world.aiff
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 5272588 Lovely to have Ellen in my world.mp3
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 4901022 Lovely to have Ingeborg in my world.mp3
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 86972 loveneedsa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 131 LOVEs.asx
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 2273209 lovesexa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 2296385 lpa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 17724248 lvseminar1a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 9053167 lvseminar2a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 16261391 lvseminar3a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 6199813 lvseminar4a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 17394505 lvseminar5a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 719496 M Having FUN as GOD.wma
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 684756 M I Am Divine ORDER.wma
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 719496 M I am Having FUN as GOD.wma
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 638436 M I Am PEACE.wma
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 638436 M I LIke Me.wma
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 676264 M Learning to listen within.wma
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 2012596 m a guru's treatment.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 2424844 m all substance is natural.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 745274 m an angel driving.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1277652 m Believe In Miracles.wma
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1683724 m Blessing Others Blesses Me.wma
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1142552 m catching my breath after running.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 2076974 m Closing My Eyes Psychologically.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1638948 m Developing Charisma.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 958044 m driving like an angel.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1299268 m ellen is using crosscountry sticks.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1371836 m Endiing A Relationship.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1631236 m Good Morning God.wma
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 499476 m how do i greet my day.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 599836 m how i greet my day.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1587996 m I Am Alone.wma
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1703024 m I Dream Alone.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 3016196 m I Got A Problem.wma
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1259124 m I Know How To Do Everything.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 741884 m I Like Everything That I Think About.wma
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1571012 m I See In Others Who And What I Am.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1339714 m I See Wholeness And It Is So.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1536272 M I Sip My Meditation.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1240596 m I Start My Day With A Peaceful Heart.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1021348 m I would like you to meet my 90 year old mother.wma
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 2032668 m if anyone irritates me they own me.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1277182 m Listen to the divine.wma
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 987380 m Listening To My Inner Self I Am Guided Rightly.wma
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1428964 m listening to the clouds.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1461388 m Man Is Designed To Be Very Special.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 3927156 m meditation is important for everyone.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1286916 m Meditation Is A Long Winding Road.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 643068 M Meditation is fun.wma
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1549396 M Meditation is only as good as the meditator.wma
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 683984 m meditation on the god in me.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 683984 m meditation on the god in me.wma.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1073072 M Meditation with a kitten on your chest.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 644612 m my deepest thought.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1117848 M My great world.wma
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1623508 m my roses.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1655160 m Proctors Professors Practitioners.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 468596 m someone takes over as leader or boss.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1723868 m someone takes over as leader or boss2.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 3672396 m Strive for Perfection.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 693248 m Success in my business of living.wma
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 2197876 m tapping into eternal energy.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1270704 m Tell Others Thank You.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 5435156 m The Candle Or Any Light Helps Me Find My Light.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 2231072 m the difference between consciousness and mind.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1638176 m The key to happiness is having now dreams. The key to success is making dreams come true.wma
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1543522 m the meditation bench.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 2668024 m The Rule Of Meditation.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1814192 m the secret is right in the open.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 2140748 m The Speed of Thought.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 2532924 m Think Highly Of Yourself Because The World Takes You At Your Own Estimate.wma
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 3142804 m Time Traveler.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 14791879 m Turn Off The Outer.mp3
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 2155416 m Unconditional Love Leads To All.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1454440 m understanding a childs nature.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1080020 m visualization is a great tool.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1146412 m Visualize yourself accomplishing your goal.wma
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1738536 m we make a big deal abut meditation.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1669828 m what do we really think meditation is.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 849192 m what i think about i experience.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 653104 m what is the concept of peace.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1271476 m What is your need for attention.wma
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1417384 m Where Did My Bliss Go.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 2506676 m Where do all the atoms come from.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1891392 m Where I Spent My Thought Time Is Who I Am.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1566380 m who cares about me.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 449296 m why a candle flickers part 2.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1820368 m why a candle flickers.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1775592 m Why Are We Afraid To Be Ourselves.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 2471164 m Why I Have So Few Friends.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 6969178 m Worry Creates Anxiety.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1270704 m-life_is_an_endless_river.wma
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1735448 m-praise is clear vision.wma
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1658248 M-Where To From Here.wma.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1165712 m.i.live.all.of.life.wma
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1735448 m=praise is clear visiokn.WMA
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1366432 M_3-hour-meditation,_how_about_that.wma
12/6/2023 2:08 PM 1161852 m_a_child_is_my_example_of_purity.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1796436 m_a_major_breakthrough.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1267616 m_a_speaker_phone_call_as_god.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1072300 m_all_is_my_reflection_i_like_what_i_see.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1926132 m_awed_by_my_inner_magic.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1576416 m_bats-in-my-belfry.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 8512206 M_be_it_ever_so_humble_there_is_no_place_like_home.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1652871 m_concentrating_on_my_toe_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 5726350 m_did_i_hear_what_ i heard.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 2739820 m_effectively_saying_i_like_me.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1891392 m_good_intentions.WMA
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 966536 m_growing_old_is_inevitable,_growing_up_is_optional.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 895512 m_how_i_am_myself.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1565425 m_how_to_meditate_effectively_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1940028 m_howdowe_meditateinthe_evening.WMA
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1630456 m_humming_to_myself.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 149 m_i_act_in_a_vital_manner.asx
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1970908 m_i_act_in_a_vital_manner.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1158764 m_i_am_a_genius;_i_think_speak_and_write illuminating_ideas.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1826260 m_i_am_as_old_as_my_thought_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1531942 m_i_am_brilliant.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1936081 m_I_am_still.mp3
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1378012 m_i_call_up_what_i_put_down.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1410436 m_i_can_be_led_but_i_must_walk_within.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 641524 m_i_dig_in_and_hold_firm.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 957272 m_i_know_the_answer.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 13490145 m_I_live_for_pleasure_and_life_is_paradise.mp3
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1270704 m_i_sip_my_meditation.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1674460 m_in_me_is_magic_and_i_let_it_out_all_of_the_time.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 13475517 m_In_peace_of_mind_there_are_no_burdens.mp3
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1490724 m_introspection_is_very_special.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 836068 m_is_stillness_possible_WS_30051.WMA
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1270704 m_isipmymeditation.WMA
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 10722001 m_Joyfulness_lengthens_my_life.mp3
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1571007 m_keeping_alert_in_my_meditation_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 11223012 m_listening_within_makes_a_fulfilled_life_possible.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1935698 m_mantra_and_affirmations.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1053772 m_may_i_all_it_introspection.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1053772 m_may_i_call_it_introspection.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 3113468 M_me_i_like.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1449221 m_meditation_and_deep_breathing_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 2242175 m_meditation_and_introspection_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 475544 M_meditation_and_music.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 2278936 m_meditation_is_a_fun_thing.WMA
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 948008 m_meditation_is_like_a_shower.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 924076 m_meditation_is_not_all_it_seems_to_be.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 873124 M_Meditation_My_Tool_For_Success.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1862959 m_meditation_on_dying_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 150 m_meditation_on_dying_s.asx
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 2009841 m_meditation_on_living_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1085685 m_meditation_under_A_tree_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1294636 m_meditaton_is_always_a_fun_experience_forallofus.WMA
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 150 m_more_than_becoming_still.asx
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 7155302 m_more_than_becoming_still.WMA
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1659792 m_my_attitude_about_growing_old.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1368748 m_my_divine_dream_catcher.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1629713 m_my_inner_mist_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1691123 m_my_secret_inner_realm_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 164 m_my_wildest_dreams_already_are_true_s.asx
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1247846 m_one_pointed_results.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1356698 m_one_thought--one_wholeness.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1281512 m_peace_begins_upstairs_in_our_brain.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 2128396 m_power_and_absolute.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1418910 m_prayer_that_works_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1174204 m_returning_home.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1486092 m_slow_motion_has_time_only_for_itself.WMA
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 4855770 m_sports_people_are_meditators.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1509673 m_stilling_my_mind_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1462932 m_the_age_old_desire_to_know_who_said_that.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 10421478 m_the_big_bang_meditation.WMA
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 664684 m_the_human_race.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1273020 m_the_only_true_education_is_to_listen_to_the_divine_within.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1045582 m_the_outer_looks_easier.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 508433 m_the_right_person_at_the_right_moment_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 2341468 m_think_about_affirmations.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 2754488 M_thinking_good_thoughts_leading_to_unconditional_love.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1527780 m_typing_without_thinking.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 6608938 m_unconditional attachment--Love.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1793042 m_wanting_it_so_much_it_fails_me_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 160 m_wanting_it_so_much_it_fails_me_s.asx
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1511568 m_we_think_it_is_fun.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 2328344 m_what_a_farce.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 617592 m_what_can_i_concentrate_on.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1537816 m_what_comes_up.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 3534890 m_who_i_am.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1467866 m_working_in_the_front_yard.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1567152 m_yoga_and_meditation_and_good_health.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 7450991 Magic birth.mp3
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 10038158 Magic is my code to me.mp3
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 4833730 Magic is the truth about myself revealed.mp3
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 4540501 MAGICa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1457266 magiceja28.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 3923254 magicofintrospectiona28.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 4901440 Make a big job small.mp3
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 5869433 Make dreams come alive.mp3
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 4883886 Make every diagnosis happy.mp3
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 5186488 Make good habits on purpose.mp3
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 6383523 Make it easy.mp3
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 4805727 Make life happen the way you like it.mp3
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 5797126 Make mealtime delightful.mp3
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 1692316 makeahappysounda28.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 6194606 Making others happy makes me happy.mp3
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 3183451 makingitgooda28.wma
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 4858808 Man cannot bury the infinite under the finite.mp3
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 4836656 Man is a reasoning being rather than a reasonable being.mp3
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 5323161 Man is only miserable so far as he thinks himself so.mp3
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 12278419 Man wills himself to perfection.mp3
12/6/2023 2:09 PM 9763559 Mans Humanity To Man.mp3
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 9662561 Many people have the ambition to succeed.mp3
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 6393972 Many thresholds of magic.mp3
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 5292441 Marriage is polishing the natural bonding.mp3
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 4875526 Marriage.mp3
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1871042 marriagea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 14617286 Master Training is a very special training.MP3
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 14020440 Master Training Minding My Own Business.MP3
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 12259996 Master training not unconditional improvement.MP3
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 14839222 Master Training Teaches Me To Keep My Nose In My Own Business.MP3
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 14657828 Master training.MP3
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 3852095 Master--letterStefan-Herba28.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 7656209 Masters find all listening within.mp3
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 5633128 Mastership Training and vision.MP3
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 7668561 MASTERSHIP080401a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 12704947 Maturity at dawn.mp3
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 4980016 May you live all the days of your life.mp3
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1828088 mc Why did I choose my family .wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1638176 mc 1 whispering is such fun.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1638176 mc 1 whispering is such fun.wma.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1682482 mc a campout with the illuminati.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1156448 mc a little boy's love for his baby sister.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1714604 mc a visit with penelope.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1265300 mc an evening in africa.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1119392 mc Animals help with wholeness.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1567152 MC Building A Dagwood Sandwich.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1758608 mc Children Care About The Right Things.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1710744 mc Climbing A Mountain.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1927676 mc Dont fear pressure for pressure is what turns rough stones into diamonds.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 3102660 mc Ebuba and Lily and the Genius School.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 2355364 mc Fairy Tale Land.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 148 mc Faith, The Music Girl.asx
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 2245740 mc Faith, The Music Girl.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1897568 mc I am an angel.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1520832 mc I Am Everywhere.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1552786 mc I Am The Pure White Light Of Love--So I See All.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 2990384 mc I Clean My Feet.mp3
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1001276 mc I do not see things as they are I see things as I am.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 2129940 mc I Hate School.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1335552 mc I hold my little brothers hand.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1672916 mc I Want More Now.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1380328 mc It Is Never Too Late To Kiss Dad.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1605752 mc Jermome and Sabrina, True Brother and Sister.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1510024 mc Life Is Fair.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1126340 mc Martin stefan adrian katarina discussing what is important in life.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1897568 mc Mother says I am an angel.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1417384 mc Mr Goody.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1486092 mc My Daddy Says Our Home Is Heaven.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1360256 mc My Mommie Has A Healing Touch.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1318568 mc My Neighbors Horse.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1604980 mc My New Puppy.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1163396 mc My Special Comforter.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1597260 mc nanette the neuroscientist.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1572556 mc On Being Impoverished.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1282284 mc One Child Honors Another Child As Itself.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1487636 mc Playing House Is For Real.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1124024 mc playing role models.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1717222 mc playing with magic.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 953412 mc sammy and spencer sharing.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1885988 mc The Bubbly Little Girl.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 2831688 mc the gift of the pearl.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1224384 mc The Secret Whistle.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1390364 mc The world is like a mirror, if you face it smiling, it smiles right back.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1525766 mc Visiting the world.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1956240 mc we creave things we are taught to creave.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 2485832 mc what about tomorrow.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 142 mc whispering is such fun.asx
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1638176 mc whispering is such fun.wma.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 288 mc whispering is such fun2.asx
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1501532 mc who is god.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1734676 mc Why are kittens always so playful.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1430508 mc why do mami and papi argue.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1209491 mc-01_028.wmv
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1944916 mc-01_056.wmv
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 5733097 mc-01_100.wmv
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1520681 mc-02_028.wmv
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 2444174 mc-02_056.wmv
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 7209919 mc-02_100.wmv
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1164545 mc-03_028.wmv
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1873834 mc-03_056.wmv
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 5517651 mc-03_100.wmv
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1372608 mc-a-creative-sandwich.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1732260 mc1a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1947317 mc2a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1344913 mc32606a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 2042081 mc3a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1112230 mc4a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1386402 mc6a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1627388 mc7a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1061465 mc8a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 147464 mc_1_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1119392 mc_a-hospital-call-to-a-beloved.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1573011 mc_a_birthday_present_for_my_brother_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 3041990 mc_A_child_named_PEACE.MP3
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1264528 mc_a_cuddly_toy.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1134253 mc_a_fathers_hug_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1523148 mc_a_grudge_is_a_heavy_thing_to_carry.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1568642 mc_a_little_white_lie_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1556653 mc_a_magic_hammer_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 981204 mc_a_night_in_an_igloo.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1697922 mc_a_talk_with_mr_rex.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 2150957 mc_a_teen_and_mr_candle_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1601129 mc_a_toy_gun_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1689128 mc_a_visit_in_prison.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1255478 mc_a_visit_to_fairyland_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1337096 mc_a_visit_with_charlotte.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 2145201 mc_a_yowly_little_brother_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 656192 mc_abbey_went_to_heaven.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 4486524 mc_all_life_is_precious.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1389592 mc_bea_and_olli.WMA
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1572973 mc_calling_my_dog_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:10 PM 1650819 mc_can_i_ever_give_too_much_love_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 6323748 mc_CanDo_dog.WMA
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1672967 mc_children_communicate_regardless_of_their_nationality_and_language_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1800730 mc_children_may_close_their_ears_to_advice,_but_open_their_eyes_to_example_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1620107 mc_cinderella_and_childhood_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1466499 mc_cooking_dinner_in_the_outback_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1370417 mc_daddys_favorite_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1618089 mc_dancing_shoes_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1580745 mc_diaper_changing_time_for_everyone_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1689485 mc_dreams_mr_sandman_brings_me_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1956089 mc_duties_of_the_oldest_child_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1540329 mc_eating_candy_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 673519 mc_Ebuba_with_mr_candle_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1375226 mc_ebube_and_barney.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 726444 mc_ebube_visits_campus_dogs.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 4143208 mc_Five_glorious_children.MP3
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1332464 mc_fools_gold.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 3483856 mc_fritz_yodles.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 3201668 mc_getting_near_christmas.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 951517 mc_giving_candy_to_my_dog_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1191851 mc_growing_pains_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 132 mc_h_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1618876 mc_hand_me_downs--vibrations_too.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 759909 mc_he_wet_his_pants_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1278424 mc_he_who_dies_with_the_most_toys_is_still_dead.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1046052 mc_heinz_sleeps_out.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 136992 mc_herb_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1396421 mc_holding_my_little_sister's_hand_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 2433638 mc_home_alone.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 4576584 mc_honestly_naturally.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1521604 mc_i_am_a_master_living_in_this_world.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1021075 mc_i_am_always_first_with_a_happy_thought_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1372608 mc_i_am_fixing_myself_a_snack.WMA
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1762113 mc_i_am_my_parents_example_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1218980 mc_i_am_never_caressed_or_hugged_why.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1529909 mc_i_am_never_too_little_to_be_responsible_for_my_actions_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 2054955 mc_i_caught_a_feather_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 2990384 mc_I_clean_my_feet.mp3
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1001276 mc_i_do_see_things_as_they_are;_i_see_them_as_i_am.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1248316 mc_i_have_a_problem_it_is_me.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1662880 mc_i_know_who_i_am_and_i_like_it.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1141008 mc_i_lit_mr_candle.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1588768 mc_i_live_a_dynamic_life.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1924899 mc_i_live_knowing_i_am_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1403115 mc_i_lost_my_toothpick_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1695847 mc_i_met_cupid_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1032928 mc_i_saw_mommy_kissing_santa_claus.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 990468 mc_i_see_me_alive.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1837102 mc_i_speak_my_word_with_conviction_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1492268 mc_i_train_myselfl_in_whispering.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1452079 mc_i_want_to_help_my_dad_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1829633 mc_i_want_to_help_my_mom_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1660049 mc_i_want_what_is_mine_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1040237 mc_i_went_fishing_alone_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1961644 mc_if_i_like_myself_my_body_shows_it.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1515539 mc_if_i_suspect_i_made_a_mistake_i_stop_all_else_and_correct_it_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 6107604 mc_in_the_park.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1903365 mc_international travelers coming to america, the land of the free_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 2044411 mc_it_is_fun_to_wash_my_hands_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 2145370 mc_it_is_now_enough_to_be_good_if_you_have_the_ability_to_be_better_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1706884 mc_johns_sculpture.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1983923 mc_laugh_or_giggle_or_both_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 12958083 mc_Learning_about_fire.mp3
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1593191 mc_learning_to_dream_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 2014661 mc_leave_it_better_than_i_found_it_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1709333 mc_lesson_in_smiles_school_of_wesley_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1769835 mc_lion_borrows_a_lamb_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1227472 mc_little_sisters_are_a_challenge_WS_30052.WMA
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1249553 mc_love_all_life_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1679723 mc_love_makes_the_world_go_around,_i_put_love_there_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1302325 mc_loving_unlovable_rochelle_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1166943 mc_magic_is_real_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1344816 mc_magic_words_truth.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1828088 mc_manuka_honey.WMA
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1768751 mc_mischief_afoot_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 788976 mc_momma_likes_me_best.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1338817 mc_mommie_always_has_time_for_me_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1126340 mc_Mommy.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1126340 mc_Mommy_ says_give,_ daddy_ says_ get,_ which_ is_ right.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1452644 mc_mother's_pills_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1456871 mc_mother_in_hospital_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1050745 mc_mothers_expectations_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1392619 mc_mr_candle,_my_little_brother_died,_where_did_he_go_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 2054007 mc_mr_candle_and_santa_claus_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1563449 mc_mr_candle_and_the_penguin_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1103862 mc_my_box_of_toys_under_the_bed_is_filled_with_good_stuff_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1199597 mc_my_child_is_an_angel_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1414647 mc_my_daddy_can_do_anything_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 10423484 mc_My_family_is_my_life.MP3
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 2231476 mc_my_life_is_a_gift_i_give_t0_the_world_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1275336 mc_my_life_is_my_attitude.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1624998 mc_my_light_went_out_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 2089537 mc_my_little_brother_is_my_teacher_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 2145217 mc_my_mom_and_dad_are_my_examples_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 2190156 mc_my_name_is_ebube.WMA
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1550301 mc_my_positive_word_is_my_magic_wand_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1070759 mc_my_sister_invites_me_to_a_tea_party_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1947443 mc_never_too_small_to_love_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1202465 mc_nobody_loves_me_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1508707 mc_nothing_is_ugly_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1359484 mc_on_wetting_the_bed.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 4699666 mc_one_leg_missing.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1295609 mc_out_of_the_mouth_of_my_pet_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1200452 mc_peace_in_my_house.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1388350 mc_peanut_butter_and_jelly_party.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 2034805 mc_pixie_dust_has_no_limits_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1680166 mc_playing_with_nonhuman_creatures.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 2133681 mc_popcorn_is_unstoppable_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1799661 mc_santa's_elves_have_pixy_ears_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1908071 mc_son_of_a_cowboy_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 876984 mc_speak_only_good_about_my_family.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1538814 mc_success_in_school_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1291548 mc_taking_care_of_my_big_brother.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 659113 mc_talkative_bedroom_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 149 mc_talkative_bedroom_s.asx
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 42286 mc_test_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1837059 mc_the_boggy_man_exposed_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1343272 mc_the_boogyman_does_not_frighten_me.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1387761 mc_the_boy_who_remembered_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1037355 mc_the_end_of_the_road_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 0 mc_the_lion_and_the_lamb_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1929201 mc_the_meaning_of_family_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 5324082 mc_three_girls_at_play.wma
12/6/2023 2:11 PM 1181371 mc_too_little_for_a_teddy_bear_a27.wma
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 1181371 mc_too_little_for_a_teddy_bear_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 1909997 mc_trouble_on_a_bicycle_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 1602741 mc_universal_language_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 1262670 mc_watch_my_wax_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 1327832 mc_what_age_alertness.wma
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 1737219 mc_where_can_i_spend_my_allowance_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 1646963 mc_whispering_frightens_me_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 1135221 mc_whispering_secrets_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 1733355 mc_who_is_mr_sandman_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 1037862 mc_whose_parents_are_best.wma
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 1300425 mc_why_is_my_little_brother_so_happy_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 1785628 mc_why_our_socks_wear_out.wma
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 158267 mc_x_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 1212334 mc_you_are_loved.wma
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 4912808 mc_you_want_to_travel_with_me_by_thought.WMA
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 1331049 mcagiantstepa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 1573259 mchelpinginthegardena28.wma
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 1993469 mclearningtoplayalonea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 1598915 mcmylittlebrothersissicka28.wma
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 1240819 mcsharingmycandlea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 1292663 mcshestubbedhertoea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 6603161 Me and you.mp3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 219879 Me at work.mp3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 5855223 Me--I am a divine being.mp3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 4849613 Me--I am divine order.mp3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 4849613 me.mp3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 2180565 mea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 1682410 meanita28.wma
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 4236728 Medicine of primitive man.wma
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 2076336 mediocrethoughta28.wma
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 3644637 Meditate on the sun.mp3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 6042468 Meditate Where You Are.mp3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 4997153 Meditate, teach a fish to swim.mp3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 5964728 Meditation balances the brain.mp3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 3322808 Meditation is to think about -- I THINK POSITIVELY.mp3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 5069877 Meditation looking in a mirror.mp3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 5629525 Meditation or Affirming or Sleeping or Feeling Sorry For Yourself_1.mp3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 5180219 Meditation Springs Forth Inspiratilon.mp3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 4997988 Meditation, Time To Tank, Up.mp3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 5106240 Meditation--What happens in defrustation.mp3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 948008 Meditation=meditation=is=like=a=shower.WMA
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 16756432 Meditation_1_1_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 18235068 Meditation_1_1_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 17329142 Meditation_1_2_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 16519450 Meditation_1_2_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 16136704 Meditation_1_3_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 20468066 Meditation_1_3_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 17157674 Meditation_2_1_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 18212968 Meditation_2_1_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 17570042 Meditation_2_2_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 20223404 Meditation_2_2_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 10899728 Meditation_2_3_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 15105702 Meditation_2_3_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 19630790 Meditation_3_1_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 18323622 Meditation_3_1_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 19969650 Meditation_3_2_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 20041122 Meditation_3_2_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 15325132 Meditation_3_3_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 20379982 Meditation_3_3_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 15922918 Meditation_4_1_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 21265532 Meditation_4_1_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 16452994 Meditation_4_2_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 18907146 Meditation_4_2_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 12097180 Meditation_4_3_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 17311744 Meditation_4_3_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 16483088 Meditation_5_1_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 19435656 Meditation_5_1_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:12 PM 16462554 Meditation_5_2_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 17848560 Meditation_5_2_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 14698662 Meditation_5_3_Africa_Seminar_2011 copy.MP3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 14698662 Meditation_5_3_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 13336168 Meditation_5_3_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 15990156 Meditation_6_1_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 19732824 Meditation_6_1_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 15992350 Meditation_6_2_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 2589496 Meditation_6_2_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 11728226 Meditation_6_3_Africa_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 36763690 Meditation_6_3_London_Seminar_2011.MP3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 1088223 meditation_silent_time_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 1078281 Meditationofamonka28.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 4844597 Meditative enlightenment is knowing nothing is reality.mp3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 4775634 MeditTion begins in me.mp3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 7506997 Medium Tooth Brush et al.mp3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 5022230 Meeting fabulous interesting people depends less on where I go than who I am.mp3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 5810083 Meeting interesting people depends less on where I go than who I am.mp3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 2923654 meetinga28.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 1409386 memoriesarefuna28.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 5181473 Men are generally more careful how they breed their cats and dogs and horses than of their children.mp3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 4852539 Men live in the world to find its pleasures.mp3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 14320150 Mental attitudes quell distress.mp3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 2319537 MentalMechanic-a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 6577456 Merlin training.mp3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 428637 mike1a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 2205394 mimictheira28.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 4944072 Minding My Own.mp3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 3916628 ministerandpractitionera28.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 697301 ministers_028.wmv
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 1137588 ministers_056.wmv
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 3301765 ministers_100.wmv
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 11234775 Miracle children grow up.mp3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 4988793 Miracles are life's unseen reality.mp3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 5045218 Miracles are our unseen reality.mp3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 4933623 Miracles are the divine expression of principle-law.mp3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 4992137 Miracles are unseen reality.mp3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 5642482 Miracles Now.mp3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 549 misc files.rtf
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 2150777 Misinformationfuntoplaywitha28.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 1444058 mistakea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 3845579 misunderstandinga28.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 654648 mo_baptisme.WMA
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 1762468 mo_how_our_world_is_a_reflection_of_who_we_are.WMA
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 434628 mo_in_love_with_the_computer.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 437716 mo_the_ideal_grandmother.WMA
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 303388 mo_what_it_means_to_share_my_bed_with_a_dog.WMA
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 458560 mo_why_do_you_have_a_garden_at_all.WMA
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 207660 mo_why_i_am_happy.WMA
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 1801496 mobar1a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 4384985 modulationa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 137 modulations.asx
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 5465267 Mom, I have a zit.mp3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 5565995 Mommy and daddy always argue.mp3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 2980082 Monastery Tanks.mp3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 4822864 Monastery yard looks good. Anita brings her personal magic to it--her imagination.mp3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 263 Monk Sylvia.mp3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 2537991 monka28.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 3635304 monkelleningasylviasharea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 2635724 monkeya28.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 1576482 monkeytalksa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 2981735 Monktopicsa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 5008019 Moods Make Life Rewarding.mp3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 3642288 More Healing Remedies in the jungle.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 3813693 moreeffectivetreatmenta28.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 3382081 morningpathaffirmationsa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 143872 motivationa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 1338112 motivationforlifea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 22693376 MOV099 CEO Ellen talks about UNI in her office.MOD
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 4787200 movesa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 5329761 Mr Brown.mp3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 5001959 Mr Candle visits trio with good thinking.mp3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 5765779 Mr Candle--Teaching little brother.mp3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 1379556 Mr Candle-How Long Should A Letter Be.wma.WMA
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 5835788 Mr Candles Autistic Children.mp3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 1442860 mr_living_light_candles.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 894243 mrc_serious_about_math_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 3597339 MrCandle-How-to-cut-a-cake.mp3
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 1485790 mrcandle_a_present_for_dad_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 1106448 MrCandleASmileWins-a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 964112 MrCandleBirthdays-a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 1199136 MrCandleDaddySaysICan-a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 1290151 MrCandleMotherDies-a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 967428 MrCandleTellingTime-a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 5210680 ms1ordinationa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 5623269 ms2ministera28.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 5402876 ms3practitionera28.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 5382978 ms4beingeffectivea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 1416142 ms_can_you_imagine_a_world_without_hamburger.wma
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 609100 mt Believe it or not.WMA
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 602924 mt Ellen is the ideal grandmom.WMA
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 1016716 mt Ellen plans ahead wisely and thoughtfully.WMA
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 509512 mt Ingeborg teaches everyone how to use the Mac.WMA
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 725672 mt Ingeborg walks the meditation path for two hours every day.WMA
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 744200 mt Monk Ellen Daily Puts Thoughts Into Fact.WMA
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 984292 mt Monk Ellen Makes Everyone Happy.WMA
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 802872 mt Monk Ellen tells the doctor what to tell her.WMA
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 979660 mt Monk Ingeborg Spends An Hour Daily Writing On Philosophy.WMA
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 99580 mt Monk Sylvia is a living example of thoughtfulness.WMA
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 707144 mt Monk Sylvia Loves Gathering Her Thoughts Into A Book.WMA
12/6/2023 2:13 PM 521092 mt Positive Monks JP.WMA
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 914040 mt Positive Monks S.WMA
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 819856 mt Positive Monks SME.WMA
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 1049912 mt Positive monks-Ellen loves like a pro.WMA
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 871580 mt Positive monks-Ingeborg talks health.WMA
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 923304 mt Positive Monks.WMA
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 836840 mt Sylvia sees everyone as a reflection of her ideal self.WMA
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 3068049 MT-Monk-Ellen-tells-the-doctor-what-to-tell-her.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 12031406 Music enchants the environment.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 6269211 Music heals the savage beast.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 3004747 musicaa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 3628742 musicisa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 5307487 Must is a naughty word.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 52573960 MVI_0304.avi
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 4862152 My Affirmation - I am whole and Perfect.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 4857136 My attitude is in divine order.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 5053577 My attitude is my human body.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 5702668 My autoimmune system functions perfectly.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 5196937 My autoimmune system is perfect.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 5171442 My bath is my Hermitage.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 7463112 My bed is my hermitage.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 5131317 My body creates all I need.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 0 My body drives me
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 10820962 My body drives me--or I drive my body.MP3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 4755512 My body is a result of my thought.wma
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 12525851 My body is designed to live forever.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 5215745 My body is lithe and youthful.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 2611442 My body is lithe vital dynamic alive.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 7484428 My body is worthy of the highest and best.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 4879706 My body speaks to me. I listen to it and I am whole.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 4711268 My brain creates my body.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 4831223 My brain creates my world.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 19122030 My brain functions perfectly giving all enzymes, vitamins and minerals to my body.MP3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 6507239 My brain is my subconscious mind.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 4806354 My candle is not here to illuminate me but to illuminate my world.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 2885205 My cat demands, I too demand for myself.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 4806145 My cave of Absolute peace.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 5345730 My choice is ideal.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 2505698 My choice of wholeness.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 4976255 My creativity rises from the IS in me.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 5335908 My curiosity has its own reason for me alone.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 6715383 My dad is god.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 31603598 My divine self says GO and always says YES.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 6444963 My divine self wants no details, only a goal.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 5651677 My dog only and always wants what I want for him.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 4830387 My dog Ruby.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 15347230 My dream is a wild game I love to play.MP3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 4841254 My dreams are private.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 16619290 My dreams are the foundation of my life lived.MP3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 2463484 My energy is the only energy THAT is.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 7232816 My every atom bursts forth with every choice I dream about.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 8475780 My eyes are perfect.wma
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 4807817 My eyes mirror my soul and all is good.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 8904862 My Family Is Precious.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 2358994 My family is the center of peace.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 6757179 My father insisted on my greatest asset INTEGRITY.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 5911229 My feet are always happy.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 3859050 My first thought is a wise direction.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 6728757 My FIRST thought is revealed.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 31143843 My first thought manifests.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 4883468 My foundation of Truth.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 4818684 My friendly universe.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 5263810 My genius flows out as intuition.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 5811337 My genius is my skill.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 5476552 My gosh, Gee Whiz, it is silly to grow old gracefully.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 5117107 My Grosee.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 4870093 My happy attitude keeps the Earth going a round.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 6479236 My healing hands.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 5135915 My healing kiss.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 4894753 My healing words.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 6114357 My HEART is big enough to love the world.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 5153051 My heart knows god.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 6009450 My hermitage is my spouse.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 5763690 My horsemanship without a horse.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 8161522 My hug is my bandage.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 5621584 My human body is whatever my attitude is.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 25992496 My ideal expression BEINGNESS.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 3955807 My ideal expression BEINGNESS_1.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 4811579 My ideal self is possible.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 5961384 My IDEAS reveal my world before it happens_1.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 5539873 My illumination is divine.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 5126511 My illumination is reflected in my creation.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 5895138 My imagination is my greatest blessing and my greatest mystery.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 5912901 My imagination is my greatest mystery and my greatest blessing.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 5007601 My imagination opens doors in me that are exciting.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 4575260 MY IMAGINATIONa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 10295621 My inner light is more brilliant than my outer light.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 5313966 My inward concepts set my outward effects.mp3
12/6/2023 2:14 PM 5299337 My Inward Path.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 5489090 My life is a picture of god in me.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 6822380 My life is a wide open book.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 5323788 My life is an open book.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 7739383 My life is how I live today, my dreams now.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 5061936 My life is magical--magic, my original purity and integrity.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 7518073 My Life is My Thought.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 5047726 My life is unconditional love.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 5114390 My life reveals the nobility of my birth.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 6286139 My little brother is sick, how can I help.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 8119726 My Living Is My Joy.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 9742870 My Marching Band.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 4834984 My meditation is my reality.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 19760252 My meditation is what I think on.MP3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 8208333 My Meditation Works.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 10625391 My memory is NOW and NOW is Endless.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 4879288 My mental attitude establishes the direction of my life.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 5031007 My mental attitude today never happened before.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 4843761 My mind carries out the joy of god.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 10467820 My Mind Is A Closed Book.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 5668788 My mind is my most prized possession.wma
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 5583549 My mom says I am wonderful - am I really.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 4919830 My moments of self awareness are bliss.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 34590335 My original design is ideal and I stand firm in this ideal self.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 5848535 My own Bible story.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 4956193 My own body's factory of neurotransmitters is all that is needed.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 4953267 My own way of thinking pleases me.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 6837009 My past presently.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 19743952 My perfect body includes Inspiration-Assimilation-Elimination.MP3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 6182067 My pet is my Hermitage.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 6615908 My physical attitude knows only itself.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 6508075 My physical attitude knows only me.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 35640666 My physical attitude starts with physical perfection.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 8204989 My picture in mind.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 6377672 My positive thought and politics.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 16488218 My QUALIA, my consciousness.aiff
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 5982282 My QUALIA, my consciousness.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 5133825 My quest is human.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 5122958 My quest is to follow the rules of the game -- what is important is the game I choose to play.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 5122958 My quest is to follow tithe rules of the game -- what is important is the game I choose to play.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 5930873 My quest is to live the rules of the game--and I do.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 7688810 My reading chair is my hermitage.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 2419598 My reflection.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 9287185 MY REFLECTIONa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 140 MY REFLECTIONs.asx
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 4764767 My reputation is ideal.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 6969502 My silly little brother.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 8003951 My skin is a reflection of my thought.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 6353012 My smile Illumines the world.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 7852232 My sound mind is my playground.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 15782954 My spiritual path--how fast.MP3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 29401640 My talent in using my wise thought.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 6602116 My teacher is within me.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 4922756 My teaching center is invisible - smile.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 4865913 My thought tells my stem cells what to do.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 5833071 My thought triggers the wiring in my brain.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 5371853 My thoughts are on the magic of who I am.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 9258246 My THOUGHTS Are Self Diligent.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 4846269 My thoughts are the seeds I plant in my garden.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 35767726 My thoughts reveal my world before it happens.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 4851703 My true self.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 4806981 My unconditional love is the seed in me for my ideal life.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 5073639 My vision is on Wholeness.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 5287634 My voice expresses my emotions.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 4952222 My ways are peace.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 4896215 My wife moved on.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 4870511 My will to achieve is my onepointed ATTITUDE.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 6279451 My word has power beyond belief.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 5555546 My word has power.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 29696033 My word reveals my divine self.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 5048979 My work is my Hermitage.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 4823490 My world is going so fast.mp3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 15596752 My world is my choice--I am master of my thought.MP3
12/6/2023 2:15 PM 6791869 My world reflects who and what I am at all times.mp3
12/6/2023 2:16 PM 7942307 My-Mind-Is-My-Home.mp3
12/6/2023 2:16 PM 3027965 mybodyissoperfecta28.wma
12/6/2023 2:16 PM 2716853 mychilda28.wma
12/6/2023 2:16 PM 2794538 mycodea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:16 PM 3627047 mydreama28.wma
12/6/2023 2:16 PM 1318263 myhomeismycastlea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:16 PM 2849147 myidealbodya28.wma
12/6/2023 2:16 PM 1583393 myjourneytoheavena28.wma
12/6/2023 2:16 PM 139 mymodulations.asx
12/6/2023 2:16 PM 1034431 mymonitora28.wma
12/6/2023 2:16 PM 1761806 mypreciousjewelsa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:16 PM 2564537 myselfalwaysa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:16 PM 2600937 myselfconfidencea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:16 PM 2331124 myworda28.wma
12/6/2023 2:34 PM 7257476 Name it and claim it.mp3
12/6/2023 2:34 PM 6225117 Name my delight and experience my delight.mp3
12/6/2023 2:34 PM 2559540 nameitandclaimita28.wma
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 21859309 Nature gave man two ends. One to sit on and one to think with-mp3.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 21859309 Nature gave man two ends. One to sit on and one to think with.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 5332983 Necessity makes the timid brave.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 2329493 needsa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 4798045 neg1a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 4874899 Never give up.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 5638720 Never too busy.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 9292519 NEW 19 min. The Best Trail To Follow.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 4819102 New dreams function.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 4834566 New ideas are fun.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 5041038 New iPhone Glass.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 5293486 New opinions are always suspect.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 4081298 New-Responsibility is limiting.MP3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 6061506 newmexicosa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 3138778 newseamlessfabrica28.wma
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 3082554 newtricksa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 2741694 newyeara28.wma
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 1784988 ngooda28.wma
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 1535089 niceguysa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 6395240 Nigeia 3hr med 2a.WMA
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 6338112 Nigeria 3Hr med 1.WMA
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 7687568 Nigeria 3hr med 1a.WMA
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 6363588 Nigeria 3hr med 2.WMA
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 5419432 Nigeria 3hr med 3.WMA
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 4885208 Nigeria 3hr med 3a.WMA
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 4229008 Nigeria Graduation Ceremony.WMA
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 8402026 nm2a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 3871797 No body can defeat us unless we first defeat ourselves.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 403363 No bumper on my iPhone.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 5391706 No man can lose what he never had.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 5819696 No matter how great I am, I still speak truth about myself all of the time.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 7109518 No more stumbling up the stairs.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 5205714 No one can ever help another.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 4969149 No one can ever thank me for how nice I am.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 5854805 No one can harm the man who himself does no wrong.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 16839972 No one can love me as I love me.MP3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 9007053 No one is perfect until you fall in love with them.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 4933623 No one would talk much in society, if he knew how often he misunderstands others.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 5204042 No shortcuts to driving well.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 12082397 No time between thought and thing.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 1629458 noisya28.wma
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 2749851 norca28.wma
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 8511353 Normalizing my static electricity promotes healing.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 5709355 Not a guest - FAMILY.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 1803229 notangrya28.wma
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 2670457 notarguea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 1608029 notgrowa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 5013453 Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 4889319 Nothing is worth more than this day.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 7325603 Now all is in divine order.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 5057548 Now every cell of my body is ideal.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 5409260 Now I am guided from within.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 5069042 Now I am peace.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 5336535 Now I know only masters live in this world.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 6349250 Now I live in my perfect body.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 4819102 Now is always the time to live nobly.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 5038530 Now is the only time to expect the best out of me.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 2427122 Now is the time to like myself.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 7680659 Now Is The Time.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 4063014 Now--The capsule of my life.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 4824953 Now--Today--I think one happy thought.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 3466454 nowa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 2289795 nsnra28.wma
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 655751 number1_028.wmv
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 1053829 number1_056.wmv
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 3116379 number1_100.wmv
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 9868513 NYseminar1a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 2365400 o Why I Want To Be A Minister.wma
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 7227473 o-god_unlimited_church_of_england_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 20664561 o_2+_hour_talk_with_christy_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 3905069 o_god_unlimited_church_of_england-4_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 3890513 o_god_unlimited_church_of_england_2_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 5412115 o_god_unlimited_church_of_england_3_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 260052 o_graduation_for_William_A_McMahon.WMA
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 260052 o_this_is_a_happy_time.WMA
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 99580 o_thoughts_are_me.wma
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 4838955 Obama is gathering in the finest minds.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 5730671 Obama my positive thought.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 4887647 OBJECT OF THE CHURCH -- Be your divine self and have fun.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 4889737 OBJECT OF THE CHURCH -- Be your divine self and have fun_1.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 5038948 Oddly enough success over a period of time is more expensive than failure.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 3822164 Ode to Rosli-1-I die to the past.wma
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 3775844 Ode to Rosli-10-I am born to my reality now.wma
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 3843008 Ode to Rosli-2-I clear my mental garden.wma
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 3825252 Ode to Rosli-3-I clear my creation.wma
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 4572548 Ode to Rosli-4-I dig deep to turn over the past.wma
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 3899364 Ode to Rosli-5-I infiltrate my garden with nutrients.wma
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 3677800 Ode to Rosli-6-I make sure my mental garden is in the sun.wma
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 3761176 Ode to Rosli-7-I scrupulously remove ALL weed thoughts.wma
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 3601372 Ode to Rosli-8-I cultivate the soil of my mind with affirmations.wma
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 3956492 Ode to Rosli-9-I do not need to KNOW HOW IT WORKS.wma
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 4896842 Often opportunity is lost thinking about it.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 16102066 Often the smallest child on the playground or the shortest person is the greatest powerhouse in life.MP3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 4964134 Oh mi oh Meo, It is MOMs Day.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 4980434 Oh so gentle.mp3
12/6/2023 2:35 PM 548 Oh, These Americans.webloc.sitx
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 5397729 Old sneakers run again.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 7204395 On being a creative sleeper.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 6830739 On being a cuddly bear.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 5170606 On being happy.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 5484493 On being invisible.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 5049397 On being the ideal me.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 4889946 On being whole as our divine design.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 5504973 On being whole.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 4842926 On Being Yourself and Having Fun.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 5812173 On giving a talk.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 5900780 On giving gifts.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 4895170 On my birthday - it is not what others give me - but what I give myself.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 4908754 On purpose I create my world.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 5334028 On the human chessboard all moves are possible.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 4921502 On to reality.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 7772819 On viewing my thoughts as a train.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 1167651 onbeingaa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 1273554 onbeingaministera28.wma
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 2627391 onbeingateachera28.wma
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 1847892 OnBuyingYourPractitionera28.wma
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 5295157 Once a habit, anything is easy.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 2693651 oncea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 4826625 One asked--Should I marry.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 6256046 One blood of all nations, Brothers.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 9532637 One life to live now.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 4898305 One love, myself, my wife-son-grandson.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 5786259 One never goes so far he does not know where he is going.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 5451002 One positive encouragement.MP3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 5299964 ONE TRILLION SMELLS, believe it or not.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 3314031 One who listens is always heard.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 4845015 ONE. Today I think one happy thought I enjoy expressing in my life.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 4814922 ONE. Today I think one happy thought I would enjoy expression in my life.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 1735360 oneescapesa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 2538023 oneisa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 3095728 onepointeda28.wma
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 4888901 Onepointedness.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 2326187 onesectionatatimea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 2650591 oneworda28.wma
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 5120450 Only I Am Perfect.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 12515820 Only me - I know who I am.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 5227866 Only moments in life are remembered.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 12134642 Only One Way To Go.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 5595879 Only the heart knows g o d.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 2774655 Only the heart knows god . The reasoning man makes no sense of divinity.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 5135706 Only trifles irritate.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 4648162 OnlyMomentsInLifeAreRemembereda28.wma
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 4679587 onthewhitebrotherhooda28.wma
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 4560427 OpportunityIsMine-a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 4431236 Optimism is an intellectual choice.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 4654836 optimista28.wma
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 4747213 Orderliness is next to godliness.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 7425290 ordinationa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 9984799 ordinationmay1.2004a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 5110419 Original Ideal Creativity.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 7831752 Original purity and integrity is like a baby.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 4900604 Original thoughts.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 3277850 originala28.wma
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 2112022 originalsina28.wma
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 5257541 Other peoples problems are my problems.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 8319923 other_5_what_do_i_want_from_myself_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 11278621 other_7_king_absolute_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 10473421 other_8_king_absolute_explains_how_Ot_experience_the_perfect_kingdom_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 3743653 Other_assignment_to_describe_an_ideal_person_in_your_life_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 7291825 other_ordination_of_alice_louise_nasife_10.7.6_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 175 other_ordination_of_alice_louise_nasife_10.7.6_s.asx
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 1524999 Other_up_1_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 12019795 other_ways_of_completing_my_reality--for_Christy_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 4825371 Our baby is ideal.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 12485309 Our bodies are built to self resurrect.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 4877616 Our bodies have a remarkable capacity for healing.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 4804891 Our body creates every vitamin and mineral it chooses to incorporate in my body.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 5606119 Our body is designed to heal itself.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 5046472 Our body reveals what the MIND thinks about.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 5395886 Our country has the finest legislators.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 5395050 Our Destiny - Ours is to be and demonstrate ALL we are capable of being - Being Divine.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 5767660 Our greatness we do not know - nor do others.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 4827879 Our highest and best is god.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 5054413 Our humility to our divine self reveals Wholeness (1).mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 5054413 Our humility to our divine self reveals Wholeness .mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 5061518 Our life is what we give.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 4936130 Our life is yesterday.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 4936130 Our life is yesterday_1.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 4981479 Our only true education is to listen to the divine within.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 9159817 Our purpose for living.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 9339330 Our scientists one day.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 12808810 Our self lets us be in peace.mp3
12/6/2023 2:36 PM 6033273 Our supreme triumph is to be most vividly, most perfectly alive.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 5258795 Our thoughts control our environment.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 4992137 Our vision of the world is our own limit.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 5862955 Our writings bespeak our character.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 3094099 ourbesta28.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 2463528 ourcreeda28.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 1722084 OurGlobalGISTa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 8790575 ourprograma28.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 2245072 ourreflectiona28.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 5377495 Outer -- Inner - the same.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 5253779 Outward affects are preceded by the confidence of my mind.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 5396304 Over the hill.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 2910472 pacificrima28.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 8295268 Paradise shines out from within.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 4663043 ParadiseIsAStateOfMinda28.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 2385761 parentinga28.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 8084199 Parents associating with children are bliss.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 6532735 Parents tell children don't hold grudges yet parents do not know how to forgive children do.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 3443306 parentsa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 2625750 partofa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 4009408 parttwoa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 2082898 partyreadya28.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 4807817 Patience leads to accomplishment in anything.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 2209741 patternbehindcloudsa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 795298 paya28.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 1319899 payingthea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 4547197 PayNoAttentionToCriticisma28.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 4838119 Peace and honor are one.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 5346984 Peace dwells within my soul.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 4829133 Peace is the foundation of happiness.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 4817012 Peace of mind is when you accept the best.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 2430256 Peace Starts In Me.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 4976255 Peace.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 3153727 Peacea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 2074621 peaceatanypricea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 4966224 Peaceful in me - Peaceful in my world.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 4816594 Peaceful thoughts compound.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 910629 peaceoneartha28.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 1659575 peacepersona28.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 12323559 Peanut Butter--the universal food.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 5009691 People are the same everywhere.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 4873019 People call for help.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 16330898 People only know of me by my outer expression. My inner shines out.MP3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 4964134 People pick on me according to the thiings I do and say--I am honored.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 5336326 People who do amazing things - we all can.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 7599784 Perfect Health comes from perfect thinking.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 3077637 perfecta28.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 4994645 PERFECTLY all is in order now.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 4822028 Perhaps I am stronger than I think I am.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 6035154 Perpetual motion exists.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 4830596 Persistence is the master virtue.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 5047308 Persistence reveals wholeness.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 2031635 personallya28.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 2380824 perspectivea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 2485582 Pet me.MP3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 4287344 peta28.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 6914796 philo I View My Life As Positive.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 3376720 philo My Dreams Come True.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 6866160 philo The World I Live In.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 4138684 Philosophers argue among themselves over truth.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 5937561 Philosophy is adjudicated as a science and revealed an art.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 4862779 Physician Heal Yourself.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 5469028 Playing Grownup.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 3348985 pleasant1a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 1035776 pleasanta28.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 4595110 PleasesMea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 3841913 Pleasure Is The Ideal Of Rational Beings.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 2547985 pna28.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 5626599 Points to unconditional love.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 8951046 Polishing my world view mirror daily.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 3602202 portraita28.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 1723805 positiona28.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 3554217 possibilitiesa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 5117107 Power out--All is in divine order.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 4850449 Powerful Blessings.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 3236453 powerfula28.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 5051278 Powerfully I speak affirmations and get the most out of life.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 5116487 powerfultalksa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 4808235 POWERHOUSE Your Treatments.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 2514863 powerwordsa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 2223589 ppa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 3933446 Practice does it.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 5028917 Practice makes perfect with treatment.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 5044800 Practice thinking about my first thought.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 6398988 Practice using the power of your inner thought.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 191917 practicer_028.wmv
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 314239 practicer_056.wmv
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 908025 practicer_100.wmv
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 6739206 Practicing being an example.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 6280287 Practicing Principle.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 5061100 Practitioner Practicing Peace.mp3
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 774459 practitioners_028.wmv
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 1243377 practitioners_056.wmv
12/6/2023 2:37 PM 3637455 practitioners_100.wmv
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 4881419 PRAISEa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 6694640 Pray for freedom for fear being positive.aiff
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 4910426 Pray for freedom for fear being positive.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 7252669 Pray in the fullness of your being, not its need.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 4862152 PRAY, god knows what you mean.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 2452617 Prayer changes things.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 5877228 Prayer Introspection and Understanding.wma
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 5074893 Prayer is a wish turned godward.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 1579756 praylotterya28.wma
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 1689461 precioustoolsa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 2678768 prejudicesa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 6265659 Preparation for meditation.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 4681176 PRICESUCCESSa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 1113090 pride1a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 3324480 Principal functions.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 9657134 Principle always functions.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 7315080 Principle is always cold but it works every time.aiff
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 5059428 Principle is always cold but it works every time.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 4933205 Principle is cold but at all times it works.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 5096209 Principle Works when you work it.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 6910152 Principle works, am I sincere enough to work it.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 1460 Principle.Works,Work.Ita28.wma
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 2015051 priorities1a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 4322151 privacya28.wma
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 2435075 problemsaregiftsa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 4937593 Prodigy.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 4906455 Productive prayer remains earnest -- not eloquent.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 5183980 Programmed Awareness.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 2402325 provenactionsa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 1894226 publiclovea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 2160691 publicviolencea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 7095923 PURITY080401a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 138 purity080401s.asx
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 136 PURITY080701s.asx
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 5256287 PURPOSE--Guru or Mentor.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 4783934 pursuea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 4870511 Putting one foot before another.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 1849559 puttingasidetimeforlisteninga28.wma
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 2821040 qualitya28.wma
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 10087059 Questions re WHOLENESS.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 4714270 QUESTIONSa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 1498717 Questmagazinea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 2342701 quietdeana28.wma
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 30720 quietnessnotpeacea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 5114913 Radio Absolute.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 1066896 Ralph iris ingeborg ellen sylvia.WMA
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 3496324 rdta28.wma
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 2395735 reactiona28.wma
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 6769717 Reading the NEWS causes me to doubt PRINCIPLE.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 5209894 Reading under the covers.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 4295685 readinga28.wma
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 2290948 realfictionalcharactersa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 1537704 Reality is my thought.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 7149642 REALLY--Be yourself and have fun.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 935536 reasontreatmenta28.wma
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 12734831 Recipient of my caring love.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 5011363 Recognizing perfection - I reveal it.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 1293825 Recording on the mountaintop.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 4850449 Refusal to do your best at all times signals life's end.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 2255106 regardlessa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 12053557 Reinvent the human heart.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 1867786 relationa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 4077323 relationshipa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 4805727 Relationships.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 4834148 Relax, tension goes.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 7859755 Relaxation - Harmony throughout spirit mind and body.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 6278197 Religion and Jefferson.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 6329188 Remember the Future NOW(1).mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 6201293 Reminders.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 4388186 Repeat.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 8469139 Repeating good ideas.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 5294739 Repetition functions.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 5868230 Repetition Works.MP3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 3463210 reputationisinsidea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 2132692 require128.wma
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 2132692 require1a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 4580361 respecta28.wma
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 5011363 Respecting the many possibilities they burst forth in me.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 4958803 Responsibility Is Limiting.mp4
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 7171794 Returning military.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 28148330 Revealing my divine self -- a synopsis.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 28148330 Revealing my divine self -- a synopsis_1.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 37453773 Revealing my divine self I am meticulous in my beneficial thinking.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 7653283 Revealing My Divine Self.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 5124630 Reverence is a state of mind, not a set of rules.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 5081580 Reversing bad memories is trickier than creating positive ones.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 5069985 Rex and Smokey go to the circus.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 4911889 Rex lives in his healthy body all the years of his life.mp3
12/6/2023 2:38 PM 1222286 rhondaa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 5008019 Right Action.mp3
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 5351373 Right Relationships.mp3
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 1041953 rightdecisiona28.wma
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 3178608 rightnowa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 4505842 rolea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 2804538 romanceatworka28.wma
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 4806145 Ruby and the cactus.mp3
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 4812833 Ruby in the waves.mp3
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 4113169 Rudy Report--Inside a dogs mind.mp3
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 5168934 Rules I create are stepping stones.mp3
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 3835725 rulessaya28.wma
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 8830128 s 2009 Christmas 3.WMA
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 8830128 s 2009 Christmas Seminar 3.WMA
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 6937184 s Christmas 2009 14.WMA
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 13618641 s Christmas 2009 Seminar 1.mp3
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 3555824 s Christmas 2009 Seminar 1.WMA
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 27193345 s Christmas 2009 Seminar 10.mp3
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 7098532 s Christmas 2009 Seminar 10.WMA
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 27670081 s Christmas 2009 Seminar 11.mp3
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 7222824 s Christmas 2009 Seminar 11.WMA
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 27264689 s Christmas 2009 Seminar 12.mp3
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 7117060 s Christmas 2009 Seminar 12.WMA
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 25238977 s Christmas 2009 Seminar 13.mp3
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 6588240 s Christmas 2009 Seminar 13.WMA
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 26577041 s Christmas 2009 Seminar 14.mp3
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 28592561 s Christmas 2009 Seminar 2.mp3
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 7463688 s Christmas 2009 Seminar 2.WMA
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 33830209 s Christmas 2009 Seminar 3.mp3
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 28693025 s Christmas 2009 Seminar 4.mp3
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 29117934 s Christmas 2009 Seminar 4.WMA
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 28787249 s Christmas 2009 Seminar 5.mp3
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 29210996 s Christmas 2009 Seminar 5.WMA
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 29437041 s Christmas 2009 Seminar 6.mp3
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 29871436 s Christmas 2009 Seminar 6.WMA
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 27284241 s Christmas 2009 Seminar 7.mp3
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 27685980 s Christmas 2009 Seminar 7.WMA
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 28403697 s Christmas 2009 Seminar 8.mp3
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 27906161 s Christmas 2009 Seminar 9.mp3
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 7284584 s Christmas 2009 Seminar 9.WMA
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 5268569 s10a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 8193576 s10soja28.wma
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 5349778 s11a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 8201985 s11soja28.wma
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 4693650 s12a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 7717767 s12soja28.wma
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 5207294 s13a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 7830439 s13soja28.wma
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 4667094 s14a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 8900921 s14soja28.wma
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 5392906 s15a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 8937547 s15soja28.wma
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12/6/2023 2:39 PM 6223553 s17soja28.wma
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 15440097 s18soja28.wma
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 6015922 s1a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 8881001 s1soja28.wma
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 7126324 s2008_nigeria_lecture1.wma
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 8065076 s2008_nigeria_lecture11.wma
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 6318812 s2008_nigeria_lecture12.WMA
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 9076396 s2008_nigeria_lecture13.wma
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 6656176 s2008_nigeria_lecture14.WMA
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 6874652 s2008_nigeria_lecture15.WMA
12/6/2023 2:39 PM 8138416 s2008_nigeria_lecture16.WMA
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12/6/2023 2:39 PM 3576668 s2008_nigeria_lecture18.WMA
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 8938208 s2008_nigeria_lecture2.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 8863324 s2008_nigeria_lecture3.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 7387260 s2008_nigeria_lecture4.WMA
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 7624264 s2008_nigeria_lecture5.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 7986332 s2008_nigeria_lecture6.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 6591328 s2008_nigeria_lecture9.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 6474756 s2008_nigeria_seminar_3h_meditation.WMA
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 192992 s2008_nigeria_seminar_finale.WMA
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 417280 s2a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 7469223 s2soja28.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 6832795 s3a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 8471780 s3soja28.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 5722881 s4a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 6720233 s4soja28.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 5402800 s5a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 8266218 s5soja28.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 6647247 s6a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 8627470 s6soja28.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 7959543 s7a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 7863585 s7soja28.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 4837769 s8a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 9121270 s8soja28.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 8769960 s9soja28.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 5257347 s_easter_seminar_2007_the_message_of_easter_1_birth_as_a_child_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 4911649 s_easter_seminar_2007_the_message_of_easter_2_playful_as_pets_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 5045442 s_easter_seminar_2007_the_message_of_easter_3_aware_as_silence_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 3781477 s_easter_seminar_2007_the_message_of_easter_4_ascension_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 12932536 s_inside_jesus_head.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 2516282 sacraficeboredoma28.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 2493344 sacreda28.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 2516282 sacrificeboredoma28.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 5519602 Sammy our cat loves chasing shadows with all her heart.mp3
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 290096 Sample 7.mp3
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 1147675 sample.asf
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 2581053 samuela28.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 2041463 Sandroa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 6407592 Santa Seminar 1-Discussion, Santa's Gift Program.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 163 Santa-Seminar_Discussion_6_Santas_Gift_Program.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 6926376 Santa_Seminar_2-Discussion,_Santa's_Gift_Program.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 5668016 Santa_Seminar_3-Discussion,_Santa's_Gift_Program.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 5813152 Santa_Seminar_4-Discussion,_Santa's_Gift_Program.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 2519800 Santa_Seminar_5a_Discussion_Santas_Gift_Program.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 5264260 Santa_Seminar_5b_Discussion_Santas_Gift_Program.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 0 Santa_Seminar_7_Discussion_Santas_Gift_Program.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 0 Santa_Seminar_Discussion_6_Santa_Gift_Program.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 10372492 Santa_Seminar_Discussion_6_Santa_Program.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 10372492 Santa_Seminar_Discussion_6_Santas_Gift_Program.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 5960932 Santa_Seminar_Discussion_7_Santa_Gift_Program.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 7056072 Santa_Seminar_Lecture 11,_medical_use_of_stem_cells.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 5370024 Santa_Seminar_Lecture 12,_physical_use_of_stem_cells.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 0 Santa_Seminar_Lecture_1,_Santa_Gift_Program.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 7107796 Santa_Seminar_Lecture_1,_what_santa_has_in_store_for_me.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 7405788 Santa_Seminar_Lecture_10,_playing_with_the_illusion_of_right_action_in_my_world.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 6858440 Santa_Seminar_Lecture_13_Mental-Spiritual_use_of_stem_cells.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 7626580 Santa_Seminar_Lecture_14,_Stem_Cells_used_with_or_without_thought.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 5387780 Santa_Seminar_Lecture_15,_Stem_cells_come_wrapped_in_one_covering.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 14888656 Santa_Seminar_Lecture_16_gentle_approach_to_using_my_stem_cells_wisely.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 14888656 Santa_Seminar_Lecture_16_My_gentle_approach_to_using_my_stem_cells_wisely.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 14876528 Santa_Seminar_Lecture_17_Powerful _affirmations_excite_my_stem_cells_into_action.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 14876528 Santa_Seminar_Lecture_17_Powerful _affirmations_excite_my_stem_cells_to_action.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 9803992 Santa_Seminar_Lecture_18_the_stem_cell_work_however_i_work_them.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 9803992 Santa_Seminar_Lecture_18_the_stem_cells_work_however_i_work_them.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 13919932 Santa_Seminar_Lecture_19_I_return_to_my_original_purity_and_integrity.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 13512128 Santa_Seminar_Lecture_20_my_stem_cells_are_perfect_i_am_perfect_now.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 6368736 Santa_Seminar_Lecture_21_Results_are_mine_as_i_use_my_stem_cells_effectively.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 7163380 Santa_Seminar_Lecture_2_i_am_a_winner.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 7163380 Santa_Seminar_Lecture_2_Santa_Gift_Program.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 181 Santa_Seminar_Lecture_3,_every_dream_i_have_is_already_fulfilled.asx
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 6085668 Santa_Seminar_Lecture_3,_every_dream_i_have_is_already_fulfilled.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 7061476 Santa_Seminar_Lecture_4,_ways_i_visualize_my_dreams.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 7080004 Santa_Seminar_Lecture_5,_ it_is_magic_watching_me_reveal_what_it_is.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 5295912 Santa_Seminar_Lecture_6,_children_reveal_their_dreams_easily.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 32870434 Santa_Seminar_Lecture_7,_i_powerfully_visualize_my_stem_cells.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 23225008 Santa_Seminar_Lecture_8,_playing_with_the_illusion_of_santa_claus.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 20790386 Santa_Seminar_Lecture_9,_playing_with_the_illusion_of_perfect_health.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 1664167 sasua28.wma
12/6/2023 2:40 PM 5687830 Say I like me.mp3
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 10500388 Say It Often 500.MP3
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 10426180 Say It Often 600.MP3
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 2639925 Say It Often IC.mp3
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 12116042 Saying I like me MAKES it so.mp3
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 21677486 School of the Master -- 7 -- Spirituality Takes Care Of Itself.mp3
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 21615837 SCHOOL OF THE MASTER -- 1 -- What is a master.mp3
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 337 School of the Master -- 1 -- What is a master.webloc
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 858 School of the Master -- 1 -- What is a master.webloc.zip
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 21716356 School of the Master -- 10 Relative Observations Temporary.mp3
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 21681665 School of the Master -- 11 -- On being a human being.mp3
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 21643213 School of the Master -- 12 -- Living awareness of divine.mp3
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 21896496 School of the master -- 13 of 14 -- Living as a master.mp3
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 21665783 School of the Master -- 3 -- Art of Meditation copy.mp3
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 21665783 School of the Master -- 3 -- Art of Meditation.mp3
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 21617717 School of the Master -- 4 -- Digressing-getting results.mp3
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 21963370 School of the Master -- 5 -- A master leaves the human.mp3
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 21629838 School of the Master -- 6 -- A wholeness consciousness.mp3
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 960 School of the Master -- 7 -- Spirituality Takes Care Of Itself 2.webloc.zip
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 1617 School of the Master -- 7 --.textClipping.zip
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 21604343 School of the Master -- 8 -- Is Truth REAL or is Truth Illusion.mp3
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 21625241 School of the Master -- 9 -- Do I dare to think Absolute.mp3
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 4853375 School of the Master students proclaim, y cup is empty, please fill it up'.mp3
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 16898122 School of the Master--14 of 14--Ready do another dimension.mp3
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 21634018 School of the Master--2--Practice.mp3
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 2395775 School Positive Arts.mp3
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 501760 Science begins as philosophy and ends as art. It arises as hypothesis and flows into achievement.aiff
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 6368895 Science begins as philosophy and ends as art. It arises as hypothesis and flows into achievement.mp3
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 7907820 Science is keeping up with metaphysics.mp3
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 4783575 Science says children lie.mp3
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 5790021 Scientific publishing goes English will the world soon follow.mp3
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 2346045 ScreamHollarStampYourFeet-a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 10987868 sd basel vortrag 1.WMA
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 10682156 sd basel vortrag 2.WMA
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 16953884 sd basel vortrag 3.WMA
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 13701448 sd bern 2009 vortrag 1.WMA
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 12354308 sd bern 2009 vortrag 2.WMA
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 10861260 sd bern 2009 vortrag 4.WMA
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 19834216 sd Quelle, abendvortrag.WMA
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 1136265 se101203a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 1137942 se101603a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 1267154 se101903a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 1152829 se10203a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 924159 se102403a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 1901773 se10403a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 1207333 se10a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 1061659 se13a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 1108053 se14a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 1473796 se15a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 1038529 se16a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 1688918 se18a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 1778326 se1a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 1725350 se20a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 1511909 se2a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 130 se2s.asx.asf
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 1367946 se3a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 1015359 se4a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 1248730 se5a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 1439043 se7a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 1165958 se8a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 1175896 se9a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 5223268 Seccess.mp3
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 5323492 seedsa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 6520614 Seeing behind truth to principle.mp3
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 4827461 Seeing the light.mp3
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 5199245 seeingtheworlda28.wma
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 4651532 seemoreofa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 5776019 Self confidence is the first requisite to any great undertaking.mp3
12/6/2023 2:41 PM 4819938 Self CURE happens when we redirect our thinking.mp3
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 6282377 Self discipline comes naturally.mp3
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 4991092 Self disciplined I rule all the world.mp3
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 4959954 Self image defines the boundaries of individual accomplishment.mp3
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 5824294 Self Respectful.mp3
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 1457260 selfdisciplinea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 4936130 Selfdisciplined, I master the world.mp3
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 4588572 SELFDISCIPLINEDa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 4715975 SELFDISCIPLINEDRULESa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 147 SELFDISCIPLINEDRULESs.asx
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 141 SELFDISCIPLINEDs.asx
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 4826872 Selfdisciplineishella28.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 147 SELFDISCIPLINEs.asx
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 2552936 selfeducation28a.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 1435779 selfpitywasteoftimea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 7736204 Semiinar_Daily_Workshop_6_why_is_ME_so_important.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 3937964 Seminar January 2011 Proposition Eight--It is a field of conscious and intelligent energy that responds to genuine states of human emotions.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 3862308 Seminar January 2011 Proposition Four--Time is a vibrating particle of light.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 3988144 Seminar January 2011 Proposition One-Time is not at all what it seems.WMA
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 3881608 Seminar January 2011 Proposition Seven--It is an intelligent energy system that moves by our choice.WMA
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 3838376 Seminar January 2011 Proposition Three-A new discovery is its vertical line of vertical time, time that occurs in the present moment.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 3429988 Seminar January 2011 Time is a vibrating particle of light--Proposition 2--Time Exists As A Quantum Physics Concept.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 3909400 Seminar January 2011 Time is a vibrating particle of light--Proposition Eight--Life Is A Hologram.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 4346352 Seminar January 2011 Time is a vibrating particle of light--Proposition Five--That particle of light is connected to all light, all existence, now.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 4346352 Seminar January 2011 Time is a vibrating particle of light--Proposition Five--This particle of light is connected to all light, all existence, now.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 3909400 Seminar January 2011 Time is a vibrating particle of light--Proposition Nine--Life Is A Hologram.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 4152580 Seminar January 2011 Time is a vibrating particle of light--Proposition Six--The results of emotions.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 4152580 Seminar January 2011 Time is a vibrating particle of light--Proposition Six--The results of the activities of these particles of light are humanly directed by our emotions.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 3652324 Seminar January 2011 Time is a vibrating particle of light--Proposition Ten--My Hologram, My Mirror.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 3429988 Seminar January 2011 Time is a vibrating particle of light--Proposition Two--Time Exists As A Quantum Physics Concept.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 3429988 Seminar January 2011 Time is a vibrating particle of light--Time Exists As A Quantum Physics Concept.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 13531822 seminar--lecture-3-10,000_stem_cells_born_daily_in_our_brain--English_Nigeria_lecture_3_Sing_mirror_now_i_am_only_perfection_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 252 seminar--lecture-3-10,000_stem_cells_born_daily_in_our_brain--English_Nigeria_lecture_3_Sing_mirror_now_i_am_only_perfection_s.asx
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 11603890 seminar--lecture_2_10,000_stem_cells_born_daily_in_our_brain--English_Nigeria_lecture_2_the_actvation_of_my_stem_cells_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 8126081 seminar-christ_arises_in_us_Lecture_ One_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 8373876 Seminar-Lecture_18_it_is_my_light_not_my_darkness_which_frightens_me_most.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 6305688 Seminar-Lecture_5_the_SECRET.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 8167275 Seminar.Easter.2006.Lecture1.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 9855106 Seminar.Easter.2006.Lecture2.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 9596701 Seminar.Easter.2006.Lecture3.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 8576229 Seminar.Easter.2006.Lecture4.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 9167919 seminar1a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 6244700 Seminar_1_3-hour_meditation.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 6008468 Seminar_1b_3-hour_meditation.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 6548868 Seminar_1c_3-hour_meditation.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 4919176 Seminar_2_3-hour_meditation.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 4976304 Seminar_2b_3-hour_meditation.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 4276872 Seminar_2c_3-hour_meditation.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 4123244 Seminar_3_3-hour_meditation.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 3653096 Seminar_3b_3-hour_meditation.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 3805952 Seminar_3c_3-hour_meditation.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 6355868 Seminar_4a_3-hour_meditation.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 4750108 Seminar_4b_3-hour_meditation.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 2964472 Seminar_4c-4-hour_meditation.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 5521336 Seminar_5a_3-hour_mediation.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 5382376 Seminar_5b_3-hour_meditation.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 5266576 Seminar_5c_3-hour_meditation.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 6691688 Seminar_6a_3-hour_meditation.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 5096736 Seminar_6b_3-hour_meditation.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 3283308 Seminar_6c_3-hour_meditation.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 6240840 Seminar_7a_3-hour_meditation.wma
12/6/2023 2:42 PM 2989176 Seminar_7b_3-hour_meditation.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 4845836 Seminar_7c_3-hour_meditation.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 1454440 Seminar_daily_music 2.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 5274296 Seminar_Daily_Workshop_1_play_and_relax.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 5207132 Seminar_Daily_Workshop_2_play_with_my_stem_cells.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 6626068 Seminar_Daily_Workshop_3_play_with_my_brain.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 6139708 Seminar_Daily_Workshop_4_my_imagination_is_my_vision_of_the_future.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 5379288 Seminar_Daily_Workshop_5_create_a_personal_perspective.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 9402180 Seminar_Daily_Workshop_7_and_Music.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 2993843 seminar_guided_meditation_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 22078627 seminar_healing_continued_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 15259765 seminar_healing_wholeness_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 7464460 Seminar_Lecture 7_i_am_a_balanced_me.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 8077428 Seminar_Lecture_10_my_body_reflects_my_thoughts.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 6456228 Seminar_Lecture_11_continued--Priorities.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 6321900 Seminar_Lecture_11_Priorities.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 4452888 Seminar_Lecture_12_Neurogenesis.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 7147940 Seminar_Lecture_13_who_i_now_am.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 7216648 Seminar_Lecture_14_i_train_myself_in_unconditional_love.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 11319828 Seminar_Lecture_15_i_purposefully_achieve_my_objectives.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 7097760 Seminar_Lecture_16_techniques_to_nurture_my_stem_cells.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 7899096 Seminar_Lecture_17_hospitals_are_for_wholeness.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 8114484 Seminar_Lecture_19_my_moment_by_moment_affirmations_train_my_stem_cells.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 9468214 seminar_lecture_1_10,000_stem_cells_born_daily_in_our_brain--English--Nigeria_lecture_1_our_body_is_our_thought_stem_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 6192204 Seminar_Lecture_1_a_step_in_confusion.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 7992508 Seminar_Lecture_20_my_stem_cells_are_my_original_purity_and_integrity.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 8020300 Seminar_Lecture_21_my_body_is_the_temple_of_the_perfect_being_which_i_am.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 7530080 Seminar_Lecture_2_completely_give_into_the_program.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 7015156 Seminar_Lecture_3_build_a_bond_with_the_divine_within.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 7760136 Seminar_Lecture_4_use_my_thinking_to_accomplish_goals.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 7287672 Seminar_Lecture_6_stem_cells.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 5702756 Seminar_Lecture_8_i_activate_my_stem_cells.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 10891368 Seminar_Lecture_9_my_purpose_is_to_live_now.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 20625189 seminar_on_being_a_minister_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 2143064 Seminar_play_with_music_1.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 2076672 Seminar_Pray_with_music_song_and_singing.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 7845360 seminaragelessnesslecture10myuniverseknowsnotofitselfa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 8536397 seminaragelessnesslecture11myuniverseisanesxpressionoftheconfusionofchaosa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 7765890 seminaragelessnesslecture12myholographicuniversevibrateswithimaginationofmythoughtsa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 8470195 seminaragelessnesslecture13myagereflectionisbroughtaboutbymymomentbymomentthoughta28.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 8001484 seminaragelessnesslecture14ihavefunseeingyearswhicharetheappearancesa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 8766712 seminaragelessnesslecture15ageisrevealedaswhateverichoosetohaveitbea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 7876939 seminaragelessnesslecture16termsiusetodescribemeasalimitedhumanbeinga28.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 7484206 seminaragelessnesslecture17ibeginexpressingmyagelessnessbythinkinginthenowa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 7462597 seminaragelessnesslecture18aresponsiblehumanconsciousnessa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 7587150 seminaragelessnesslecture19agelessnessiswholenessa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 8852804 seminaragelessnesslecture1thereisnotimea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 8637394 seminaragelessnesslecture20agelessnessisperfectiona28.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 8082347 seminaragelessnesslecture21agelessnessisbeingawareofabsolutesa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 8508436 seminaragelessnesslecture22agelessnessisspirituallywholea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 8002791 seminaragelessnesslecture23agelessnessisdivineordera28.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 10890904 seminaragelessnesslecture24agelessnessispeacea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 7484354 seminaragelessnesslecture2myuniverseexistsnowa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 8186744 seminaragelessnesslecture3myuniverseismyfunplaceinwhichilivea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 7644821 seminaragelessnesslecture4myuniverseismyplaygrounda28.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 8639121 seminaragelessnesslecture5myuniverseiswhatmythoughtcreatesitasformea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 7562059 seminaragelessnesslecture6myuniverseisthecauldronofmythoughtformyallnessa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 8486697 seminaragelessnesslecture7myuniverseisthecauldronofthoughtindividuatedasisnessa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:43 PM 7436127 seminaragelessnesslecture8myuniversefrommypointofviewisanillusionthoughta28.wma
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 7790715 seminaragelessnesslecture9myuniverseexistsformypleasurealonea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 24816010 seminarconclusiona28.wma
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 8126107 seminareaster_1_christ_arises_in_us_a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 12397263 seminartucson10a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 299232 seminartucson11a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 11136012 seminartucson1a1058a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 8882492 seminartucson2a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 8421844 seminartucson4a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 11976109 seminartucson5a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 13048188 seminartucson6a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 7474040 seminartucson7a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 4987957 set a goal - BALANCE.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 4845015 Set a goal - DIVINE ORDER.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 5412604 Set a goal - HEALTH.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 5143020 Set a goal - ONENESS.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 5459415 Set a goal -- PEACE.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 5442279 Set a goal of GENTLENESS.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 4835820 Set the goal - CARING.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 4913143 Setting my sights high I easily achieve them.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 5877375 Sharing Inner Contentment.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 1563224 sharinga28.wma
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 5589819 She likes herself.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 4623585 Shhhh...silence is coming.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 9210728 Shoes that fit.aiff
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 6061277 Shoes that fit.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 5497032 Shoes with springs in the soles.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 4892245 Shooting stars.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 5283455 Short order cooks make perfect eggs.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 9201404 Short term monk.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 4745791 shorttalksa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 3137181 showera28.wma
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 5364539 Showing respect and interest starts with self, includes all the world.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 6664183 Showing respect to myself.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 4641051 Sighing, I have to settle for the elegant goal of being myself.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 1837948 silence2a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 5012617 Silent meditation.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 2617481 silentagenta28.wma
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 5285126 Simplicity is a virtue.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 2518213 simpliesta28.wma
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 4980016 Since I am IDEAL I am done.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 28991771 Since I choose to be human I choose to be humanly perfect.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 6387285 Sincere affirmations bring physical results.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 8507592 Sincerity is always understood.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 5073767 Singing Is A Most Exciting Activity 9_24_11 3_10 PM.m4a
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 24822789 Singing Is A Most Exciting Activity 9_24_11 3_10 PM.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 4969358 Sink or swim.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 5319817 Sitting in the SUN.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 11395587 sixa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 10503572 SixInstantInspirationsa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 6058351 Sky or cave.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 4944072 Sleep preparation.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 5516258 Sliding into my genius.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 4035830 slowdownfora28.wma
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 4888483 Small action, big reaction.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 506375 sme22706a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 690310 sme3306a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 5764526 SMILE -- My physical world is illusion within illusion.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 6281959 Smile, I am in love with my divine self.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 2567974 Smile--My Inner Oven.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 4881487 SmilingIsInfectiousa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 2879011 smokescreena28.wma
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 2491685 smokinghasavirtuea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 4837074 SO - god goes from me.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 12183961 So long as we remain dedicated to the new vision it's brilliance ever increases for us.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 7736457 Social Security teaches us to believe in ourselves.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 5198609 Solutions cannot withstand the assault of sustained thinking.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 5174367 Solutions delete problems.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 2721812 solveitourselfa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 4835820 Some people talk about finding god as if god was lost.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 5055040 Some Pursue Happiness. I Create Happiness.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 4901858 Somehow we learn who we really are and we live up to that decisions.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 5811593 Sortedhoursa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 2187161 soulmusica28.wma
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 5642273 Sounds uncool.mp3
12/6/2023 2:44 PM 5550530 Sources of power.mp3
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 2278142 sowealthya28.wma
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 5031425 Space is a dot.mp3
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 2334446 sparkleoflifea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 5004676 Speak using your language articulately.mp3
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 4553733 SPEAKERSa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 135 SPEAKERSs.asx
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 5514586 Speech is silver, silence is golden.mp3
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 4890155 Spell principle, spell god.mp3
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 3348969 spiritualwholenessa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 1568161 ss1a28.wma
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 3047775 ssssa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 5351320 Standing on top of the mountain.MP3
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 4319223 Standing TALL.mp3
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 2210331 standupforyourselfa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 4814922 Star Teck tricorder or the mind.mp3
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 4904784 Star Trek TRICORDERS in August.mp3
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 9909845 Staying or going.mp3
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 4151692 Stefana28.wma
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 13466677 Stem cells & affirmations.mp3
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 4576520 Stem Cells.aiff
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 5262975 Stem Cells.mp3
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 5032834 Step on a crack and you break your mothers back.MP3
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 2276620 steps to aleviate tension and anxiety.WMA
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 2834262 stopthinkinga28.wma
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 5257256 stricta28.wma
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 4930279 Strong in my convictions.mp3
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 6269420 Stronger than any power is an idea whose time has come.mp3
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 4547281 stylea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 4964552 Success is what you do for others.mp3
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 4879706 Success comes to all.mp3
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 4860062 Success is getting what you want. Happiness is enjoying what you have.mp3
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 37597969 Success is mine as I delight in developing new habits to benefit me now copy.mp3
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 37597969 Success is mine as I delight in developing new habits to benefit me now.mp3
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 5223268 Success.mp3
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 4267576 Successa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 2370908 successfulbeinga28.wma
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 3297752 successfulparenta28.wma
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 1549960 sunglassa28.wma
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 2245112 supera28.wma
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 5176666 Surround yourself with happy thinkers.mp3
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 10456535 Sweet nothings are everything.mp3
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 5340088 Swimming is fun.mp3
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 4052983 Sylvia at the UNI birthday.mp3
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 5596088 Sylvia is home.mp3
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 2291510 sylviaforIlsea28.wma
12/6/2023 2:45 PM 3123869 symbolsa28.wma
12/6/2023 3:51 PM 4845141 T1051328.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 15374198 T1051364.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 1645942 T1051365.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 4636641 T1051728.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 14710786 T1051764.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 1574904 T1051765.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 4482694 T1052028.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 14218426 T1052064.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 1522116 T1052065.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 4489294 T1052128.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 14242422 T1052164.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 1524276 T1052165.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 4806981 Take the time to return home everyday.mp3
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 5705175 Take THESE two pills and call me when you are one hundred.mp3
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 2605872 takersa28.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 2215260 takethejumpa28.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 1682396 takingthecreditblamea28.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 4799841 Tale of the hare and the tortoise in gobbledigook.mp3
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 5094537 Talk about a solution and is yours.mp3
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 1554951 Talkforallneedsa28.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 5252106 Talking As God.MP3
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 9201822 Talking to and with a stone.mp3
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 5083461 Talks give living a lift.mp3
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 5315637 Taming the shrew in me.mp3
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 5488046 Teach children to listen within.mp3
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 6003336 Teacher teaching teacher within.MP3
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 4882632 Teachers teach wisdom, teachers inspire think tank thinking.mp3
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 7266671 Teaching balance - Living balance.mp3
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 3817350 teachingthingsa28.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 1728762 teammatea28.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 6821544 Techniques of developing effective thought.mp3
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 39665350 Tele Call Rosli.MP3
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 5293695 Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are.mp3
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 5066952 Tell me who you frequent, and I will tell you who you are.mp3
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 6556140 Tell the world you love it, it loves you.mp3
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 5811337 Telling another my problems burdens them.mp3
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 135 template.txt
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 5076147 Ten deep breaths.mp3
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 4886811 Tenacity results in success.mp3
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 2376051 tencentsa28.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 5379167 Tending her children MOM says I don't have time to be sick.mp3
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 6380179 Tension Be Gone.mp3
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 9724419 Tensions destroy meditation.mp3
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 301799 Test a.mp3
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 4773057 Test Driving Affirmations.mp3
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 130854 Test tAlk.mp3
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 129 test wma shorter.asx
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 57892 test wma shorter.WMA
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 57892 test-See-how-it-works.WMA
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 106403 Test.mp3
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 34732 test1.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 93404 test16.WMA
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 35097 test_me_a28.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 151 Test_wma_file_1.asx
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 153136 Test_wma_file_1.WMA
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 443120 test_ws321m.WMA
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 130212 testa28.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 37325 testherba28.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 808741 testIC.mp3
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 2360906 TestingTimea28.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 201388 testmikea28.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 62054 testwmashorter1.WMA
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 3054446 testWS500.MP3
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 3107296 testWS6000.MP3
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 1156158 textbooka28.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 14883 texttesta28.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 1464476 tft As I judge others I am judging myself.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 1583364 tft Asking about anothers past stops living now.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 4268380 tft i am always searching.WMA
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 1471424 tft I am ideal, my memory is my imagination.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 2892676 tft I have one name and I respect it.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 2595456 tft I love words.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 451612 tft Letter From Student Military Counselor.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 1492268 tft Listen Within, Reveal Without.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 1286916 tft Rever all I think, eat, drink, breathe, do.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 1356396 tft Success is to get what you want.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 1527780 tft Take small steps and life is easy.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 2819336 tft What Makes A Good Citizen.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 2091340 tft Whither Thou Goest.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 1406576 tft .What redeaming quality did you find in the film .wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 3166736 tft 1 my healing hand.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 23222000 tft 1 Unconditional Love at 30,000 feet.MP3
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 2023404 tft 13years old how about that.WMA
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 3166736 tft 2 my healing hand.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 1228546 tft 2012 is caused by thought.WMA
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 3054796 tft 8th grade is enough.WMA
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 4508604 tft A B Movie.mp3
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 2304412 tft A B Movie.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 1805354 tft A bit about the Absolute Monastery.MP3
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 1452124 tft A Day To Remember.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 2163908 tft A desk top publisher.WMA
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 1398856 tft a little breeze floating through the trees.WMA
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 1982488 tft a little tincture goes a long way.WMA
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 1415068 tft a miracle in my life.WMA
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 1854336 tft A new way, a new path, gets me out of my comfort zone for the right reason.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 1335552 tft a question and an answer always go together.WMA
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 1709200 tft A Role Model.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 2114500 tft a step beyond stemcells.WMA
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 2020316 tft A Tangled String.WMA
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 2149240 tft A Teacher Is A Lover.WMA
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 1434368 tft A time of beauty.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 150 tft A timid heart is almost there.asx
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 1589540 tft A timid heart is almost there.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 2952892 tft absolute love.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 1277954 tft advice from a 97year old doctor.WMA
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 2173172 tft Advice is cheap.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 2592368 tft affirmations are positive statements i repeat to myself in meditation.WMA
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 1396540 tft affirmations for every purpose in life.WMA
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 3341208 tft Affirmations Revisited.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 3346612 tft Ah the little things.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 1760924 tft Always Thinking Correctly.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 1964732 tft am i always the perfect example.WMA
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 2828600 tft am i in charge of all the experiences in life.WMA
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 2236476 tft Am I responsible for my life.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 2417124 tft Am I strong enough to talk out loud.wma
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 2396280 tft am i worthy of healing.WMA
12/6/2023 3:52 PM 1030612 tft An Ideal Being.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1008996 tft An ideal student does not fight his teacher.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1916868 tft An OBE or A Movie.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 3913260 tft and then there was wholeness.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 3098028 tft Appraisal About A Movie.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1751660 tft Are We Ready To Be Master.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 2385472 tft are we really aware what our brain can do.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 4240588 tft Are You A Leader Or Are You A Follower.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 2912748 tft As I Feel What I Desire To Experience Is Possible It Already Exists.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1635088 tft bacioni per tutti.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1269932 tft Back To Polishing My Own Diamond.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 961132 tft Baptism and me.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1273020 tft Be Good To Yourself.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1229788 tft Be incredulous and see results.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 2736732 tft be natural be complete.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 2595456 tft Be stern with yourself the results are great.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 2595456 tft Be stern with yourself, the results are great.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1493812 tft before i do i see.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1087740 tft being an after dinner speaker.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1526236 tft Being too intellectual looses the spiritual high.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 3231584 tft Believe you are anything.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1067668 tft Belive all the way-I am in charge.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1948520 tft Bluebirds fly over the rainbow.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1959328 tft brother sun sister moon.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1894480 tft Building Bridges.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 3016196 tft bung bang crash whoi.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 2055828 tft but mom.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1577960 tft Button Pushing Is Everything.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 3195300 tft can i always think in perfection .WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 3287940 tft can i ever be off guard.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 14862336 tft Can I handle me.mp3
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1946204 tft Can I handle me.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1304672 tft Can I Heal Myself--No--I Am Whole.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1707656 tft Can I smile too much.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1435140 tft Can We Afford To Be A Teacher.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1204312 tft can we be perfect.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 528812 tft can we ever be too correct.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1793348 tft Can We Ever Say I Love You Too Much.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 2727468 tft Careless Buying--Spicey.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1993296 tft Change is an emotional process.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1259124 tft Change is simple and easy.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 8313032 tft Christ Child In Each Family.mp3
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 2163136 tft Christ Child In Each Family.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1418156 tft Christmas eve - uncond love - sharing.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 2502044 tft christmas is the time for a remodeling job.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 3297204 tft Cleaning Out An Inner Poison.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1516972 tft Clouds Are Always Exciting.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1662880 tft come in the house.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1489952 tft Computer applications are limitless.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1001276 tft congratulations mr obama welcome as the president of the usa.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1696076 tft consistency pays off.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1032156 tft Correcting Others.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1415068 tft death relative hah.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1879040 tft Define my name and live it.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1879040 tft Define your name and live it.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 16171864 tft Dial Healing Words are important.MP3
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1676004 tft Did You Ever Wish You Could Perform Miracles.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1402716 tft Did You Ever Wonder How Strong Your Physical Body Is.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1301584 tft Dispelling Panic.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 3748824 tft do i really care.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1352536 tft Do It Now-Quick.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1852792 tft Do not take yourself so seriously, no one else does.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1052228 tft do unto others.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 3834516 tft do we have to be.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 2710484 tft Do What You Should Do.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 3862308 tft do you believe that you are me.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 2982522 tft do you care enough to give yourself the finest.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 2150012 tft Do you ever feel lost.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 5999104 tft Do you hate your job.MP3
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 2376980 tft do you like it when people make fun at your expense.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1361800 tft Do You Walk The Talk.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 2384700 tft do you want a new job.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1975540 tft does positive healing really work.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 2298236 tft does the world give you a tough time.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 2716660 tft Dog People Psychology.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 2103692 tft Doing the right thing in the right moment.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1857424 tft Dont count the days, make the days count.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 3228496 tft dont just talk about it go there.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1693760 tft Dream Big.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 2055828 tft dreamers lived fulfilled lives.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1193504 tft easter sunday.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 2403228 tft Empower Truth.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1605752 tft Energy is all that I am made of.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 3074868 tft enough already!.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 13526600 tft Every Thought Is A Seed.MP3
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1719236 tft everybody likes to talk about relaxation.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 2153872 tft Everyone knows my values.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 2526748 tft everyone likes secrets.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1393452 tft Everyone Loves My Son Because He Likes Himself.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1509252 tft Everyone wants to be a minister.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 165 tft Everything can change in the blink of an eye.asx
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 2137660 tft Everything can change in the blink of an eye.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1682180 tft Everything I do for myself.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1538588 tft Everything Thought Already Is.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 2057372 tft Excellence is not an act, but a habit.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1494584 tft Exhausting Meditations.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1151044 tft Expect wholeness, it is already there.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 2632512 tft Fairy Tales.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 16945088 tft FAQ Homosexuality the church and you.MP3
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 26676850 tft FAQ What does humility mean.MP3
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 26676850 tft FAQ What really does humility mean.MP3
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1502304 tft fetish or orderliness.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 2846356 tft first person peresent tense positive.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 5339564 tft Fly Like A Butterfly.MP3
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1699164 tft flying an ultralight.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1425104 tft Follow A Detailed Script.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1730044 tft Follow your inner wisdom, do not question it.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 4321648 tft Following The Rules.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 3752684 tft four ways to meditate.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 24098042 tft Frustration of others.MP3
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 2270444 tft gadgets make me happy, possibilities.WMA
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1552484 tft Getting The Drawer To Work.wma
12/6/2023 3:53 PM 1540434 tft Getting Up To Date.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 2066636 tft give me a chance please give me a chance.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 2236476 tft giving a gift.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 2543732 tft giving commands.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 2157732 tft Giving IN to Illusions.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1411208 tft go and speak out loud to yourself.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1411208 tft go and speak out loud to yourself.wma.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 2288200 tft Going On Sabatical.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 9649456 tft Good habits makes our brain work to our benefit.mp3
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 2510536 tft Good habits makes our brain work to our benefit.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 5843428 tft good morning good morning.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1206628 tft good story about character and value.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 2484288 tft Great Philosophers Keep Secrets.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 2436424 tft Habits Come In All Sizes.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 23921570 tft Happiness depending upon others is no happiness.mp3
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 3047076 tft happy new year 2009.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 153 tft Hard Questions Have Easy Answers.asx
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1855880 tft Hard Questions Have Easy Answers.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1970908 tft Have I worn out my welcome--living principle.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1693760 tft Heartbased Feelings Change The Chemistry Of Our Body.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 2895507 tft Heaven Is Happiness.mp3
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 2886500 tft Hey, I am a spiritual healer.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1421248 tft How about you.mp3
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1945432 tft how beautiful are the creations of mankind.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1923044 tft how big is your wholeness.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 2281252 tft how can i make my world filled with wonderful people.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 3555824 tft How Can We Become Aware That We Live Forever.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 2867200 tft How Can We Have A World Like We Want.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1384960 tft how do we get self confident.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1533956 tft how do we program our life.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 2411720 tft how do we share love.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 2283568 tft how do you greet a friend who calls you friend.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 4014392 tft How do you know.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 2762980 tft how does healing work.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 3335032 TFT How great speakers speak.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1014400 tft how i spend my time.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1451352 tft How Is Your Morning This Morning.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 7941257 tft How Jesus became a rabbi.mp3
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 2066636 tft How Jesus became a rabbi.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1238280 tft How like myself shows in how well I like my creation.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1977856 tft how many times do you bite your tongue.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 3219232 tft how many times must i live before i finaly live for the fun of it .WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 2144608 tft how many times must you say an affirmation.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 2005648 tft How Much Should We Play With Our Pets.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1320112 tft How often are we pompus.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1250632 tft How smart are you.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 3438480 tft How To Destroy A Perfectly Wonderful Life.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 2069724 tft how to kill a mockingbird.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 2000244 tft how to prepare a meal with unconditional love.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 2048108 tft how treatment works.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 2558400 tft how wonderful.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 3064060 tft Hypnosis-Controlled Daydreaming.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1253720 tft I Am A Light On My Path.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 5972514 tft i am a spring chicken.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 3910944 tft I am always right.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 7916752 tft I am as happy as I make up my mind to be.MP3
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 135 tft I am born pure.mp3
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1953152 tft I am born pure.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 152 tft I am ideal spirit mind and body.asx
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 2177032 tft I am ideal spirit mind and body.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1628140 tft I am in control.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 863088 tft I am master in my choices.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1383416 tft i am my own teacher.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1232876 tft I Am Pure.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 12177648 tft i am ready to be me.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 2884956 tft I am the director.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 4042898 tft I am the parent to my thought.MP3
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 146 tft I am the window of Heaven.asx
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1130200 tft I am the window of Heaven.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 2025720 tft I begin all from just where I am.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 2469620 tft I believe in me.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 2163136 tft i believe, yes i believe.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1576416 tft I build my world on love.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1649756 tft i came from a happy marriage.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1973224 tft I can get through anything if I live in the now.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 751920 tft i choose to live in my original purity and integrity.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1029840 tft I did not know it could not be done.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1354852 tft I dream a more exciting life than I live in.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 14594560 tft I enjoy listening to the Dog Whisperer.mp3
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1974768 tft I enjoy listening to the Dog Whisperer.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1009768 tft I face my choices and they are my solutions.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1652844 tft I get younger every day.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1364888 tft I give three whistles and I forget it.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 2833232 tft I grow younger every day.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 2456496 tft i had a talk with me this morning.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1720008 tft i had an argument with monk ingeborg this morning.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1192732 tft I have everything in life that delights me.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 2326028 tft i have power of who and what i am.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 665456 tft I have the courage of my convictions.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1119392 tft I Just Have A Minute.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1101938 tft i know a woman who is rather outstanding.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1724640 tft i know, yep i know.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 2053042 tft I like me, it is so wonderful.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1035244 tft i like principle.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1794892 tft I like the now, this is where i spend the rest of my life.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 2343012 tft i listen to my audience of my mind.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 5171620 tft I live my entire life in my ideal body.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 2918924 tft i love pears.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 3139716 tft i love you i love you .WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1704568 tft I now have my original immune system.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 896284 tft i practice good thoughts.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 2622476 tft i rather do it myself.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 931796 tft i remember ebmatingen.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 146 tft I see in others what I am.asx
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1389592 tft I see in others what I am.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1612700 tft I start life from here and now.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 2227984 tft I take a vacation.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 4235956 tft i tell my brain what to do.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1320112 tft I train myself to answer quickly and true.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1896796 tft i want to grow up.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 7170312 tft i want to help other people.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 2382384 tft I was born happy.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1716148 tft I went to a wedding today.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1315480 tft I win every argument when I agree with my adversary.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1363344 tft I would like to be whole and perfect.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1885988 tft Ideal Is Possible.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1438228 tft if a person wants to be successful he must thing succsessful thoughts.WMA
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1948520 tft If birds can fly over the rainbow why can't I.wma
12/6/2023 3:54 PM 1699164 tft If Life Has To Be A Secret You Should Not Be In It.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1449036 tft If Living Is Fun, It Is Done Right.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2621704 tft If you want to be a writer, write.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1978628 tft Illumined Treatment.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2305956 tft is healing possible.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1699936 tft is it easy to say yes.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 791292 tft Is Life A Bowl Of Cherries.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2125308 tft Is Life Exciting.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 893968 tft Is My Vision Clear.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1446720 tft is your mother a queen or your father a king.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2912748 tft It Already Exists.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2938996 tft it does not work that way.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1605752 tft It has been a very good day.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1180380 tft it is a wonderful day.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1221296 tft it is easy to look at condition and say this is reality.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2251916 tft it is easy to say it does not work.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1611928 tft It is fun to give a child a gift.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 3262464 tft It Is Fun To Pretend.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 3721804 tft it is fun to smile and delight in things.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1497974 tft it is impossible to walk on fire.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 7197330 tft it is meditation retreat time.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1814192 tft It is never too late to create a second childhood.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 9283720 tft it is never too late to set up values for my family and me.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2940540 tft It is not too late to grow up innocent.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1390364 tft It Is Not What You Get But What You Give That Makes Life Fun What .WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2016456 tft It Is So Easy To Forget The Values Of Life .WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2211772 tft It is sometimes harder to be smarter than a machine.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1009768 tft it is time to let not be there.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2259636 tft it's ok.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2407860 tft its morning and the flock have all gathered together.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2040388 tft Jesus had to stay away from his little brothers.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 739568 tft Jesus taught the kingdom within.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2079760 tft Just walking by.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 3855914 tft Kids are amazing.MP3
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1629684 tft Label It What You Will.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2339152 tft Last Night I Had A Visit.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1937712 tft Laugh with someone, it is healing.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1523148 tft Learn To Listen--Opportunity Sometimes Knocks Softly.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 22022874 tft Learning For Fun.MP3
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2413264 tft Let your tank run on empty.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2294376 tft Life goes on.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 4499508 tft Life Goes ONward.mp3
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1549396 tft Life is a squeaky door.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2082848 tft life is designed to be fun.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2749084 tft life is filled with unlimitedness.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2245740 tft Life Is Just A Great Anticipation.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1015944 tft Life is lived to express quality.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2718976 tft life is to be lived in high gear.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2341468 tft Life is too short for long pity parties.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1649756 tft Life Is Wonderful.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2212544 tft Lifes Appearances.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1801840 tft Listening To Talks.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2040388 tft listening to youtube.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2353048 tft Live what we teach.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1260668 tft Living A Great Life.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1915324 tft Living a healthy life thought by thought.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2295920 tft living in a world of wholeness.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1175748 tft Living in an ideal mind goes contrary to life.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1692216 tft living in myself.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1899884 tft Living In The Now, Now.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 5390096 tft living principle.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2502044 tft Living Thoughts Now.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1309304 tft Look At All The World and Love it.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1144868 tft Look At The Smoke In The Sky.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2065864 tft Look for the silver lining.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2978368 tft looking at a dog we say isnt it wonderful.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 4053804 tft Looking for the silver living.mp3
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2959068 tft looking for trouble.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1418156 tft love is a many splendored thing.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 4534574 tft Magic Practitioner.MP3
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2375436 tft Magic, Quantum Physics or the Mind.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1593400 tft Make a change or it will make you.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2175488 tft Make peace with your past.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 3205336 tft Making Dreams Come True.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2336064 tft may i walk with you.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2675744 tft meaningful words.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1573328 tft Meditate Where You Are.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 856912 tft memorial for dr sam.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2013368 tft Mending The Bodys Human Agencies.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 8238426 tft Most physicists are amateur metaphysicians.mp3
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2143836 tft Most physicists are amateur metaphysicians.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2243424 tft Motivation Is Troublesome.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2277392 tft Mountain Lilacs and me.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 236996 tft Music Walking On Campus.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 3628392 tft My BEST Friend.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1947748 tft my brain is my doorway to life.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1984032 tft My Brain Is The Index For My Choice.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2204824 tft My Bubble Of Respect.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 16536023 tft My dog teaches me love in his sleeping.mp3
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 16536023 tft My Dog Teaches me mp3.mp3
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1459072 tft My Dog Teaches Me wma.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1422788 tft My eyes reveal the real me.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2511308 tft My gift to my beloveds.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2556084 tft My gift to myself.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 3166736 tft my healing hand.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 3166736 tft my healing hand.wma.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1039876 tft my imagination illumines me.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1719236 tft My Memories Are Building Blocks In My Live.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2085164 tft my most effective affirmations are done during my meditations.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1638948 tft my positive thoughts and positive emotions.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1899884 tft my priviledge.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2934364 tft my son run away from home.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 3931788 tft my values and my ideals make me what i am.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1378784 tft my world is my trust.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2271216 tft Neverending Birthday.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1230560 tft new enjoyment for me.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 3530348 tft Nigeria Birthday.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2637144 tft no logic or reason when the divine within talks to us.WMA
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 1920728 tft No One Is In Charge Of Your Happiness.wma
12/6/2023 3:55 PM 2519028 tft No panic but pathetic.wma
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 338128 tft not everyone can win.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1310848 tft Now is the first day of the rest of my life.wma
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 3257832 tft now the story can be told.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 4063800 tft oh dear me.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 4205076 tft Oh My Goodness Sake, I Like Me.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 2671112 tft Oh, I don't know about that--it's kind of silly .WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 2341468 tft OM bench invites quiet sharing.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 3192984 tft On Being A Hermit.wma
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1856652 tft on being a practitioner.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 4275328 tft on being human.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1940028 tft On Being Whole.wma
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1711516 tft on writing the perfect essay.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 3203020 tft once upon a time there was a thought.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 2474252 tft One Of Our Cats Did Not Come Home.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 2739048 tft One Pointed Treatment.wma
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1988664 tft One Step At A Time.wma
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 16974346 tft Only YOU can excite you.mp3
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1288460 tft Our Body Our Life Is One Big Think Machine.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 2705852 tft our brain is trained to protect itself.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1508480 tft Our Growing Cats.wma
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 4306404 tft our life is filled with exciting adventures.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 2126080 tft our life is like a check box.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1965504 tft our role model is ourself.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 2834004 tft our sacred icon.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 3234672 tft our thoughts are like remoe control.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1627368 tft our word demonstrates our experience.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1547080 tft our word is our magic.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1769416 tft ousch ouch ouch i caught a burning star.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 2021860 tft Parents are examples.wma
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 2357680 tft Pathway to Paradise.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 2148468 tft Pay off your credit card every month.wma
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1568696 tft People are lonely because they build walls not bridges.wma
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 2241108 tft People who are analytical find meditation difficult.wma
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 2262724 tft Perfect Makes Practice.wma
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1383416 tft pictures gone memory still there.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 3970388 tft pill to grow young--fine minds in a body.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1269932 tft playing the game-merry christmas.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 2890360 tft Pondering The Imponderable.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 2125308 tft Principle Really Works.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1863600 tft Problems or Solutions, What do YOU want.wma
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1659792 tft Reading the instructions.wma
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 7173314 tft Releasing Tension.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 2954738 tft Revealing My Ideal Eyes.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1112444 tft Revealing the genius in a child.wma
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 9911254 tft Say it is unique.mp3
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1284600 tft Say it is unique.wma
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1668284 tft school is out.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 2437968 tft Seeing Eye To Eye.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 998960 tft Self Confidence Owns Us.wma
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1649756 tft self love is the only love.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 2838636 tft Serve Abundantly.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1405804 tft setting up my computer.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 5135026 tft Seven Billion People Are Right.MP3
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 2621704 tft Sex.wma
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1280740 tft Singing runs my inner vibrations.wma
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 2512852 tft Six Years Ago.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1414296 tft So Many Pills To Choose From.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 3933332 tft sometimes it does not pay.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 2081304 tft sprinkling or flooding.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1697620 tft Stand by your word.wma
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 2028808 tft Stem Cells Are Cell We Really Do Not Know That We Have.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 2163908 tft stimulate the focusing power of your eyes.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 2522888 tft stop and think.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 2506978 tft sustained awareness.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 4143316 tft Teach Gentleness Love Comes.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 3082588 tft Thanksgiving On Thanksgiving Day.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 12634583 tft The Aim and End of Human Existence is Happiness.mp3
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1351764 tft The aim of a good life.wma
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1952380 tft The appearance is hard to overcome.wma
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1330148 tft The benefit of loving myself.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1614244 tft the best years of my life.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 3284080 tft the birth of a genius.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1583364 tft The Blemish.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 3292572 tft the brain needs repetition to learn.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1618876 tft the brain sees what it wants to see.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1621192 tft The Cave.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 2709712 tft the death of growth.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 2827056 tft the great thinker.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1412752 tft The happiest thing in life.wma
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1882900 tft The Hardest Thing In Our Lives Is To Have Positive Attitudes.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 2286656 tft the ideal family.wma
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 5437524 tft The Ideal Journeyman.MP3
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1127884 tft the ideal me is perfect.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1274564 tft The mind defines how the body operates.wma
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 2420984 tft the missing file.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 4514648 tft The Monastery Is A School.wma
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 3525716 tft the queen does not dare to be bored by her presence.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 2039616 tft The Sameness.wma
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 2410176 tft the solution is simple.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1579504 tft the storm of healing.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1376468 tft The successful regulation is consciousness.wma
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1317796 tft the table blessing becomes rote.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 2488148 tft The touch of love.wma
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1398856 tft the whole family.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 2898080 tft the world is a beautiful maginificient.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1857424 tft the world is my reflection you are so beautiful.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1748572 tft Theologian or Philosopher.wma
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1491026 tft There Are Two Ways To Shine.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 4648976 tft There Are Ways For Making Energy Work.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1493812 tft Think Big But Dont Worry About It.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1760924 tft Thinking Correctly.wma
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1483004 tft Thinking Happy Thoughts.wma
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 9340740 tft This is a good good world.MP3
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 3274044 tft this is a redundant question who am i.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 3291800 tft this is a something for nothing world.WMA
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1231332 tft This Is THE Day.wma
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 1269932 tft Thoughts are things, conscious or unconscious.wma
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 141 tft Throwing Things Away.asx
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 2676516 tft Throwing Things Away.wma
12/6/2023 3:56 PM 841472 tft Time is not at all what it seems.wma
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 4270696 tft time stands still.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1444404 tft Timing makes any dancer look good.wma
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1306216 tft Tiny steps get you there too.wma
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1686040 tft To Share Or Not To Share.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1757064 tft to the mind that is still the whole world surrenders.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1367976 tft today is thanksgiving.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 2434108 tft today is the day i decide to be my very best.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1805700 tft Touchable Emotions.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1888304 tft Training self disipline--a parents gift to their children.wma
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1516200 tft Turn on the good news.wma
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1255264 tft Uncharted waters are not scary.wma
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 664742 tft Unconditional Love At 30,000 feet.MP3
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 2253460 tft Understanding A Man's Nature.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 2096744 tft understanding a teens nature.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1574100 tft Unity required me to type perfectly.wma
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 2279708 tft Vacuuming Awakens.wma
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 5471180 tft Value Of Ceremony.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1982488 tft wake up and see how beautiful it is.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 2109096 tft Walking the Spiritual Path.wma
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 2330660 tft watching an ant.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 2334520 tft we accomplish anything in life when we are focused dedicated and disciplined.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 8503380 tft We all aspire to unconditional love.MP3
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1580276 tft We all like birthdays.wma
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 2996896 tft we always hurt the one we love.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1391908 tft we are always talking about playing the game.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1521906 tft We Are Bathing In A Field Of Living Energy.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 3014652 tft we are dilettantes in the art of healing.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 3692468 tft we are going to live and we are going to die.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 2289744 tft we are going to talk about obama.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 3102660 tft We are in an age of new things.wma
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1259896 tft we do not celebrate birthdays.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1883672 tft we live in a wonderful time.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 752692 tft We love Mt Shasta and its Vibrations.wma
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 3379808 tft we say we love our pets.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 3279448 tft We Take On A Trip What We Dont Use At Home.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1925360 tft we talk about it lets do it.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 2338380 tft What A Privilege It is To Be a Parent amd a Teacher .WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1712288 tft what do we read every day.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1912236 tft what do you think magic is.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 2433336 tft What do you think.wma
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 2420212 tft what does it mean to have our heads rubbed.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 2110640 tft what does it take to be a genius.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 3374404 tft what does it take to be a winner.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1225156 tft what does it take to make someone happy.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1709502 tft What Fun We Have.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1374152 tft what is a headache and how do we relieve ourself of a headache.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 4106260 tft what is an evangelist.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1628140 tft What is it that makes great teachers great.wma
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 2463444 tft What is my name.wma
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 4399466 tft what is the benefit of a dream.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 2540174 tft What is the difference between a monastery and the rest of the world.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1640492 tft What is the difference between success and failure.wma
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 2654900 tft what is the joy of living.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 4346352 tft What Is The Most Important Purpose Of The University of Healing.wma
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 2837864 tft What is the most important thing I am doing with my life.wma
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 2810844 tft what is the show i want.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 2512080 tft What Is The Value of Scripture.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 6029312 tft What Is Treatment All About.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1814964 tft What is your experience of god's love.wma
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 2839408 tft what is your talent.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 3081816 tft what makes a good student.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 12438882 tft What makes a great movie actor great.MP3
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1284600 tft What makes great people great.wma
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 165 tft What other people think of you is your business.asx
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 2552996 tft What other people think of you is your business.wma
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1628140 tft What really is it that makes great teachers great.mp3
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 2078988 tft Whatever Wd Do, We Want To Do It Right.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1561748 tft When I have trained well.wma
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 3191440 tft when is it a good time.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 13147294 tft when is it time to get up in the morning.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 946464 tft when is the last time you had freshly roasted peanuts.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 2206368 tft when is the last time you went down memory lane.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 7203296 tft When My Voice Is Proper All Things Are Proper.MP3
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1730044 tft When patterns are broken new worlds emerge.wma
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1726184 tft where are our values.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 3705122 tft Where Do All Stem Cells Come From.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 2607036 tft Where Do All The Atoms Come From.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 2197876 tft Where do I go when i DIE .wma
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 2691184 tft where do you want to go in life.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 2205596 tft where does good health come from.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1433596 tft Wherever You Go, Take Your Whole Heart Along.wma
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 3924068 tft whether you like it or not thoughts are things.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1197364 tft who can say you are right who can say you are wrong.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 13300396 tft who cares.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1732360 tft Who gave angels wings.wma
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 2280480 tft Who has so much love.wma
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 3130452 tft Who Is A Successful Man.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1525464 tft Who Is The Happiest.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 3100344 tft who looks pretty.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1451352 tft Who Owns Us.wma
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1142552 tft Why Fight Affirmations.wma
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 2180120 tft Why a teacher appears imperfect.wma
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1661336 tft why are birthdays fun.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1789488 tft Why Are We Afraid To Give Gifts.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 2390104 tft Why Bother With A Dream.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1184240 tft Why Children Have Talks With Unseen Friends.wma
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 2305956 tft why do athletes get a little more out of life.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 3068692 tft why do parents have children.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1142552 tft Why Do We Fight Affirmations.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1816508 tft why do we look for redeeming quaities.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 2908888 tft why do we love to eat.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 3400652 tft Why Do We Need Eight Hours Of Sleep.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 2245740 tft Why Do We Work So Hard.wma
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 3703276 tft Why does a Prince Concert have a difficult time at times.wma
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 2750628 tft why does principle seem not to work.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1776364 tft Why I Have A Body.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1783312 tft Why I have so few friends.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 2815476 tft why is it that life brings us trouble.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1102408 tft why is it that when you know something works you do not use it.WMA
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 3621444 tft Why Mommie Why.wma
12/6/2023 3:57 PM 1562520 tft why people lke me.WMA
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 1749344 tft Wisdom is a surprise tap on my shoulder.wma
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 2095200 tft Wise parents guide their children.wma
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 1297724 tft Wonderment and Magic.wma
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 1850476 tft Words I Want To Hear .wma
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 2738276 tft Worship Yourself.wma
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 1005136 tft would you like to know how to be younger.WMA
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 1764012 tft would you like to learn the piano i teach you.WMA
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 691704 tft Wrong telephone number-no accident.WMA
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 1280740 tft yeepie yeepie hurrah.WMA
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 13003198 tft yes no yes no.WMA
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 2235704 tft yes we have no bananas.WMA
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 3701732 tft you are a blessing in my life.WMA
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 2041160 tft you are making the path so nice.WMA
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 872352 tft You Are What You Think About.wma
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 2439512 tft you are wonderful and you better enjoy it.WMA
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 2572296 tft you are your own best teacher.WMA
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 3459324 tft Your job Ingeborg is to make the Monitor wrong.wma
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 2499728 TFT Your Sparkle.WMA
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 2905800 tft+what_makes_fpr_socialabilty_in_life.wma
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 14761844 TFT-2002-Happy-New-Year.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 7525747 TFT-A-Meeting-Is-a-Meeting.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 14223708 TFT-A-selfconfident-being-lives-big.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 15307137 TFT-A-selfdisciplined-person-is-always-a-success.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 14971408 TFT-A-single-seed-planted-moves-mountains.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 7330673 TFT-Admit-your-mistakes.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 1862656 tft-are-upi-a-dog.whisperer.WMA
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 151 tft-are-you-a-dog.whisperer.asx
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 11976514 tft-are-you-a-dog.whisperer.WMA
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 15112440 TFT-As-I-seek-everything-in-life-I-will-get-it.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 5398459 TFT-Back-Home-Again.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 14551738 TFT-Be-excited-about-what-you-would-like-to-see-more-in-your-life.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 27683534 TFT-Be-The-First.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 7936757 TFT-Being-a-monk.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 31258448 TFT-Bound-by-illusions.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 6902406 TFT-Can-I-forgive-myself.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 15030777 TFT-Children-reflect-their-parents-goodness.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 5427601 TFT-Christmas-eve-unconditional-love-sharing.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 27781728 TFT-Dedication-and-the-spiritual-concept.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 15284254 TFT-Dimensions.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 7571022 TFT-Discipline-is-for-weaklings.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 14791743 TFT-Do-anything-a-bit-at-a-time.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 14625929 TFT-Do-the-worst-first-the-rest-is-eady.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 14460304 TFT-Dont-mumble-thank-yous.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 28978132 TFT-Dream-Complete.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 14293161 TFT-Enjoy-goodness-in-people.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 7352433 TFT-Every-day-is-Easter.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 14355879 TFT-Everything-is-possible.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 15014726 TFT-Good-Health-Is-True-Wealth.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 7542120 tft-Great_Teachers_Teach_Peace_of_Mind.WMA
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 14502299 TFT-Growing-a money-tree.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 14502388 TFT-Growing-a-money-tree.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 13522129 TFT-Happy-Birthday-Nigeria.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 6363894 tft-happy-easter.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 14713975 TFT-Honesty-is-the-prize.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 1421248 tft-How-about-you.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 4734104 TFT-Hugs-in-public-restrooms.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 1950836 tft-i climb a mountain because it is there.WMA
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 14729082 TFT-I-am-dedicated-to-following-the-rules.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 7553209 TFT-I-am-freedom.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 7196287 TFT-I-am-invisible.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 9293299 TFT-I-am-transformed.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 9099425 TFT-I-am-vital-dynamic-alive.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 7246673 TFT-I-Dont-Believe-In-Appearances.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 17847803 TFT-I-Go-Into-My-Inner-Cave-Of-Absolute-Peace.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 15962575 TFT-I-like-me-I-have-immunity.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 14455021 TFT-I-like-me-ideologically.mp3
12/6/2023 3:58 PM 14504067 TFT-I-like-me-in-my-heart.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 14506566 TFT-I-like-me-like-me-businesswise.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 14848845 TFT-I-like-me-lymphatically.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 15236463 TFT-I-like-me-mentally.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 14589139 TFT-I-like-me-my-eyes-say.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 14698467 TFT-I-like-me-personalitywise.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 14684726 TFT-I-like-me-physically.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 14528510 TFT-I-like-me-socially.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 14459671 TFT-I-like-me-spiritually.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 18116070 TFT-I-like-me.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 6252314 TFT-I-Live-In-My-Perfect-Divine-Body.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 14725813 TFT-I-Live-In-My-Perfect-Human-Body.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 3454305 TFT-I-live-in-the-now.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 14800876 TFT-I-Love-New-Experiences.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 14631979 TFT-I-must-encourage-myself-or-I-will-be-discouraged.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 11253626 TFT-I-Soar-Unlimited.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 5265698 TFT-I-touch-my-world-as-I-would-be-touched-by-it.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 14679287 TFT-Immortality-is-how-many-lives-we-have-touched.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 7394740 TFT-In-a-moment-it-works.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 14534195 TFT-Intelligent-people-accept-responsibility.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 5756573 TFT-Jimmy-Philips-and-the-agent-of-the-law.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 6118971 TFT-Journey-to-the-sources.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 14507923 TFT-Kindness-costs-nothing.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 14969138 TFT-Learning-puts-wings-on-the-feet-of-the-imagination.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 14187322 TFT-Let-every-act-be-a-memory-birthing.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 1949292 tft-Many-roles-I-have-too.wma
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 1949292 tft-Many-roles-I-have.wma
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 14419968 tft-Many_roles_I_have_too.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 7255658 TFT-Mental-Mechanic.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 1193034 TFT-Most People Dont Know What Condiments Are.WMA
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 28666151 TFT-My-Perfect-Alter-Self.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 1570240 TFT-On Being Alone.WMA
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 15947045 TFT-Once-you-find-your-spiritual-path-you-will-be-fired-with-immagination-and-energy.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 14536551 TFT-Only-moments-in-life-are-remembered.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 14263613 TFT-Opportunity-is-mine.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 2546820 tft-our healing ministry.wma
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 14285638 TFT-Our-fire-of-enthusiasm-is-our-inner-winner.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 14583452 TFT-Paradise-is-a-state-of-mind.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 7337150 TFT-Screm-holler-stamp-your-feet.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 16650468 TFT-Sowing-seeds-of-intuitive-awarness.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 29823248 TFT-Spiritual-Concepts.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 20607565 TFT-Stories-by-John-Charles-Dainty.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 7382652 TFT-Testing-time.mp3
4/22/2024 12:44 AM 7129485 TFT-The-Art-Of-Business-Is-The-Art-Of-Sharing.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 2522116 tft-the-art-of-counseling.WMA
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 7212665 TFT-The-most-effective-way-of-meditating.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 14657344 TFT-The-Quest-is-Human.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 14439971 TFT-The-world-belong-to-those-who-will-do-it.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 14150069 TFT-The-world-is-a-mirror-of-me.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 1483004 tft-Thinking-Happy-Thoughts.wma
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 14466183 TFT-This-Is-My-Life.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 17436748 TFT-To-be-I-am.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 14051728 TFT-To-Be-Successful-Live-And-Dress-The-Part.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 14340215 TFT-To-cheer-up-myself-I-cheer-up-another.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 11027882 tft-Universal Potential Of Our Statements.WMA
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 0 tft-ViolatingVows.WS_30041.asx
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 1179608 tft-ViolatingVows.WS_30041.WMA
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 27523211 TFT-Ways-to-improve-spiritually.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 14772096 TFT-Wealth-is-knowable.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 6415686 TFT-What-does-the-word-unconditional-love-mean-to-me.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 7596500 TFT-What-value-are-rules.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 7181962 TFT-When-I-Care-It-Shows.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 14681439 TFT-When-you-are-ready-you-will-be-ready.mp3
12/6/2023 3:59 PM 4826638 TFT-Why-Metaphysical-healing-takes-so-long-or-so-short.mp3
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 7766870 TFT-Why-people-visit-a-monastery.mp3
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 1524692 tft-why.do.we.tell.ourselves.our.problem.WS_30046.WMA
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 14744203 TFT-Wisely-made.mp3
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 14467516 TFT-Words-are-prized-posessions.mp3
4/16/2024 8:12 AM 7135487 TFT-Your-Money-Our-Money-My-Money.mp3
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 14896127 TFT-Your-smile-is-your-checkbook-unlimited.mp3
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 14093428 TFT-Youth-need-a-role-model-not-advice.mp3
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 6372004 TFT-Zebrafish-mans-genes.mp3
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 1906060 tft.i.do.not.want.to.die.wma
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 1818824 tft.my.spiritual.character.wma
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 7359468 tft.part.2.brooklyn.wma
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 1482232 tft.principle.works.when.i.work.it.wma
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 1482232 tft.WS_30025.magic.WMA
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 4825229 TFT01_28s.wma
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 15082952 TFT01_64s.wma
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 1913172 TFT01_65m.wma
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 2660517 tft01a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 1383018 tft022a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 6366050 TFT02_28s.wma
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 20033266 TFT02_64s.wma
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 1933244 TFT02_65m.wma
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 5167838 TFT03_28s.wma
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 14938880 TFT03_64s.wma
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 1603200 TFT03_65m.wma
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 2001825 TFT04_28s.wma
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 6341154 TFT04_64s.wma
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 679318 TFT04_65m.wma
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 4661382 TFT05_28s.wma
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 14869808 TFT05_64s.wma
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 1583554 TFT05_65m.wma
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 5358191 TFT06_28s.wma
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 15719428 TFT06_64s.wma
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 1681708 TFT06_65m.wma
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 4618410 TFT07_28s.wma
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12/6/2023 4:00 PM 1755832 TFT07_65m.wma
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 4797148 TFT08_28s.wma
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 14284474 TFT08_64s.wma
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 1529546 TFT08_65m.wma
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 9321854 TFT09_28s.wma
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 29405484 TFT09_64s.wma
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 3231190 TFT09_65m.wma
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12/6/2023 4:00 PM 3005265 tft1015a28.wma
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12/6/2023 4:00 PM 1520617 tft1019a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 870953 tft102005a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 703628 tft10205a28.wma
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12/6/2023 4:00 PM 1262005 tft102105a28.wma
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12/6/2023 4:00 PM 716852 tft102305a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 884211 tft1023a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:00 PM 1540381 tft102405a28.wma
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12/6/2023 4:00 PM 1477689 tft102805a28.wma
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12/6/2023 4:01 PM 1419394 tft1069a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:01 PM 2478255 tft10705a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:01 PM 2130307 tft1070a28.wma
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12/6/2023 4:01 PM 134 tft1078s.asx
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12/6/2023 4:02 PM 1499034 tft1145a28.wma
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12/6/2023 4:02 PM 8798900 TFT11_28s.wma
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12/6/2023 4:02 PM 9374822 TFT12_28s.wma
12/6/2023 4:02 PM 30267066 TFT12_64s.wma
12/6/2023 4:02 PM 3252126 TFT12_65m.wma
12/6/2023 4:02 PM 8884942 TFT13_28s.wma
12/6/2023 4:02 PM 28195686 TFT13_64s.wma
12/6/2023 4:02 PM 3084702 TFT13_65m.wma
12/6/2023 4:02 PM 8850175 TFT14_28s.wma
12/6/2023 4:02 PM 28096608 TFT14_64s.wma
12/6/2023 4:02 PM 3004030 TFT14_65m.wma
12/6/2023 4:02 PM 9604873 TFT15_28s.wma
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12/6/2023 4:02 PM 3279164 TFT15_65m.wma
12/6/2023 4:02 PM 4704406 TFT16_28s.wma
12/6/2023 4:02 PM 14674672 TFT16_64s.wma
12/6/2023 4:02 PM 1587036 TFT16_65m.wma
12/6/2023 4:02 PM 4707730 TFT17_28s.wma
12/6/2023 4:02 PM 15013912 TFT17_64s.wma
12/6/2023 4:02 PM 1600566 TFT17_65m.wma
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12/6/2023 4:02 PM 11414502 TFT18_64s.wma
12/6/2023 4:02 PM 1207718 TFT18_65m.wma
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12/6/2023 4:02 PM 1527125 tft82305a28.wma
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12/6/2023 4:02 PM 1565306 tft82605a28.wma
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12/6/2023 4:02 PM 1015102 tft82805a28.wma
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12/6/2023 4:03 PM 2294296 tft91005a28.wma
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12/6/2023 4:03 PM 1823676 tft914a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:03 PM 2428585 tft915a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:03 PM 1215715 tft91605a28.wma
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12/6/2023 4:03 PM 2575956 tft918a28.wma
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12/6/2023 4:03 PM 1313338 tft92005a28.wma
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12/6/2023 4:03 PM 1078236 tft975a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:03 PM 134 tft975s.asx
12/6/2023 4:03 PM 2349271 tft976a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:03 PM 2301326 tft977a28.wma
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12/6/2023 4:03 PM 2382207 tft984a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:03 PM 2811358 tft985a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:03 PM 1487355 tft986a28.wma
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12/6/2023 4:03 PM 1205713 tft991a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:03 PM 1495503 tft992a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:03 PM 133 tft992s.asx
12/6/2023 4:03 PM 1495503 tft992s.wma
12/6/2023 4:03 PM 2471931 tft993a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:03 PM 1330240 tft994a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:03 PM 1919938 tft995a28.wma
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12/6/2023 4:03 PM 1838681 tft997a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:03 PM 2170041 tft998a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:03 PM 2466926 tft999a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:03 PM 133 tft999s.asx
12/6/2023 4:03 PM 26721384 tft_1_What_is_it_that_makes_us_a_success.MP3
12/6/2023 4:03 PM 653104 tft_5m_a_quiet_time.wma
12/6/2023 4:03 PM 903232 tft_[_live_in_the_now.wma
12/6/2023 4:03 PM 1503848 tft_a_day of_wonderment.wma
12/6/2023 4:03 PM 1650865 tft_a_day_a_week_a_lifetime,_we_live_in_the_now_with_no_complaints_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:03 PM 457016 tft_a_day_in_my_life.wma
12/6/2023 4:03 PM 1485622 tft_a_frayed_plug.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 4513102 tft_A_Happy_being_is_a_good_being.MP3
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 4369512 tft_a_new_born_baby.WMA
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1691161 tft_a_picture_is_worth_a_thousand_words_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1580715 tft_a_pure_being_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1666101 tft_a_red_nose_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1781250 tft_a_reminder_never_hurts_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1265300 tft_a_time_to_wake_up.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1523148 tft_about_getting_older.WMA
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1157381 tft_absent_treatment_is_real_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 2030352 tft_Absolute_Monastery_program.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1838896 tft_advising_my_stem_cells.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 2292060 tft_aging_youthfully.WMA
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 4552568 tft_Ah_those_beliefs_of_ours.mp3
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 4484603 tft_Ah_those_beliefs_of_ours.mp3.zip
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1976323 tft_all _time_is_now--my_memories_are_my_past_lived_now,__polished_up_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1823922 tft_all_about_little_children_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 2215632 tft_all_is_in_divine_order_also.WMA
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1959328 tft_All_is_now--I_create_the_past_to_live_in_the_present_yet_all_is_now.WMA
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 4813720 tft_All_men_seek_one_goal--success_or_happiness.MP3
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1745915 tft_all_of_us_are_compos_mentis_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1656662 tft_all_that_we_are_is_a_result_of_what_we_have_thought_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 2509764 tft_All_things_are_difficult_before_they_are_easy.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1670913 tft_alone_is_illness_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 149 tft_alone_is_illness_s.asx
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 4223320 tft_am_i_for_real_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 4670947 tft_amnesia_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 18343756 tft_amnesia_is_self_chosen.WMA
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 2025251 tft_an_angel_is_a_good_though,_ want_more_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1657445 tft_an_indescribable_birthday_gift_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 2250372 tft_an_unconditionally_loving_person.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 514916 tft_angel_of_light.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1740117 tft_animals_are_always_a_lot_of_fun_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 4052220 tft_anti_immune.WMA
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 2177875 tft_are_people's_feelings_important_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1094688 tft_are_we_as_beautiful_as_we_think_we_are.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 13096260 tft_are_we_jumping_ahead_of_ourselves.WMA
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 11976514 tft_are_you_a_dog_whisperer.WMA
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1543992 tft_are_you_ever_frustrated.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 2007964 tft_are_you_ready.WMA
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1812237 tft_arf_knows_only_now_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 5411976 tft_Artist Loving A Child.MP3
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 5344422 tft_Artist Loving My Community Nation World Universe.MP3
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 5409310 tft_Artist Loving My Employment.MP3
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 5331256 tft_Artist Loving My Wife.MP3
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 5297716 tft_Artist Loving Myself.mp3
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 5110732 tft_Artist Loving Peace.MP3
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 5444890 tft_Artist Loving Solutions.MP3
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 5432508 tft_Artist Loving the Now.MP3
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1453668 tft_as_master_of_my_thought_i_think_success_at_all_times.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 7087291 tft_ascending_with_ease_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 3232356 tft_asking_questions.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 3236518 tft_asking_questionsz.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1594119 tft_at_least_i_am_alive_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 2554923 tft_attitude_attitude_attitude_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 3196844 tft_awise_lady_once_said.WMA
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 2806212 tft_babies_live_in_the_now.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1763783 tft_back_home_again_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 2679604 tft_be_careful_you_dont_know_who_is_listening.WMA
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 972712 tft_be_your_dream.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 2057372 tft_bees_understand_emotions.WMA
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1105471 tft_being_in_charge_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1286005 tft_being_myself_now_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 3588392 tft_Being_your_finest.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 6641960 tft_believe_it_or_not.WMA
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 6039242 tft_birthdays_are_fun_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1146412 tft_blame_heinz.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 10907802 tft_Bubble_of_unconditional_love.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1997379 tft_building_happy_thoughts_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 3006932 tft_building_up_a_bank_of_experiences.WMA
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 2347815 tft_can_anyone_experience_unconditional_love_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 10061238 tft_can_i_be_an_effective_practitioner.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 3538364 tft_Can_I_forgive_myself.WMA
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1828860 tft_can_i_know_bliss.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1851248 tft_can_we_ever_take_on_too_much.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 7647630 tft_cars_speak_your_language.WMA
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1887062 tft_catchy_affirmations.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 2502355 tft_choosing_the_right_road_in_life_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1737764 tft_condiments_petting_our_pets.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1504620 tft_counselor_and _counseling.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1764012 tft_daily_new_uses_for_stem_cells.WMA
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 16171864 tft_Dial_Healing_Words_are_important.MP3
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1192897 tft_did_you_drink_your_milk_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1248316 tft_difficult_to_say_i_like_me.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1946537 tft_digital_wireless_remote_control--control_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 2651812 tft_do_other_people_honor_my_values.WMA
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1646668 tft_do_the_math.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 4425488 tft_Do_what_you_love.MP3
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 6100869 tft_do_you_have_the_ability_to_think_of_the_allness_and_the_relatve_at_the_same_time_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 9448830 tft_do_you_listen.WMA
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 3373067 tft_does_absolute_honesty_exsit_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 2934795 tft_Does_it_really_work.mp3
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 10967842 tft_does_it_work.WMA
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1585680 tft_does_pinocchio_haveabignose.WMA
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 3399880 tft_doing_the_impossible.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 2095327 tft_don't_understand_it,_just_now_apply_it_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 9131154 tft_Doubt_Destroys.MP3
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1558732 tft_drunk_or_sober_who_are_we_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1559577 tft_dumping_yesterday,_live_today_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1570137 tft_dumping_yesterday_live_today_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1559577 tft_dumping_yesterday—live_today_a29.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1663327 tft_dwelling_on_the_past_it_is_born_again_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1876511 tft_eating_eggs_for_breakfast_gives_me_a_feeling_of_satiety_all_day_long_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 149 tft_education_is_wonderful.asx
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 2264268 tft_education_is_wonderful.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 1931536 tft_embedded_philosophy.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 3285286 tft_energy_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:04 PM 3249036 tft_Eternity--A_Moment_Standing_Still_Forever.MP3
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 1774820 tft_eureka.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 2972503 tft_every_being_is_my_reflection_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 13526600 tft_Every_Thought_Is_A_Seed.MP3
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 1252176 tft_everybody_loves_me.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 2027197 tft_everyday_i_find_time_to_do_something_nice_for_myself_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 14710680 tft_Everyday_Is_Easter_mp3.mp3
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 139 tft_Everyday_is_Easter_wma.asx
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 1920728 tft_Everyday_is_Easter_wma.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 2339251 tft_everyone_has_talent_at_25_the_difficulty_is_to_have_it_at_50_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 3578581 tft_exasperation_means_inconsideration_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 1862828 tft_Excellence--Who_we_are.WMA
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 2647180 tft_failure_is_simple.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 2143064 tft_fairy_tales_are_fun.WMA
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 1805700 tft_fear_is_one_of_the_most_destructive_things_we_allow_ourselves_to_do.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 5504762 tft_Feeling_Young_and_Healthy.MP3
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 2223333 tft_first_i_bless_myself_and_then_i_am_tanked_up_to_bless_the_world_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 1635014 tft_following_directions_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 14433572 tft_Following_the_leader.MP3
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 2735960 tft_following_the_rules.WMA
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 1749646 tft_funny_movies_are_good_for_your_health.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 1568616 tft_get_excited_about_life_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 1838896 tft_giving_advice_is_a_fools_activity.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 6038558 tft_goodby_to_the_past.WMA
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 2642548 tft_goodbyefarwell.WMA
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 2037753 tft_great_love_and_great_achievements_have_great_risks_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 155 tft_Great_Teachers_Teach_Peace_of_Mind.asx
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 7542120 tft_Great_Teachers_Teach_Peace_of_Mind.WMA
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 3520972 tft_Great_words_lead_us_to_great_thoughts.MP3
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 3775194 tft_Guru_Talk.MP3
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 12851086 tft_Happily_I_forgive_myself.mp3
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 16171771 tft_Happiness_comes_from_loving-not_beiing_loved-1.mp3
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 16171771 tft_Happiness_comes_from_loving-not_beiing_loved.mp3
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 16171771 tft_Happiness_comes_from_loving-not_being_loved-1.mp3
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 14160970 tft_Happiness_hates_the_faint-hearted.mp3
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 12851086 tft_Happpily_I_forgive_myself.mp3
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 2928960 tft_happy_birthday_Ellen.WMA
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 1662108 tft_happy_easter.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 1498444 tft_happy_fathers_day.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 1212039 tft_happy_sad_patients_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 8506202 tft_happybirthday_toingeborg.WMA
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 1598015 tft_hats_off_to_sincerity_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 1604493 tft_have-you_been_able_to_accomplish_the_desires_of_your_heart--try_happiness_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 2246569 tft_have_a_wonderful_day_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 2307500 tft_have_values_you_can_be_true_to.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 2516712 tft_Having_a_teacher_is_tough.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 2453570 tft_he_who_knows_and_knows_that_he_knows_he_is_wise--follow_him_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 8230384 TFT_Healing_Stem_Cells.WMA
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 1810161 tft_health_is_now_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 2209758 tft_henrys_cosmos.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 1896988 tft_herb_how_can_i_look_my_best_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 12564906 tft_here we are we are home again.WMA
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 1934907 tft_hide_and_seek_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 2270061 tft_hiding_our_problems_brings_attention_to_them_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 2502044 tft_hold_an_image_of_life_you_want_and_that_image_will_become_fact.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 5403826 tft_Honor_how_often_we_search_for_it.MP3
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 9433820 tft_how much water can you drink and still be thirsty.WMA
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 2483516 tft_how_big_are_you.WMA
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 2541416 tft_how_big_does_something_has_to_be.WMA
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 2699676 tft_how_deep_is_the_well.WMA
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 1290004 tft_How_do_I_know_I_like_myself.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 2094254 tft_how_do_you_talk_to_a_dog_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 1271476 tft_how_does_a_candle_burn.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 2121448 tft_how_does_a_practitioner_heal.WMA
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 3308608 tft_how_i_create_the_garden_of_eden_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 1643163 tft_how_i_have_every_moment_delight_me_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 9436822 tft_how_i_love_me.WMA
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 1737213 tft_how_i_wind_my_clocks_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 2056600 tft_how_many_times_do_we_give_instructions.WMA
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 9061572 tft_how_soon_life_is_over.WMA
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 2745996 tft_how_we_love_toys.WMA
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 9019544 tft_howdoigoaboutnot needing eating anymore.WMA
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 9019544 tft_howdoigoaboutnot needing food anymore.WMA
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 10544560 tft_howtobean_angel_on_purpose.WMA
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 1373380 tft_i am a lovely being.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 2366172 tft_i_am_a_comfort_creature.WMA
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 3204141 tft_i_am_a_giant_among_giants_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 3186652 tft_i_am_all.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 1608833 tft_i_am_an_angel_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 7916752 tft_I_am_as_happy_as_I_make_up_my_mind_to_be.MP3
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 3594456 tft_I_am_born_new_today.WMA
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 11082794 tft_I_am_dancing_in_the_rain.MP3
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 1862828 tft_I_am_excellence_now.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 3125048 tft_I_am_fully_Responsible.WMA
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 2944400 tft_i_am_god_god_i_am_and_ii_the_only_way_to_erase_problems_is_with_solutions.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 1878461 tft_i_am_in_charge_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 1261123 tft_i_am_just_going_to_do_whatever_it_takes_to_master_this_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 1828873 tft_i_am_master_of_my_dreams_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 2280587 tft_i_am_master_of_the_keyboard_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 3192984 tft_i_am_more_magic_than_think.WMA
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 1214500 tft_i_am_my_own_mirror_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 1691444 tft_i_am_off_to_see_the_wizard.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 2448166 tft_i_am_the_creator_of_my_world.WMA
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 7401466 tft_i_am_the_light.WMA
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 2376208 tft_i_am_vital_dynamc_alive.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 622224 tft_i_can_reveal_what_i_want.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 1030612 tft_i_carry_my_dreams_in_my_heart.wma
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 5072556 tft_I_choose_my_goals.WMA
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 12895482 tft_I_create_the_world_I_am_in.MP3
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 3071008 tft_I_direct_my_stem_cells.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 14495337 tft_I_exist_to_have_joy.mp3
12/6/2023 4:05 PM 1283828 tft_i_go_for_the_gold_in_me.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 4509823 tft_i_gotta_be_me_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 2715735 tft_i_have_a_porcelain_sharer_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 2473516 tft_i_have_no_friends_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1609633 tft_i_have_the_courage_to_be_myself_at_all_times_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 2138531 tft_i_have_the_strong_character_of_a_spartan_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1765871 tft_i_laugh_and_my_world_laughs_with_me_and_enjoys_my_laughter_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1501532 tft_I_like_magic.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 3900071 tft_i_like_me_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 2833858 tft_I_Like_Me_Always.mp3
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 47104 tft_i_like_me_always_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 3342752 tft_i_like_me_just_the_way_i_am.WMA
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 2339152 tft_i_like_myself_really.WMA
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1909920 tft_i_like_the_person_i_am.WMA
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 5664632 tft_I_listen_to_the_mind_in_me.MP3
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 2473480 tft_i_live_in_a_happy_heart.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 3711768 tft_i_live_in_my_ideal_spirit_mind_and_body.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 2112609 tft_i_live_knowing_i_am_eternally_perfect_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 19137192 tft_I_live_my_life_exaulted_and_know_happiness.mp3
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 2420298 tft_i_live_now_hah_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 2699676 tft_i_live_the_truth.WMA
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 2078988 tft_I_live_up_to_the_meaning_of_my_name.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1455995 tft_i_love_myself_first,_then_the_whole_world_loves_me_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1445176 tft_I_love_the_rain .WMA
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1412752 tft_i_make_a_difference.WMA
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 9797062 tft_i_make_my_own_healthy_body.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 2670340 tft_i_measure_6ounces.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1810409 tft_i_own_up_to_who_i_am_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 2078216 tft_i_see_nature_harmonious.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 2328599 tft_i_speak_my_word_with_conviction_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1139497 tft_i_speak_to_be_heard_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 2620437 tft_i_spend_some_time_everyday_alone_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 3121960 tft_I_Steer_My_Brain.WMA
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 2702178 tft_i_thoroughly_enjoy_being_me_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1618876 tft_I_thought_about_the_energy_massage_and_how_little_we_use_it.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 2083789 tft_i_treat_everyone_as_a_person_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1356396 tft_i_want_feedback.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 2542188 tft_i_want_to_be_a_master.WMA
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1420419 tft_i_whistle_a_happy_song_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 2801580 tft_i_wonder_what_it_is_all_about.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 640752 tft_if_i_were_king.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1595201 tft_if_you_can_give_your_childl_a_gift_let_it_be_enthusiasm_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 2924659 tft_If_you_Like_it_you_do_it.mp3
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 3317276 tft_Ihavenotopic_to_talkon_sowegofrom_there.WMA
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1711516 tft_ikigai--the_reason_I_wake_up.WMA
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1515428 tft_imagination.WMA
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 13609602 tft_Imagination_precedes_Manifestation.WMA
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1773276 tft_imiss_my_mommy.WMA
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 6078879 tft_Inch_by_inch.mp3
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 8683320 tft_iphone_3g_is_born.WMA
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 5479214 tft_Is the IDEAL_possible.MP3
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1978203 tft_is_anybody_ever_really_number_one_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1667512 tft_is_life_really_so_wonderful.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 6566910 tft_isnt_it_interesting.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1940028 tft_It Does Not Take Long.WMA
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 2800036 tft_it's_time_for_us_to_fly.WMA
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 3232460 tft_it_is_a_funny_thing_about_life--of_you_refuse_to_accept_anything_but_the_best,_you_very_often_get_it_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1950371 tft_it_is_all_a_matter_of_who_is_listening_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 8221012 tft_it_is_difficult_to_follow_instructions.WMA
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 4418692 tft_it_is_easy_to_forget_what_our_program_is_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1256209 tft_it_is_easy_to_keep_going_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 10471644 tft_It_is_my_pleasure_that_I_really_live.mp3
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1290776 tft_it_is_nice_to_have_someone_to_call_upon.WMA
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 2048880 tft_it_is_so_wonderful.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 2211772 tft_It_is_sometimes_harder_to_be_smarter_than_a_machine.WMA
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 6885122 tft_it_is_time_to_look_over_our_lives.WMA
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1374152 tft_It_is_up_to_me.WMA
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 2391648 tft_it_never_fails.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 4332456 tft_it_wont_work.WMA
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 8707336 tft_its_4th_of_july.WMA
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 9268710 tft_its_a_lovely_lovely_day.WMA
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1630456 tft_jason_and_the_golden_fleece.WMA
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1500045 tft_Keeping_my_mind_active_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1320884 tft_know_god_in_spirit_and_in_truth.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 2050331 tft_last_night_i_visited_italy_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 4354486 tft_Learning_how_to_aim.MP3
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1357940 tft_let_it_go.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1945432 tft_let_the_past_be_past.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1196592 tft_letting_go_of_the_present.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 16208226 tft_Life_is_a_candle.mp3
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1468336 tft_life_is_a_great_adventure.WMA
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1093144 tft_life_is_a_joke.WMA
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 2016154 tft_life_is_as_beautiful_as_you_make_it_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1504033 tft_life_is_beautiful_but_only_in_the_morning_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 2343957 tft_life_is_filled_with_inspiration_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1667512 tft_life_is_really_so_wonderful.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1560284 tft_Life_is_simpler_than_it_seems_when_i_look_from_the_bright_side_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 2962135 tft_lifes_values_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1805361 tft_light_a_candle_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 4233640 tft_live_on_earth_or_heaven.WMA
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1578809 tft_living_in_the_now_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 2624792 tft_living_in_the_past.WMA
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1159536 tft_living_much_much_longer.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 4713610 tft_living_on_many_dimensions_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 2475796 tft_livinginthepast_or_livinginthepresent.WMA
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1737231 tft_looking_at_someone_else's_mess_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1831176 tft_looking_at_the_world_atlas.WMA
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 2886500 tft_love_is_a_many_splendored_thing.WMA
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1781433 tft_love_makes_the_world_go_around._i_put_love_there_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1830269 tft_lying_in_the_grass_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 2051196 tft_magic_is_difficult_to_accept.WMA
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1804928 tft_magic_of_todays_gadegtry.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1000504 tft_make_a_glad_sound_unto_your_heart.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 2086708 tft_make_every_voyage_a_maden_voyage.WMA
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 2158666 tft_making_dreams_come_true_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 2637144 tft_making_selections.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 2221462 tft_mami_i_love_you_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 6884176 tft_Manifestation_follows_Imagination.WMA
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 1637404 tft_masters are not surprised when principal works.wma
12/6/2023 4:06 PM 3053358 tft_may_i_help_you_across_the_street_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1970908 tft_Meditation_Mines_The_Magic_Within.WMA
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1754706 tft_mental_overkill_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1115532 tft_middle_of_the_road.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 3952212 tft_Mind_Over_Matter.mp3
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1101647 tft_minding_my_own_business_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 6859212 tft_miracle_healing_with_stem_cells.WMA
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 11769376 tft_miracles_happen.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 2644092 tft_mr_death_is_visiting.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 2252757 tft_music--my_heart_station_is_best_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 9609488 tft_My World_Is_Wonderful.MP3
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1949433 tft_my__treatment_does_not_work,_what_did_i_do_wrong_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1474512 tft_my_brother_the_undifferentiated_stem_cell.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1375696 tft_my_crystal_of_inner_light.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 2272873 tft_my_family_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 3730589 tft_My_home_is_my_church.mp3
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 3429727 tft_my_immortality_is_the_life_i_live_now_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1499136 tft_my_is_world_as_full_of_orchids_or_beans_as_i_choose_to_make_it_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 2401364 tft_my_life_is_a_never_ending_story_of_adventure.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 2761818 tft_my_life_is_all_that_i_expected_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1757836 tft_my_life_is_an_open_book_i_write_upon_its_pages_my_present.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1428192 tft_my_life_is_great.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1675232 tft_my_musical_attitude.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1673089 tft_my_now_thoughts_are_my_now_experiences_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 16494524 tft_my_opinion_of_leftovers.WMA
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1557888 tft_my_son_what_is_going_on.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 4791105 tft_my_world_is_as_full_of_orchids_or_beans_as_i_choose_to_make_it_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 2242182 tft_never_enough_wastebaskets.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1394996 tft_no_one_likes_me_like_me.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1599329 tft_not_volume_of_meditation_quality_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 822172 tft_Novel-twist-on-stem-cells.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 6903134 tft_oh_how_i_hate_to_get_up.WMA
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1294636 tft_Oh_i_like_me.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1709200 tft_On_being_a_role_model.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 8650298 tft_one_year_thats_all_you_got.WMA
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 940413 tft_opening_my_mind_to_love_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 8590258 tft_osolomio.WMA
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 7338424 tft_our true beauty, our charisma.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 2248358 tft_our_dogs_guardians_or_lovers.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 2546820 tft_our_healing_ministry.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1772504 tft_our_life_is_a_miracle.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 5311038 tft_Our_life_is_our_choice.MP3
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1118620 tft_our_life_is_our_thought_about_it.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 2032668 tft_our_most_natural_condition_hugging.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 2094419 tft_our_symbolic_hands_getting_and_giving_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 4159400 tft_Our_web_master_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 2476702 tft_our_world_of_illusions_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1459608 tft_Part_1_Possession_is_misleading.mp3
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 849388 tft_Part_2_Possession_is_misleading.mp3
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1752179 tft_Part_3_Possession_is_misleading.mp3
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 16043458 tft_Part_4_Possession_is_misleading.mp3
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 13528597 tft_Peace_comes_when_we_have_an_untroubled_spirit.mp3
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 3257146 tft_Peace_In_Myself.mp3
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 969624 tft_peace_love_gentleness_quietness.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 12694026 tft_Peaceful_Wait.MP3
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1846675 tft_peanut butter_always_satisfies_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 12525880 tft_peanuts_jelly_popcorn_bigbelly.WMA
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 11805444 tft_Perfection_an_inch_at_a_time.mp3
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1114760 tft_petting_our_dog.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1802511 tft_pipe_tape,_follow_directions_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 9406170 tft_Play_and_playfulness_are_the_goal_of_mans_life.MP3
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1930461 tft_power_of_unconditional_love_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 940663 tft_Practice_makes_perfect_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 4742259 tft_Preparing_for_sleep.mp3
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1577960 tft_preserving_all_beings--is_that_the_original_design.WMA
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1590363 tft_pride_in_oneself,_pride_in_others_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 2081939 tft_putting_a_new_cause_in_motion_is_easy_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 4940268 tft_Rare_Earth-Good_Earth.mp3
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1251404 tft_reading_about_wholeness.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1071528 tft_ready_willing_and_able.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1930177 tft_red_wine_for_longivity_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1799555 tft_release_the_cloud_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1473171 tft_remembrances_of_my_brother_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 2630625 tft_Respect_Yourself.mp3
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 3034165 tft_Returning_from_our_shore.mp3
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1342500 tft_right_and_wrong_which_way.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 2079760 tft_Rubybride.WMA
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 13192324 tft_rush_rush_rush.WMA
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 34074 tft_sample_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1211192 tft_say_it_over_and_over_again_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 2830144 tft_schoolbells.WMA
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 2209559 tft_self_confidence_breeds_self_confidence_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1187328 tft_shades_of_the_past.WMA
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1339989 tft_shortcut_to_heaven_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1568696 tft_Silence_is_often_misinterpreted.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 3941602 tft_since_thoughts_are_things_i_am_happy_as_a_king_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 5038892 tft_sitting_on_top_of_the_world.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1456903 tft_so_many_bliss_experiences_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 4552568 tft_some_of_the_most_exciting_things_in_life.WMA
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 6747030 tft_some_of_the_most_exciting_things_in_life_part2.WMA
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 2293111 tft_sometimes_its_a_blessing_not_to_get_what_i_want_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1427131 tft_sometimes_quietness_is_the_best_kind_of_music_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1543347 tft_song_of_the_spirit_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 3754227 tft_Sound_money_management_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1961644 tft_speak-clearly,-be-understood,_experience_life.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1865897 tft_stem_cells_wait_to_be_programed_attutude_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1234420 tft_stomp_on_try.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 13987935 tft_Strange_except_man_all_animals_know_the_principle_business-of_life_is_to_enjoy_it.mp3
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 3495901 tft_subconsciously_we_always_create_problems_harder_than_we_think_we_can_bear_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 3976128 tft_Success_or_failure.MP3
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1660347 tft_system_restore_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 8668310 tft_tabletopic_of_the_monks.WMA
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 2124838 tft_tag_a_longs.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1820051 tft_taking_pictures—posing_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 7073280 tft_tat_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 2124838 tft_tat_a_longs.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 707036 tft_teaching_children_i_like_me_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:07 PM 1110128 tft_teaching_our_children.WMA
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1687363 tft_television--the media--reveals_where_our_attention_dwells_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 190 tft_television--the media--reveals_where_our_attention_dwells_s.asx
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 3275118 tft_Tell_the_world_you_like_it.mp3
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1377240 tft_That_upon_which_I_dwell_is_the_limit_of_my_experience.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 9604934 tft_the magic of driving with the sun in your face.WMA
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1649917 tft_the_ability_to_heal_lies_in_my_attitude_about_healing_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1318511 tft_the_bank_is_out_of_business_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1768909 tft_the_blue_invisible_backdrop_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 28446490 tft_The_Brain_Is_Ideal.MP3
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1137920 tft_the_doctor_says_there_nothing_the_matter.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1614244 tft_the_door_is_always_open.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 18742220 tft_The_eye_is_a_marvelous_thing.mp3
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 5381319 tft_The_eye_is_a_marvelous_thing_believe_it.mp3
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1744712 tft_the_fickle_egg.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 2236425 tft_the_golden_child_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1259075 tft_the_invisible_man_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 3266483 tft_the_king_and_i_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 2576320 tft_the_kingdom_of_god_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 3172912 tft_the_majority_if_not_all.WMA
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1286916 tft_the_more_i_read_in_scientific_journals_the_more_amazed_i_am.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 2562260 TFT_The_Om.WMA
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1518952 tft_the_only_thing_we_have_to_fear_is_fear_itself_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 2624792 tft_the_party_rained.WMA
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 3726932 tft_The_Perfect_Mother.mp3
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1765556 tft_the_power_of_now.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 163 tft_the_story_about_old_mother_hubbard_.asx
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1988664 tft_the_story_about_old_mother_hubbard_.WMA
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 2727468 tft_the_trip_of_a_master.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 2377545 tft_the_value_0f_fairy_stories_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 2127085 tft_the_value_of_a_hankerchief_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 2273849 tft_the_value_of_a_vow_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1350992 tft_the_value_of_being.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 2021375 tft_the_value_of_books_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 3119615 tft_the_value_of_memories_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 26989066 tft_Their_chance_came.MP3
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 10730684 tft_theother_day_imeta_wise_man.WMA
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1156448 tft_there_is_nothing_that_is_impossible,_ i_say.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1798752 tft_thesunshinesintoeverylife_ifyougive_itachance.WMA
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 11928482 tft_they say i am the king the great potentate.WMA
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 2838636 tft_thinking_about_you.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 3173684 tft_this_is_a_very_special_day.WMA
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 6261479 tft_This_is_the_time_to_think_who_and_what_we_are.mp3
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 2692413 tft_thoughts_are_things_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 28284970 tft_Tickled_within.mp3
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 7654645 tft_time_of_decision_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1532412 tft_time_to_be_alone.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1219486 tft_tired_of_repeating_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1542448 tft_to_express_yourself__begin.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 2387788 tft_to_or_not_to.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 2302868 tft_to_ride_or_not_to_ride.WMA
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1877367 tft_too_many_gadgets_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1486092 tft_tough_but_oh_so_gentle.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 4673160 tft_training_10,000_new_brain_cells_daily_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1977856 tft_treatment_works_for_others.WMA
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 5369186 tft_True_Happiness_Is_A_Pure_Conscience.MP3
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1871320 tft_up_in_the_morning.WMA
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 4591782 tft_Useless_Reasoning.MP3
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1974681 tft_visualizing_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1659792 tft_Wait_in_peace.WMA
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1734353 tft_waiting_at_the_end_of_the_line_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1186858 tft_walk_in_the_garden_of_your_heart.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 3084132 tft_walk_into_the_black_of_the_night.WMA
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1984032 tft_watching_someone_elses_life_WS_30048.WMA
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 2043679 tft_ways_to_say_I_love_you_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 4311030 tft_We_always_know_what_we_are_doing.mp3
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1651300 tft_we_are_all_in_cages_of_one_sort_or_another.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 3188781 tft_we_are_born_genius_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1879040 tft_We_are_excellence.WMA
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 3557368 tft_we_are_getting_so_smart.WMA
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 3233933 tft_we_are_known_by_who_we_are_more_than_by_who_we_appear_to_be_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 14250924 tft_We_are_what_we_repeatedly_do.MP3
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 16479796 TFT_We_are_what_we_think_we_are.MP3
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1819486 tft_we_can_do_it_we_will_do_it_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1640253 tft_we_delay_our_healing_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 2390071 tft_we_do_not_know_we_did_it_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 161 tft_we_fight_a_teacher_but_we_need_a_teacher.asx
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 2224896 tft_we_fight_a_teacher_but_we_need_a_teacher.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 5501200 tft_we_let_our_thoughts_get_us_in_trouble.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 19495894 tft_We_make_a_life_by_what_we_give.mp3
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1440674 tft_wedding_cake_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 11283052 tft_welcoming_a_new_day.WMA
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 2768384 TFT_What_ Is_Your_Dream.WMA
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1563449 tft_what_can_i_believe_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1209367 tft_what_do_we_do_in_the_hospital_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 2857164 tft_what_does_integrity_mean.WMA
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 3118872 tft_what_does_it_mean_to_die.WMA
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 15951162 tft_what_is_a_gemstone.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1822127 tft_what_is_a_miracle_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 523408 tft_what_is_a_monastery.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 2011019 tft_what_is_a_monk_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 2756804 tft_what_is_all_that_repeating.WMA
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 2066636 tft_what_is_in_a_name.WMA
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 2134572 tft_what_is_in_a_name2.WMA
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 2134572 tft_what_is_in_a_name3.WMA
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 26749482 tft_What_is_it_that_makes_us_a_success.mp3
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 3232356 tft_what_is_life_all_about.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 145 tft_what_is_principle_for_me.asx
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 913356 tft_what_is_principle_for_me.WMA
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1554028 tft_what_is_the_diffference_between_a_master_and_a_slave.WMA
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1519288 tft_what_is_the_meaning_of_an_ordination.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1421244 tft_what_is_the_symptom_of_growing_old.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 146 TFT_What_Is_Your_Dream.WMA
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1686040 tft_what_is_your_goal_for_yourself_other_than_to_be_happy.wma
12/6/2023 4:08 PM 1897563 tft_what_kind_of_food_dO_you_like_to_eat_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 2241880 tft_what_kind_of_person_are_you.WMA
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 765816 tft_what_makes_a_wonderful_person_a_wonderful_person.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 2854601 tft_what_we_leave_behind_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 2503588 tft_what_would_you_do.WMA
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 2140748 tft_whatisamonastery.WMA
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 10916808 tft_whatisthe_benefit_of_running_scared.WMA
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 3314188 tft_whatisthethought_for_today.WMA
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 4620466 tft_When_a_dog_runs_AT_You_Whistle_for_him.MP3
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 3033952 tft_when_your_dog_does_not_eat.WMA
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 2464988 TFT_where_are_your_roots.WMA
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 2812388 tft_where_are_your_values.WMA
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1533184 tft_where_do_stems_cells_come_from.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 2073223 tft_who_has_the_right_answer_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 3016196 tft_why_are_we_hung_up_on_pictures.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 2104915 tft_why_did_we_choose_to_come_here_to_this_planet_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 2238275 tft_why_do_people_want_to_die_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 11772378 tft_why_do_we_have_war.WMA
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 18457832 tft_why_healing_happens.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1317796 tft_why_i_like_me_is_vital.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 2335292 tft_why_is_it_that_so_many_people_get_so_much_joy_out_of_life.WMA
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 4649748 tft_why_little_children_have_problems.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1572103 tft_why_metaphysical_healing_takes_so_long_or_so_short,_smile_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 10357270 tft_why_people_want_the_UNI.mp3
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 2693500 tft_why_people_want_the_UNI.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1325367 tft_wild_game_players_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1202045 tft_with_a_song_in_my_heart_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1576969 tft_with_each_creation_i_create_all_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 10338315 tft_Without_exception_everyone_seeks_happiness.mp3
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 9160638 tft_words_are_wonderful.WMA
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1239005 tft_words_that_create_confusion_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 924848 tft_worry_and_treatment.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 14824782 tft_ws600_The_Perfect_Mother.MP3
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 2274304 tft_yeah_i_wish.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1428192 tft_yes_my_life_is_an_open_book._i_write_upon_its_pages_my_present.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1542259 tft_yes_or_no_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 894121 tft_you_are_so_wonderful_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 2460 tft_you_are_wonderful_a.28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 3900229 tft_you_are_wonderful_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 885844 tft_you_are_wonderful_now_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1259896 tft_you_can_do_anything.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1720287 tft_you_raise_your_voice_when_you_should_reinforce_your_argument_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 138 TFT_Your_Dream.WMA
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 2699676 tft_your_head_your_smile_heart.WMA
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 10822312 tft_Your_purpose_in_life_is_happiness.mp3
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 2070727 tft_youth_age_vital_a28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 32614 tfta28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 161481 tfta28a.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 2148027 tftagelessnessa28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 941299 tftanewdaya28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1498111 tftaprettyfacea28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1805741 tftarchitecta28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1646919 tftastudentdefineda28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1133329 tftavoiceofloveatnighta28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1364669 tftbrainwashinga28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1086257 tftchoicea28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1526911 tftchristmasevea28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1550919 tftchristmasmorninga28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 4628310 tftCIRCULATIONa28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 141 tftCIRCULATIONs.asx
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 2131695 tftdeatha28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 4628284 tftDIVINE ORDERa28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 140 tftDIVINE ORDERs.asx
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1208213 tftdoyouknowwhatyousaida28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 961477 tftdreamsofproblemsa28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1555065 tftencouragingstudentparticipationa28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1571091 tftenergymassagetakesfirea28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1618093 tftexama28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 4583649 tftGENEROSITYa28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 140 tftGENEROSITYs.asx
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1688185 tftgoldminesa28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 139 tftHAPPINESSs.asx
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1399229 tfthospitalbounda28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1590289 tfthowapractitionerworksa28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1414459 tftIammaster in everycircumstancea28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 4661474 tftIMAGINATIONa28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 141 tftIMAGINATIONs.asx
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1294615 tftiteacha28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 2051073 tftlifespurposea28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1583567 tftlisteningtoourteachera28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 4742491 tftLITTLENESS-BIGNESSa28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 148 tftLITTLENESS-BIGNESSs.asx
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1036337 tftmarvela28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 815681 tftmistakesa28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 144 tftMY IMAGINATIONs.asx
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1697787 tftmykeyboarda28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1523067 tftmypicturesa28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1362045 tftnowa28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1554061 tftOnBeingGoda28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1133583 tftonemanactsa28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1160181 tftopennessa28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1193775 tftpeacea28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1400185 tftperventivea28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 868363 tftpositiveideasworka28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1459713 tftreportillnessa28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1503895 tftretirementa28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1157307 tftrighttokilla28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 2810429 tftroyaldininga28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1715061 tftslowmotiona28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1992493 tftsoula28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1729477 tftspectatorsportsa28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 955699 tftsummertimea28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 4696159 tftTEACHINGa28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 138 tftTEACHINGs.asx
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1193779 tfttensiona28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1045933 tfttimea28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1195969 tfttrusta28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 718469 tftvisiona28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 1452045 tftwearinghouseslippersa28.wma
12/6/2023 4:09 PM 970181 tftwhatawonderfulthingwesaywhenwesayilikemea28.wma
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 1526905 tftwhisperinga28.wma
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 1762099 tftwinnersa28.wma
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 958593 tftwisdomisforalla28.wma
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 4936548 Thank You Morning.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 6248522 Thank You.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 4687863 THANKSGIVING thanks ourself for life's goodness.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 8664326 The E N D.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 4997361 the age of miracles is always here.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 3699648 The art of listening to what I want to hear.MP3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 3991961 The art of silence.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 4822864 The atoms in me burst forth revealing my reality.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 5339461 The best and most efficient pharmacy is in our system.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 5839340 The best mirror is an old friend.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 12230354 The best protection against any disease is a noble mind.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 3214348 The Best Trail To Follow.mp3
12/7/2023 7:05 AM <dir> The best way to predict the future is to create it
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 4836238 The best way to predict the future is to create it.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 5410932 The best way to solve a problem, all is in divine order.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 4858808 The BIBLE in you.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 10011557 The Bible teaches us to pray for a clean heart.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 10011557 The Bible teaches us to pray for. clean heart.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 6349250 The big turn around.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 6657704 The big view looking down.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 7325185 The Birth of genius.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 12387925 The boy who set his mind free.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 7207321 The broken dish.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 4857763 The cowl does not make a man.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 5285544 The difference between a prince and me.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 5076356 The divine in me knows the way at all times.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 4893081 The divine in me leaps forth in every thought I think.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 5733179 The Divine within is the true teacher.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 5328594 The doctor of NOW gives no medicine but will interest his patients in ideal body-mind thinking.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 4809071 The DUMB Practitioner.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 4899350 The end of disease--the doctor of the future.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 12417600 The End of the Road.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 4819938 The FACTS of life.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 6857907 The Fields are Unlimited.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 12216144 The First Glimpse of Reality - Our Divine Within.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 4946161 The first step HAVE A PURPOSE IN LIFE.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 4913561 The first step is the hardest.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 5049606 The Food Jesus Ate.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 5082081 The games we play.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 5372062 The genius in me thinks, speaks, writes.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 5392542 The genius of living NOW.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 12163899 The Great Illusion - Being Human.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 5849998 The greatest awareness is how to belong to oneself.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 4897260 The greatest blessing I have is when I am interested in me.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 5014080 The greatest gift I give to myself is being interested in me.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 4847105 The greatest joy in life is to begin.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 4500321 The hand familly go visiting.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 4371297 The happy little boy.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 4959118 The hardest task in the world.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 4835402 The healing power of love.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 5117943 The highest expression of man is to appear to be what he is.mp3
12/6/2023 4:10 PM 5129019 The history of the world is but the biography of divine men.mp3